
英検準2級 英作文(Eメール)模擬問題


模擬問題1: 博物館

● あなたは、外国人の知り合い(Emily)から、Eメールで質問を受け取りました。この質問にわかりやすく答える返信メールを、英文で書きなさい。
● あなたが書く返信メールの中で、Emily のEメール文中の下線部について、あなたがより理解を深めるために、下線部(museum)の特徴を問う具体的な質問を2つしなさい。
● あなたが書く返信メールの中で書く英文の語数の目安は40語~50語です。 ● 解答は、解答用紙のB面にあるEメール解答欄に書きなさい。

Hi! I wanted to share something exciting with you. I visited a museum last weekend with my family. We spent the entire day there because there was so much to see. The museum was very modern and had interactive exhibits, which made the experience even better. There was also a section dedicated to local history, which was fascinating. What do you think about museums that focus on local history? Your friend, Emily
B面 Hi, Emily! Thank you for your e­mail. (解答欄)

The museum sounds interesting. How long did it take to see everything? Was there a section for children? About your question, I think museums that focus on local history are great. They teach us about the past and help us understand our community better.

I’m interested in the museum. How big was it? Were there any famous paintings or sculptures? Regarding your question, I believe local history museums are important. They show us how people lived in the past and help us appreciate our traditions.

The museum sounds like a lot of fun! Were there any famous artifacts? Did you take any pictures? About your question, I think museums that focus on local history are valuable. They help us learn about the history of our town and connect with our roots.

模擬問題2: 料理教室

Hi! I want to tell you about something interesting. I attended a cooking class last night. It was my first time, and I learned how to make sushi. The instructor was very kind and gave us a lot of tips. I’m thinking of taking more cooking classes in the future. What do you think about learning how to cook traditional dishes? Your friend, Sarah
B面 Hi, Sarah! Thank you for your e­mail. (解答欄)

I’m curious about the cooking class. How long was the class? What types of dishes did you learn? Regarding your question, I think learning to cook traditional dishes is a great idea. It helps preserve culture and is a fun way to experience new flavors.

The cooking class sounds fun! How many people were in the class? Did you enjoy making sushi? About your question, I believe learning traditional dishes is a wonderful idea. It’s a great way to understand and enjoy different cultures.

I’m glad you enjoyed the cooking class. How long did it take to make the sushi? What other dishes did you learn? Regarding your question, I believe learning to cook traditional dishes is important. It helps us appreciate different cultures and keep traditions alive.

模擬問題3: 動物園

Hi! I have something fun to tell you. I went to a zoo with my family over the weekend. We saw many animals, but the most exciting part was feeding the giraffes. They were so tall and friendly! Do you think zoos are important for learning about animals? Your friend, Olivia

B面 Hi, Olivia! Thank you for your e­mail. (解答欄)

I’m interested in the zoo you visited. What animals did you see? Was there a specific animal that you liked the most? Regarding your question, I think zoos are important for education. They help people learn about animals and their habitats.

The zoo visit sounds wonderful! Were there any rare animals that you saw for the first time? How long did you stay there? About your question, I think zoos are important for both education and entertainment. They help us appreciate the beauty and diversity of wildlife.

The zoo must have been an interesting place! Did you take any pictures of the animals? Were there any shows or demonstrations? About your question, I think zoos play a key role in educating the public about animals. They help raise awareness about endangered species.

模擬問題4: ファーマーズマーケット

Hi! I wanted to tell you about my day. I went to a farmer's market this morning. There were so many fresh fruits and vegetables, and I bought some to try. The market was also selling homemade jams and bread. Have you ever been to a farmer's market? Your friend, Ethan

B面 Hi, Ethan! Thank you for your e­mail. (解答欄)

I’m curious about the farmer’s market. How often does it open? What other products did they sell? About your question, I’ve been to a farmer’s market before. It’s a great place to buy fresh, local produce and support small businesses.

The market must have had a lot of great products! Did you find any unusual fruits or vegetables? How were the prices compared to regular stores? About your question, I’ve been to a farmer’s market a few times. It’s a great place to find fresh and local food.

he farmer’s market sounds interesting! Were the fruits and vegetables organic? Did you try any of the homemade jams? Regarding your question, I have visited a farmer’s market before. I love the fresh produce and the friendly atmosphere.

模擬問題5: 電気自動車

Hi! I have something interesting to tell you. My family bought an electric car last week. It’s very quiet and good for the environment. We don’t need to buy gasoline anymore, which is great. The car can also drive for about 300 kilometers on a single charge. Do you think more people will buy electric cars in the future? Your friend, Sarah

B面 Hi, Sarah! Thank you for your e­mail.(解答欄)

Your new electric car sounds amazing! How long does it take to charge the car? Is it expensive to maintain? About your question, I think more people will buy electric cars because they are good for the environment and save money on fuel.

The electric car sounds great! Do you have to charge it often? Is it difficult to find charging stations? About your question, I think electric cars will become more popular as charging stations increase and people want to protect the environment.

The electric car sounds interesting! How much does it cost to charge the car? Does it drive differently from a regular car? Regarding your question, I think electric cars will become more common because they are better for the environment and cheaper to run.
