
君の瞳を称える歌:Sesame Street: Proud of Your Eyes Song | #ComingTogether 文字起こしディクテーション


Proud of Your Eyes Song?なにそれ?という方は、まずは↓こちらのyoutube観てみてください。5分程度でサクッと観れます。平易な英語なのでおすすめです。

Proud of Your Eyes Song

簡単に説明すると、見た目を「slanty(主にアジア系の目に対する蔑称)」と言われて落ち込んでいる女の子にProud of Your Eyes Songを歌って励ますっていう話。



AAPI Hateって言うんですね、知らなかった。
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders




Alan: Hey, look Wes, here is a picture of my dad, Victor.

Wes: Oh you look just like him.

Alan: Yeah!

Wes: Hey Analyn, Are you ready to make a family scrapbook?

Alan: Yeah, you are right on time. ... Analyn, ah... Is everything all right ? what happened ? you know, You can always talk to us about how you're feeling.

Analyn: I was at the park today, and a boy told me I was ugly. He made fun of my eyes. He said they look slanty.

Alan: I'm so sorry that happened to you. That child was wrong to say those things to you. Your eyes are the perfect eyes for you, Just like my eyes are the perfect ones for me.

Analyn: I told him that he was wrong. and that he hurt my feelings. My friends stood by me. But, Is it true? Are my eyes ugly ?

Wes: No, No, No, You have pretty eyes.

Alan: Everything about you is beautiful both inside and out.

Analyn: Thanks. but, I'm still really sad.

Alan: I understand how you're feeling. Because the same thing happened to me and It's very hurtful.

Wes: I'm sorry they were mean to you, Analyn.

Alan: you know, sometimes when I'm sad I like to sing. It helps me feel better. and I know the perfect song.

I see in your eyes that you feel hurt
Just know that they were wrong
someone said things that made you sad
you are beautiful all along

Your eyes are wonderful
and the girl here with me I see is someone wonderful
Yes, the girl here with me is someone wonderful

Your eyes tell the story of your family
They show when you come from and how you come to be

The color, the shape, and the size

Should always make you proud of your eyes

Maybe your eyes look different from mine
They're part of who we are
But when we both smile
our eyes both shine as bright as any star

your eyes are beautiful
and when you look at me I see
someone wonderful
when you look at us we see
someone wonderful

Your eyes tell the story of your family
they show when you come from and how you come to be

The color, the shape, and the size

Should always make you proud of your eyes

I can always be proud of my eyes


Analyn: That song reminded me that my eyes just like my Lola's.
She's from the Philippines and I think she's beautiful.

Alan: Oh your grandmother is beautiful. and look, my eyes are the same as my dads. I'm really proud that I look like him. Because both our eyes make us special and unique.

Wes: My eyes are kind of different from my dads.

Alan: yeah, but ever if your eyes aren't exactly like your parents, they still tell the story of your family.

Analyn: Singing with you helped me feel better.

Alan: Singing song is a great way to help when you have you big feeling
and you can do it when you're by youreself

Wes: Or when you're with your friends 

Alan: and remember that your friends are always here for you.

Analyn: Thanks Alan, Thanks Wes.

Alan: Bring it in! Big hug!


・弱く読まれる、you're のre、冠詞a the 、前置詞toがうまく聴き取れてなかった


