

このnoteは、PSB7T REV 5 SPIRIT BOX、P-SB11 Dual ITC Research Deviceなどを用いて、気になった場所で故人、心霊、 超常存在との対話を行い、研究内容などを保存閲覧する場所です。(不定期掲載)











It's nice to meet you all, and for those of you who know me, good evening and thank you for all your help. I'm sure many of you are wondering why I started such a strange thing on note.

I can't express the theme of this note very well, but I think it stems from my curiosity about whether it is possible to study the "deceased, psychic, and paranormal phenomena" using scientific equipment and methods. I think it stems from my curiosity and the fact that I have had a series of setbacks in my life.

First, let me explain what the curiosity part is. Ever since I was a little boy, I have been sensitive to something, and I was always scared and freaked out when I saw something in an empty room or heard a scary story.

Even if it was just a coincidence or a mere misunderstanding, the "mysterious world" that can only be perceived through experience made me very curious and motivated me to do research. In the process, as I had various experiences and recorded them in my memory, several questions arose.

For example, why is it that "psychic and supernatural phenomena" is always a topic of fear in Japan, and the topics discussed are always full of frightening images such as "haunted spots, curses, spirits are evil, accidental properties"? That's the question. I also wondered why it was always the people who accompanied me to the haunted spots, the people with sharp intuition, who recognized these biased images.

It is understandable that there are scary beings in the world, but why do psychics and so-called researchers try to catch and talk about only the ones that everyone finds scary? Also, why is it that when I go to investigate haunted places, many of the psychics themselves make fear-inducing remarks or create an atmosphere that endangers the people around them? I have wondered about this.

As an occult enthusiast myself, I buy and read books by various researchers, so I do not deny the trend itself. However, I think the reason is that the research of "paranormal science," which is approached scientifically, is not as well established and recognized as it is overseas.

Do you think you would curse your family after the death of your beloved pet?

If we assume that someone close to us has died and is watching over us from time to time in the area, do we think that their presence can harm us? Probably NO! If we could have some form of scientific contact with the deceased, we would want to interact with such beings, who could be anywhere, not just those with dangerous intentions.

Even though these are ridiculous topics that are difficult to be trusted by society, I would like to try to make the world a little clearer for everyone to understand. Isn't there some knowledge that can only be gained from these interactions? This was the motivation for the curiosity part of me, and I started the Fixed Point Observers (abbreviated as fpo) in order to keep a record of it.
