
箱re 9



















Since we had no trouble at the park, we decided to venture out a bit further. The plan was to go on a photo shoot with the clothes Koharu had made.

Mutuo-san knew a lot of great, off-the-beaten-path spots for shooting.
Places where people wouldn't bother us and that Koharu would like – scenic spots perfect for pictures. He had a knack for finding them.

Koharu loves Mutuo-san's photos. She had told him which ones she liked the most, so Mutuo-san knew her preferences well.
We set off in Mutuo-san's car. We were in the back seat: I was behind the driver's seat, and Koharu was behind the passenger seat.

The three of us on a drive.

I had taken Koharu in my work car to photo shoots before, but we always stayed close to home because I was worried about her having a seizure.

This was Koharu's first time going out far since she entered the facility.
Koharu can't ride on trains, and she didn't go on her school trip.
She was as excited as a child.

Mutuo-san was in charge of photography.
He backed up what Koharu wanted with his skills and knowledge, beautifully recreating it. With Mutuo-san taking the photos, Koharu often ended up modeling herself. The photos taken by Mutuo-san were also well-received on social media.

For Koharu, the places we ended up visiting were naturally not the trendy spots, but rather hidden gems.

The off-season sea.

Shrines and temples.

The botanical section of zoos and botanical gardens.

A deserted small aquarium.

A movie theater in a mini-cinema located in a building.

A theme park in the countryside.

It was great that we all could go out on weekdays.
We, espesially Koharu, fully enjoyed these unpopular spots.

With Mutuo-san, she might have been able to enjoy anywhere.
Seeing them like that, I wondered if they would be okay without me.

But if I were gone and Koharu experienced her symptoms...
Considering how Koharu used to be, just meeting Mutuo-san was a big deal.

Even though we've come this far smoothly, I worried that if symptoms appeared, it could significantly set us back. I felt frustrated but tried not to rush things. Gradually, but surely, we were making progress.

Eventually, Koharu started to talk to Mutuo-san without me in between. And then, she began to look at his face while talking.

Still, there was a distance between the two of them.
But to me, they seemed to be getting closer. One day, the place we went on a date to seemed close enough to return by train. So, I left her at him and went back home alone by the train.

Previously, Koharu would follow me even to the restroom during dates. Now, she doesn’t follow me when I go their, staying alone with Mutuo-san in the car.

Maybe they're okay on their own now. After I left, Koharu apparently did not show any symptoms. The date ended safely, just as I had hoped.

Finally, they've reached the point where they can meet without me. Still, just in case, I stayed at home ready during their dates.

In case Koharu's phobic symptoms emerged, I could rush to help. But that was only at first.

There were times when Koharu felt unwell during a date and came back home. However, Mutuo-san remained calm and handled the situation appropriately.

Even when feeling unwell, Koharu didn’t become pessimistic. The old Koharu might have felt like she was troubling Mutuo-san and gotten down about it.

Koharu changed, thanks to Mutuo-san. After that, I no longer stayed on standby at home. I completely left it up to Mutuo-san.

Not long after they started meeting just the two of them, Mutuo-san formally asked Koharu to be in a relationship. Koharu accepted, saying, "If I'm good enough for you."

When she came back, Koharu was so happy and she cried, saying, "I never thought I could date a man." And she added, "It's all thanks to you, Saki," and hugged me.

Mutuo-san truly understood Koharu's phobia. He always adjusted his distance to suit how Koharu was feeling at the time, never pushing her too far.
Koharu also cooked for Mutuo-san. She can't eat at restaurants, so she had almost only ever eaten the facility's menu.

While the facility's food was delicious, Koharu longed for dishes she couldn't have there. When I was around, we could order delivery even from male delivery persons, so we sometimes enjoyed that.

She sometimes asked for takeout from popular restaurants. After leaving the facility and starting to live with me, Koharu wanted to cook. She would search for recipes of foods she wanted to try and make them herself, creating stylish and delicious dishes.

Mutuo-san also loved Koharu's cooking. He would come over to our place to eat sometimes. And that's when I saw it.

Koharu had become able to exchange items with Mutuo-san, though she was careful not to let their hands touch.

I believed that Mutuo-san would someday cure Koharu's phobia.
He could do what I couldn't.





We, espesially Koharu, fully enjoyed these unpopular spots.








日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇