Tata T.


Tata T.



  • Language Learning

  • Movies/Dramas

  • Books/Audiobooks

  • English Grammar

    Language Learning の記事から英文法に関するものだけ独立させました。


6/7/24 - A mini-frying pan

Today, I bought a small frying pan at CAINZ. I had been debating whether to purchase one but hadn't done so because I wasn't sure if I really needed it. Recently, prices of food and ingredients, including vegetables and olive oil, have ris

    • 6/6/24 - E-textbook

      I'm using an e-textbook for the French course of NHK's radio program. It's cheaper than the paper version and I can enlarge the text, so it's convenient for me. However, I cannot take notes or underline important parts of the e-textbook, w

      • 6/5/24 - Simply as a tool

        After writing a note yesterday, I remembered what I was told by one of the personnel of our customer company. One day, while eating lunch with a few attendants of the customer company after a meeting, an older customer, probably in his sixt

        • 6/4/24 - It's not my business, but...

          Last night, I watched a YouTube video, where a YouTuber interviewed another YouTuber who can speak 12 foreign languages. I was impressed by the polyglot's story. He mentioned he studies foreign languages every day for three hours regularly.

        6/7/24 - A mini-frying pan


        • Language Learning
        • Movies/Dramas
        • Books/Audiobooks
        • English Grammar


          6/3/24 - Eating nuts

          Today, I realized my stomach ache was caused not only by exercising right after eating but also by eating almonds and walnuts when I felt hungry. Many websites and YouTube videos recommend eating nuts as a snack because they are healthy and

          6/3/24 - Eating nuts

          6/2/24 - A stomach ache

          Recently, I found a YouTube channel about diabetes, in which a diabetes specialist provides many tips to lower blood sugar levels. One of the tips to prevent blood sugar levels from rising abruptly after a meal is to walk for about 15 mi

          6/2/24 - A stomach ache

          6/1/24 - "The Way"(「星の旅人たち」)

          Yesterday, I watched a film titled "The Way" on Amazon Prime Video. The movie was written, produced, and directed by Emilio Estevez, starring his father Martin Sheen as the main character. These two actors portrayed a father and a son in th

          6/1/24 - "The Way"(「星の旅人たち」)

          5/31/24 - Today’s accomplishment

          I was supposed to visit my former student's newly purchased condo today. However, the weather forecast said it would rain heavily, so I canceled our meet-up yesterday. She also became rather busy today, so canceling was a good decision. S

          5/31/24 - Today’s accomplishment

          5/30/24 - Reviewed the previous lesson

          Today, I asked my private student if he had copied the last lesson's content onto his notebook. He replied he had written down only a few phrases, so we reviewed the words and phrases in the chatboxes one by one. Since he had forgotten mos

          5/30/24 - Reviewed the previous lesson

          5/29/24 - Reviewing the previous lesson

          I wrote about the importance of reviewing yesterday, but today I realized I rarely reviewed the previous lesson with my private student. If he doesn't have time to write down the lesson content, I had better allocate several minutes to revi

          5/29/24 - Reviewing the previous lesson

          5/28/24 - Reviewing

          Most online students copy what I write in the chat boxes or whiteboard into their notebooks during the lesson. However, one student doesn't seem to do this. I assume that it's because he wants to concentrate on the lesson. I've asked him

          5/28/24 - Reviewing

          5/27/24 - Nothing is perfect

          Last night, I read some reviews about the textbooks of NHK's radio programs out of curiosity on the Amazon website. Some people wrote critical reviews that sounded almost like complaints. Although I understand some perspectives of their op

          5/27/24 - Nothing is perfect

          5/26/24 - Creative scones

          One of my students enjoys baking cakes. He is especially interested in eating and baking delicious scones. Today, during the class, he said he had found creative scones on a website, baked by the owner of a tea shop. I googled the shop and

          5/26/24 - Creative scones

          5/25/24 - Chatting with ChatGPT

          Today, I belatedly installed the ChatGPT app on my smartphone because I was curious about its verbal capabilities. I asked the AI what I could cook with carrots in Japanese because we have many at home. A woman's voice suggested a few dish

          5/25/24 - Chatting with ChatGPT

          5/24/24 - "Living"(「生きる」)

          Today, I watched a British film titled "Living," adapted from Kurosawa Akira's film "Ikiru" on Amazon Prime Video. Although I found the first 40 minutes boring, I got absorbed in the latter half. I had never seen the original Japanese film,

          5/24/24 - "Living"(「生きる」)

          5/23/24 - Children playing in the river

          I went for a walk along the river near my house. On the way back, I saw four boys, seemingly 6 or 7 years old, playing in the river. I was surprised because they were half-naked (probably wearing swim trunks), splashing around the water.

          5/23/24 - Children playing in the river