
24|音楽|UI/UX Designer|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 ワーホ…


24|音楽|UI/UX Designer|English 2022.10~|🇦🇺 ワーホリ 2024.11~|英語と教育に関わりたい 🌒


  • 🇦🇺

    2024.11~ Brisbane

  • English


  • 🧵🪡

  • 🎧♪

    カネコアヤノ / クリープハイプ / andymori / 踊ってばかりの国 / 羊文学 / くるり などを好んで聴きます。


  • 固定された記事


新年、明けましておめでとうございます。 おめでとうの言葉が言いにくいって悲しいものね。気持ちばかりの募金しかできないけれど、平穏で安らかな日々がいち早く皆さまのもとに訪れるようにとただ祈っております。 さてさて毎年恒例、今年度の抱負とやらを先に note で整理しようかな〜と思っております。週末の三連休でもう少し具体的に、Rollbahn のスケジュール帳にもまとめたいところ。色々あって、年始早々頭の中がこんがらがっている。誰かに相談するよりも先に、文字として書き込み、とり

    • Japanese/English

      Last night, a message from a Japanese guy got me thinking about how I felt about both Japanese and English. Even though he started a small chat in Japanese, I felt a bit confused about how to respond, and just time passed by before I could

      • Self-confidence

        It’s often easier to dwell on your failures or what you haven’t achieved, even some areas are showing progress. This serves as a reminder for me. Last night, I watched a Youtube video on self-confidence that taught me something important in

        • [5/26] TOEIC結果

          Today, I found out the results of the TOEIC exam that I took on May 26, and I'll share it with you to track my progress and stay motivated :) [2023/09/10] Last time was… TOTAL : 800 ( Listening : 400, Reading : 400 ) | 7 months later | [

        • 固定された記事



        • 🇦🇺
        • English
        • 🧵🪡
        • 🎧♪



          As you may have noticed, this term ‘change’ frequently appears in my posts. I find myself aware of it, even searching for it in song lyrics, which makes me ponder questions like ‘What is change?’ and ‘Why is everything asking me to change?’

          Couch potate

          I’ve recently had a slight sore throat and a raspy voice, and it’s been pretty uncomfortable. Last weekend, I just lazed around at home like a couch potato, as usual. (I love the term 'couch potato' coz it just hilarious to picture it, righ

          Couch potate

          Brutal name

          Someone with a score of 800+ on TOEIC and the proof of passing the Eiken pre-level1 exam might seem to have a good command of English. However, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that my English skills are poor. That doesn’t mean I lack

          Brutal name


          I found a white hydrangea called "Annabel" with a slight blue hue on my way. It symbolizes generosity and devoted love. I’m quite fond of learning about the symbolism of flowers; it’s romantic, isn’t it? As you know, the color of hydrangea


          The lazy song?

          Last weekend, I got plenty of sleep, around 11 hours. The song’s about to start: ‘Today I swear I’m not doing anything. Nothing at all. Woohoo.’ Sometimes, I just wanna lay in my bed all day, and enjoy some me-time; browsing through a books

          The lazy song?

          Book cover

          I forget what I wanted to write in today’s diary, something I was thinking about in bed last night. Hmm, but it probably wasn’t anything delightful. Late at night, I tend to dwell on things, and worries or concerns come to me like a nightma

          Book cover

          Steer a path

          Supervisors who are leaving often try to make a point to chat with me, saying ‘I’d like to talk before leaving the company’. But why me? Not sure what advice I can offer them, so wonder why they ask me about their future plans. (TBH, I most

          Steer a path

          Back to the beginning

          It’s difficult to see and feel how much my English has improved. But every time I look back at my first post in my English diary, I’m horrified by how bad it was and realize how much effort I’ve put in so far (still not enough, though). Per

          Back to the beginning

          Not alive

          It’s poring heavily today, which made it quite bothersome to head to work. I got soaked to the skin on my way, and it makes me uncomfortable. A typhoon seems to be approaching, and June is coming soon. When the sky feels gloomy and is cryin

          Not alive


          Yesterday, I took the TOEIC exam for the first time in 7 months. I’m not so sure how I did, but can’t wait to see the results. While I enjoy taking the exam, I hate feeling tired the next day… Just get by with my work today. I’ve been worr


          2024年が始まって、もうすでに5ヶ月が経とうとしているのか。早い〜! 年内 🇦🇺ワーホリも決まったので、英語試験に関する目標をワーホリ前と後に分けて整理しておきたいと思います。 沢山の♡ありがとうございます。 励みになります✨ ワーホリ前の目標 ・ 英検準一級 ズタボロの状態でしたが、年始に英検準一級に合格しました。 二次試験後、精神疾患を患い1ヶ月間会社を休職。4月末まで頭痛やめまいに悩まされましたが、ようやく回復してきました (TT) こちらの記事に試験のレポ



          It’s very simple, but I don’t want to blame others for what I can’t do or won’t achieve. Everything is up to me, provably everything except for crimes others commit. I feel loss sometimes. It's because I blame others for my faults or worrie
