
【ドリームクラブ ZERO】# 1 ぼく達の夢の場所【3人実況】


I watched a stream of what is generally called a 'gal game' for the first. It was very interesting because the preferences and tendencies of the three people for women became clear. When they talked to Rui, they visibly wilted at her comment, 'I want to go to Dubai,' but personally, I found it quite acceptable. However, my favorite is either Nao or Asuka. It was a bit embarrassing to realize my own tendencies as well.

【みそきん】おいキッズ!朝10時開店凸に勝ったから食うぞ笑【にじさんじ / 樋口楓】#縦型配信 #食レポ 【雑談 / A/S/M/R】


This stream was chaotic, like nothing I've ever seen before. How can she produce such sounds mixed with dirtiness and meanness despite not liking dirty jokes? I felt that the concept of ASMR was overturned from the very beginning. Also, the 'best before' date is not invalidated just because you store the food in the fridge. After all is said and done, it is a fact that I want to eat Misokin.

新居 ※見ないで ※テスト ※にじさんじ ※不破湊


I wonder if this is how I would talk if Huwacchi were my best friend. His shouting when he stuck some acoustic materials was interesting because it was different every time, and it was funny that he couldn't say the word 'ambassador.' Also, his way of speaking and his mic tests after sticking the acoustic materials were good because he felt so close. I think I will subscribe to his membership.

【都市伝説】にじさんじライバーたち、あの「きさらぎ駅」に迷い込む【TRPG】 #にじさんじの新約きさらぎ駅

TRPGというジャンルのものを始めて観たがこんなに面白いならもっと早く観ておけばよかった.この4人が織りなすロールプレイが自分に刺さりすぎて終始楽しんでいた.きさらぎ駅でTik Tok撮るの面白いし,事あるごとに耳を頼りにされて最後には耳が大きくなりだす葛葉,大事なところで自分の持ち味である剣道が刺さらない剣持,ずっと霊が見えたり見えなかったりして怯えてるしぃしぃ,デジタルに精通しすぎてTik Tok投稿したり掲示板に書き込む委員長,しまいにはYoutube撮り始めて鬼ごっこまで始める4人… どこを取っても見どころしかなかった.他のTRPG配信も色々見てみようかな.

I watched a TRPG stream for the first time and I should have watched it sooner because it was so funny. I enjoyed it from beginning to end because the roleplay by the four people really resonated with me. They filmed a TikTok at Kisaragi Station, Kuzuha was relied on for his hearing and his ears started to grow bigger, Kenmochi couldn't use his kendo skills effectively in crucial moments, Shishi was constantly scared because she kept seeing and not seeing spirits, and Iinchou was so digitally savvy that she posted on TikTok and forums. Finally, they even started recording for YouTube and playing tag. Every moment was entertaining. I think I will watch other TRPG streams as well.



Kenmochi Touya is god! It is too Nizisanji that first stream became VR after his PC data has lost all. When you move the screen, comes out slippery the two words "Wait" and pointed chin more than usual was too funny. It has a feel of satisfaction that don't think stream time 5min. It may be the best stream in first half of 2024. Have a set of regret and shout voice.



He is probably the only one who would do a stream to collect materials for his streams. It was so funny that the waiting BGM was composed entirely of his own sounds. But, I think his new streaming display looks quite different from the previous one... He doesn't care about things like that! Pay attention to Kenmochi Touya's new streaming display. Please stream quickly!

【NBAコラボ】10チーム×10名 組み合わせ発表【にじさんじ/戌亥とこ】


NBA!? Nijisanji is really amazing! I was quite surprised to learn that Inui likes the NBA. She has a huge amount of knowledge, introducing the history and key players of each team. I was into the NBA for a while, and this stream reignited my interest. I'm looking forward to Part 2 and Part 3. Personally, I think Kanakana's favorite team being the Detroit Pistons makes sense. Bad Boys…

ICARUS | 神げーをみんなでやる with 小清水と夜見 【にじさんじ/叶】


This stream felt special to me because it had a rare lineup. But the chemistry between them is perfect. Yorumi and Koshimizu are cute. Kanakana is… so type A… His aim when hunting animals is amazing. But… his type A personality… This is my number one stream to watch during a relaxing night. Koshimizu struggling with Kanji is also adorable.

フンコロガシおじさんが頂上目指すゲーム【The Game of Sisyphus】


Even if you work hard to climb up, you can fall in a moment. Is this like life? When he spoke ill of God, he fell immediately, which seemed like divine punishment. Showing your gums isn't good. Honestly, I like Akkina's expression when he falls a lot.

【初コラボ】フ ォ ー ル カ ゲ ツ【三枝明那 & 叢雲カゲツ/ にじさんじ】

この二人の距離感めっちゃいいな.アッキーナはもちろんのこと,カゲツもFall Guys うまくないか?過去の配信で出会ったプレイヤーと再会するのまるで同窓会.すげえあだ名も生まれたしこれからもこのコラボは注目です.

The dynamic between these two is really great. Of course, Akkina is skilled, but isn't Kagetsu also good at Fall Guys? Reuniting with players they met in past streams felt just like a reunion. They even came up with some amazing nicknames. I'll definitely keep an eye on this collaboration.


Amamya, run away… Kenmochi, why do you look so happy being locked in the room? And don't interfere with Amamya's challenge using VTL. But the attempt to recreate the key visual was both cool and cute, so I genuinely appreciated it. Kenmochi, don't look so frustrated. I'll buy the rucksack and pouch, okay?

*. Supermarket Simulator┊コンビニ営業回転!ˎˊ˗( 天宮こころ / にじさんじ )


She was so cute from start to finish in the stream. The best scenes were when she cried after being run over by a car regularly. It looked like she was pretending to get hit rather than actually being run over. The prices in her shop are much higher than market prices. But that's understandable since it's a high-end supermarket.

#にじさんじスマブラ杯】エンジョイ‼にじさんじスマブラ杯 本配信【2024】


I had played Smash Brothers for about half a year, but I wanted play it in this stream. I enjoyed it that be seen seriousness while enjoy tournament. What is succeeding to something from loser to winner…? Good for Shioriha Ruri that increase her brothers…! Then congratulations on the winner of Ibrahim and the runner-up of Nagao Kei!!!!
