BMS Detailed Design Document
1. User Management Module
User registerUser(UserDetails userDetails): Registers a new user in the system with the provided details.
UserDetails is a class that contains user information such as username, password, email, and role.
Returns the registered User object.
User loginUser(String username, String password): Authenticates the user during login.
Accepts username and password as parameters.
Returns the User object if authentication is successful.
void logoutUser(User user): Logs out the specified user.
Accepts the User object as a parameter.
User updateUserProfile(UserDetails userDetails): Allows users to update their profile information.
Accepts the updated UserDetails as a parameter.
Returns the updated User object.
UserRole getUserRole(User user): Returns the role of the specified user.
Accepts the User object as a parameter.
Returns a UserRole enum that represents the user's role.
2. Book Management Module
Book createBook(BookDetails bookDetails): Adds a new book to the system with the provided details.
BookDetails is a class that contains book information such as title, author, genre, publication date, publisher, and ISBN.
Returns the created Book object.
Book getBook(Integer id): Retrieves the details of a specific book.
Accepts the book's ID as a parameter.
Returns the Book object.
Book updateBook(BookDetails bookDetails): Updates the details of a specific book.
Accepts the updated BookDetails as a parameter.
Returns the updated Book object.
void deleteBook(Integer id): Deletes a specific book from the system.
Accepts the book's ID as a parameter.
List<Book> searchBooks(String keyword): Allows users to search for books based on title, author, genre, or ISBN.
Accepts a keyword as a parameter.
Returns a list of Book objects that match the keyword.
3. Admin Dashboard Module
User createUser(UserDetails userDetails): Allows admin to add a new user to the system.
UserDetails is a class that contains user information such as username, password, email, and role.
Returns the created User object.
User updateUser(UserDetails userDetails): Allows admin to update a user's information.
Accepts the updated UserDetails as a parameter.
Returns the updated User object.
void deleteUser(User user): Allows admin to delete a user from the system.
Accepts the User object as a parameter.
Stats getSystemStats(): Allows admin to view system usage statistics.
Returns a Stats object that includes the number of registered users and the number of books in the system.
4. Complex Logic Module
List<Book> recommendBooks(User user): Suggests books to a user based on their reading history and preferences.
Accepts the User object as a parameter.
Returns a list of recommended Book objects.
boolean validateISBN(String isbn): Validates the ISBN input field.
Accepts the ISBN as a parameter.
Returns true if the ISBN is valid, false otherwise1.
Non-functional Requirements
In addition to the above functional requirements, the system must also meet several non-functional requirements:
The system should be capable of handling a large number of simultaneous users. This implies the need for efficient algorithms, possibly with parallel processing, and a scalable architecture.
The system should aim to respond to user actions within 2 seconds. This requires efficient processing and network communication, and may require performance testing and optimization.
The system will implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms. This could be achieved through protocols such as OAuth for authentication, and role-based access control for authorization.
User data will be stored securely with passwords hashed and personal data encrypted. This could involve using cryptographic hash functions for password storage, and encryption algorithms for personal data.
The system will aim to be user-friendly and easy to use. This requires a focus on user experience design, and may involve user testing and iterative design processes.
The system will be accessible from any device with a web browser. This requires a responsive web design that adapts to different device sizes and capabilities.
The system will follow good coding practices to ensure ease of maintenance. This could involve following a coding style guide, using clear and meaningful identifiers, and writing comprehensive comments and documentation.
The system will be built with modular components to ensure that changes in one part do not negatively affect other parts. This could involve using design patterns that promote loose coupling, and conducting thorough testing to ensure compatibility1.