
[Neon Genesis Evangelion] YAMATO Creators' Labo: Rei Ayanami's "Real and Fake"

This time, I'd like to introduce [Neon Genesis Evangelion] YAMATO Creators' Labo, CL#15 Rei Ayanami's early version ver.1.

I will compare it with a fake one, but the "box" is real. And only the contents
are fake... The fake that puts in such camouflage is even worse...

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Hi, I'm Yusuke, the "Otaku" president.

YAMATO Creators' Labo's "Rei Ayanami" was so popular that ver.2 was also released.
This time it's ver.1. The box is made of real material, and when you look at the
figure inside, it's "messy". I would like to take a thorough look including the
parts that can be seen through the clear window. It's scary to buy online when
this happens... The best way to solve this problem is to buy from a well-known
shop with a good reputation and a fair price.

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The box is real, so it has a logo or a copyright sticker (in this case, the Gainax
copyright). So it's almost impossible to tell the difference by the box.

The figures can be seen through a clear window, so you can compare them there and see the difference.

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If the box is real but the contents are fake, it is easy to tell the difference
between a real and a fake if it has a clear window on the outside.

Now let's take a look at the actual figures.

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The actual figure is a bit of a mess, so we'd like to compare them up close.

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There are quite a few differences when you compare them.

It's really too badly painted and made, it's obviously a fake. you'd think that
you'd be fooled by this kind of construction...but since the "box" is genuine,
there is a high probability that you will be fooled. If you know the real thing,
when you see a fake, you will feel something like "Hmm??". I can't touch the real thing in this video, but I'll try to show you the real thing as closed up as
possible with a beautiful picture quality.

Finally, here are some "real" images of the "Neon Genesis Evangelion" YAMATO Creators' Labo CL#15 [Rei Ayanami]. After all, the real thing if of a different quality!!




It is also available at YouTube!

In addition, we also send information on Twitter to eradicate counterfeiters such as "Pachimon NO", so please feel free to follow us.

So, please come back for the next fake one.
