
The multiple words that were your own where blessed to have you with here today. Look as a lot as you said a lot of people worked really hard to get you home American never gives up we never give in we never leave anybody behind we work every day every hour we will continue to do so to bring every American health hostage in Iran all over the end all over the world back to their families.
You simply can't put America first if you don't put Americans first. Who have many distinguished guests in the room today thank you especially to the ambassadors from different countries distinguish scholars members of the Iranian American community who have joined us thank you to the greatest hosting here at the National Press Club, I know many members of this club to dog and reporting to keep Americans informed on world affairs in the free process of staple of a healthy democracy more speech is important than I can't say I was agree with everything that's written.
I'm about what you write is read and it matters to get it right get the truth and America will prosper. I want to start with a quick story in these remarks many of you here may recognize the name of Muhammad Almasri also known as Abdullah. He was a kindness worldwide number two.
And on the FBI's most wanted list for slaughtering members of our State Department family in the Kenya and Tanzania bombings of 1998. More than 200 people including 12 Americans lost their lives in those attacks. The New York Times reported in November that a mosquito was shot to death on the streets of Iran.
Today. I can confirm for the first time his death on August 7th of last year. The times wrote quote that he had been living in Iran was surprising given that Iran and al Qaeda are bitter enemies and of quote it could not be more wrong it wasn't.
Strike and capabilities. We ignore this Iran al-Qaida. Nexus at our own peril. We need to acknowledge it we must confront it indeed we must defeat it. Now I know this news will come as a surprise to many Americans we had al Qaeda on the ropes after 9/11 thanks to sustained efforts of our brave soldiers intelligence officers diplomats.
NATO allies many others. Who worked tirelessly to defend freedom. There are far fewer operations than today, but there have been in decades that remains true. This is an enormous tribute to American resolve American ingenuity strength. And the found one look around was the perfect choice. In the early 90s.
To help them avoid suspicion when they returned to their own countries. 2001. New York plans. America.
Is our main artery for fungus and communication. There is no need to find with Iran unless you are forced to end of quote. There have been lots of words about his relationship with his daughter Republic of Iran. The link to Toronto and New York.
Times. Religious minorities and environmentalists.
Since the community.
The movie.

Across the world.
