
Quarantine Diary 4/18/20



ひるねこBooksさんが企画された #CatsParade を拝見して、慌ててつくって参加する。ピンクのポストイットを切って作ったネコ耳ぼうしは、2017年のアメリカのウィメンズマーチの時に、トランプ大統領のGrab pussy発言に抗議して女性たちが被っていたもの。Pussyは女性や女性器を表す隠語でもあり、猫という意味もあってとても好きな単語。誰にも尊厳をあけ渡さず、いつだって自由で、必要な時はシャーって怒る猫。





Day 31! A month has passed... wow. I feel it's much longer than that. It's raining lightly. A cardinal is singing but I couldn't find him.

I had a zoom pre birthday party, and it was so much fun! My friends song happy birthday at the end, and it was not synced, and I loved how everyone is different. Thank you! It's already April 19th in Japan. Every year I celebrate for two days for that reason. Happy birthday to me!

A beautiful and thoughtful bookstore in Tokyo, Hirunekobooks started online march called #CatsParade ! Go look all inspiring and cute cats protesting against corrupted Japanese government! I made a cat with pussy hat. Are Japanese people meek?? No!!! We are as angry as pussy cats! If you are a cat person, just take a look at this hush tag. 

This Japanese government don't protect people who I love. Therefore I feel they don't treat me well. It's like having toxic boyfriend...eww. And there is some people who says something like "stop criticizing the government, and do something by yourself" Sure, stop complaining sounds good, but we have to say no to the injustice. Japanese people don't like conflicts, and I too am not good at arguing. But this is more than that. Don't you say anything when your own government is killing you?

I made some fresh vegetable juice with those getting old. Ginger, lemon, apple, celery, carrots, spinach. It tastes good.

Washing towels today. Washing by hands is a good exercise. 

I completed two face masks for me and my husband. Will keep making so that I will improve it!

LOVE, Yuko

zineの制作やその他いろいろな表現、発信のために使わせていただきます。 自由な気持ちでこの世界を楽しんでいます。 ゆうこの庭に遊びにきていただければ嬉しいです!