



Fried food


Today I went to Shinagawa and bought fried food inside the station. I sometimes have an uncontrollable desire to eat junk food or fried food. Then, today was "fried food". After eating 3 pork cutlets, I feel my stomach irritated as always. From when I feel that? maybe since the 30s. So I grasp at Seirogan, then continue to eat them. idiot...

BTW, do you believe a link btwn the risk of death and eating fried food? 

According to the following article, 8 % higher risk of heart-related death compared to those who ate no fried food for postmenopausal women. The article does not affirm and draw the conclusion about the connection and just raise the risk of the mortality rate among the women. After all, it just said that reducing our consumption of food made our life enjoyable more and more.



if I am not in the pandemic, I really fly to another country !!
