



しかしながらその解釈は個々に異なっており、ツイッターではフェミニスト・反フェミニスト双方が「ノーベル賞受賞者がフェミニズム or アンチフェミニズムを支持した!」とでもいうように色めき立つという大混乱の様相を呈しております。(スクショ引用しようと思いましたが角が立ちそうなのでやめておきます。)




The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2023 was awarded to Claudia Goldin "for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes"






Why women earn less than men: Nobel for economic historian who probed pay gap





Dynamics of the Gender Gap for Young Professionals in the Financial and Corporate Sectors



米国のトップビジネススクールを卒業したMBA(経営学修士)取得者のキャリアを調査し、キャリアのダイナミクスが性別によってどのように異なるかを理解する。男女のMBA取得者の収入は、キャリアのスタート時点ではほぼ同じであるが、その収入はすぐに乖離し、MBA取得から10年後には男性の収入の優位性はほぼ60ログポイントに達する。収入の男女格差が大きく拡大しているのは、3つの近接した要因がある:MBA卒業前のトレーニングの違い、キャリアの中断の違い、週所定労働時間の違いである。女性MBAのキャリアの中断の多さと労働時間の短さは、主に母親としての役割と関連している。(JEL J16, J22, J31, J44)

The careers of MBAs from a top US business school are studied to understand how career dynamics differ by gender. Although male and female MBAs have nearly identical earnings at the outset of their careers, their earnings soon diverge, with the male earnings advantage reaching almost 60 log points a decade after MBA completion. Three proximate factors account for the large and rising gender gap in earnings: differences in training prior to MBA graduation, differences in career interruptions, and differences in weekly hours. The greater career discontinuity and shorter work hours for female MBAs are largely associated with motherhood. (JEL J16, J22, J31, J44)

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



Most interesting is why female MBAs have not done as well as their male peers. We identify three proximate reasons for the large and rising gender gap in earnings that emerges within a few years of MBA completion: differences in business school courses and grades; differences in career interruptions; and differences in weekly hours worked. These three determinants combined can explain 84 percent of the 31 log point raw gender gap in earnings pooling across all the years following MBA completion. Because the relative importance of each factor changes with years since MBA completion, we explore the evolution in the earnings gap by sex by time since obtaining the MBA. We also compare women without any career interruptions and any children to all men.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).


1. 学校でのコースと成績
2. キャリア中断
3. 労働時間



Male and female MBAs begin their careers with somewhat different training. Men take more finance courses and have higher GPAs in business school. Gender differences in grades and courses are not large but contribute to the earnings gap because of large labor market returns to these components of MBA training. The large growth in the gender gap in earnings for MBAs during their first 15 years out of school, is mainly a consequence of gender differences in career interruptions and weekly hours worked. Women have more career interruptions, and work shorter hours, including more work in part-time positions and self-employment. Although these differences are modest, the remuneration disparity they entail is exceptionally large. The relationship between income and time off is highly nonlinear for those in our sample. Any career interruption—a period of 6 months or more out of work—is costly in terms of future earnings, and at 10 years out, women are 22 percentage points more likely than men to have had at least one career interruption. Deviations from the male norm of high hours and continuous labor market attachment are greatly penalized in the corporate and financial sectors.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



The presence of children is the main contributor to the lesser job experience, greater career discontinuity, and shorter work hours for female MBAs. Across the first 15 years following the MBA, women with children have about an 8 month deficit in actual post-MBA experience compared with the average man, while woman without children have a 1.5 month deficit. Similarly, women with children typically work 24 percent fewer weekly hours than the average male; women without children work only 3.3 percent fewer hours. Women in our sample with children are not negatively selected on predicted earnings; MBA mothers are, if anything, positively selected on business school performance and earnings in the first few years following MBA completion. By estimating panel data models with individual fixed-effects, we can observe exactly when women with children shift into lower hours positions and leave the labor force.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



MBA mothers seem to actively choose jobs that are family friendly, and avoid jobs with long hours and greater career advancement possibilities. The dynamic impact of a first birth on women’s labor market outcomes greatly depends on spousal income. New MBA mothers with higher-earnings spouses reduce their labor supply considerably more than mothers with lower-earnings spouses. In fact, the first birth has only a modest and temporary impact on earnings for MBA women with lower-earnings spouses.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).






答えは No のようです。


The models in Table 3 restrict the impact of career interruptions to be identical for men and women. Although it is possible that women are more heavily penalized for taking time out, estimates from separate earnings regressions by sex, using the specification from Table 3, column 6 do not support that suspicion. The wage penalty for men, using our standardized career interruption at six years out, is 45 log points, whereas that for women is 26 log points. Taking any time out appears more harmful for men (26 log points) than for women (11 log points).30 Similar calculations for a standardized career interruption based on the column 3 specification, which does not hold hours constant, result in penalties for taking time out of 48 log points for men and 38 log points for women. For women, but less so for men, a career interruption usually goes hand in hand with a substantial reduction in weekly hours upon returning to work. The data do not indicate that MBA women lose more than MBA men for taking time out. It appears that everyone is penalized heavily for deviating from the norm.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).


本調査では、配偶者の収入は当年分のみを尋ねているため、調査日時点の配偶者の収入を、それ以前の年の配偶者の収入の代理として用いている。そして、配偶者の収入が「低い」(年間10万ドル未満)、「中程度」(年間10万ドル以上20万ドル未満)、「高い」(年間20万ドル以上)の配偶者を持つ女性に分けた。これらの配偶者の収入区分を、女性がその年に少なくとも1人の子供を持つかどうかの指標変数と相互作用させることで、平均的な男性を6つの異なる女性グループと比較する。女性が働いていない可能性に対する母親であることの影響は、低収入の配偶者よりも高収入の配偶者を持つ場合に2倍以上大きくなる。これらの母親が働く確率は、平均的な男性よりも30ポイント低い(表6の1列目;0.119 + 0.185)。中収益の配偶者を持つ母親も低収益の配偶者を持つ母親よりも就労率が低いが、その差は小さく統計的に有意ではない。同様に、高収入の配偶者を持つ母親は、MBA修了後の非就業期間が6ヵ月以上長く、就労している場合でも、低収入の配偶者を持つ母親よりも週労働時間が19対数ポイント短い(第2列と第3列)。

Because our survey asked for spousal earnings only in the current year, we use spousal earnings as of the survey date as a proxy for spousal earnings in any prior year. We then separate women into those with “lower” earnings (less than $100K per year) spouses, “medium” earnings (between $100K and $200K per year) spouses, and “high” earnings (more than $200K per year) spouses. These spousal earnings categories are then interacted with an indicator variable for whether or not a woman has at least one child in a given year, thereby comparing the average man to six different groups of women The effect of motherhood on the likelihood that a woman is not working is more than twice as large if the woman has a high-earnings spouse rather than a lower earnings spouse: these mothers are 30 percentage points less likely to work than the average man (Table 6, column 1; 0.119 + 0.185). Mothers with a medium-earnings spouse also work less than those with a lower-earnings spouse, but the difference is smaller and not statistically significant. Similarly, mothers with high-earnings spouses accumulate more than six months more in nonemployment spells following MBA completion and, even when employed, have a workweek that is 19 log points shorter than mothers with low-earnings spouses (columns 2 and 3).

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



MBA mothers whose spouses earn over $150K indicate, in our survey, that they are responsible for 52 percent of their children’s care as compared with only 32 percent for MBA mothers with lower-earnings spouses. The difference is almost fully explained by their reported use of formal day care center services (12 percent with high-earnings spouses versus 31 percent with lower-earnings spouses). That is, MBA mothers with better-off husbands take a larger share of the responsibility for child care (relative to their spouses and others) than do other MBA women. Greater spousal income purchases more high-valued child-care time of the MBA mother relative to the time of nannies and other market child-care providers. In summary, parental status accounts for the bulk of the difference in labor supply between male and female MBAs. The impact of children on female labor supply is strongly related to spousal income, with mothers in better-off households slowing down much more.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).


表9では、配偶者の収入(20万ドル以上または20万ドル未満)別に、既婚女性の回帰分析を推定している。高収入の配偶者を持つ新 MBA 母親は、(基準期間と比較して)最初の出産の年に 17%ポイント、出産後 3~4 年で 28%ポイント、就労の可能性が低下する(第 5 列)。対照的に、低収入の配偶者を持つMBA女性は、初産前の2年間は就業率が上昇し、出産後は(出産前の基準期間との比較で)就業可能性に顕著な変化は見られない(第1列)。週所定労働時間(雇用を条件とする)は、両群とも第1子出産の年と出産後の4年間に減少している。

Obvious reasons exist why women choose to cut back on work after giving birth. But MBA mothers may also be forced out, or at least out of the fast-track. Suggestive evidence exists, however, that the observed patterns of decreased labor supply and earnings substantially reflect women’s choices, given family constraints and the inflexibility of work schedules in many corporate and finance sector jobs. The differential impact of children on women’s labor supply by her spouse’s income (see Table 6) seems consistent with such an interpretation.
The differential dynamic impacts of a first birth on women’s labor market outcomes by husband’s income are illustrated in Table 9, where we estimate separate regressions (using the Table 8 specifications) for married women by spousal earnings (more than or less than $200K).44 New MBA mothers with higher earning spouses reduce their likelihood of working by 17 percentage points in the year of first birth (relative to the base period), and by 28 percentage points three to four years after the birth (column 5). In contrast, MBA women with lower-earning spouses have an increased employment rate in the two years prior to a first birth, and experience no noticeable change in the likelihood of employment (relative to the pre-birth base period) following the birth (column 1). Weekly hours (conditional on employment) drop for both groups in the year of a first birth and in the four years following the birth (columns 3 and 7). The total annual earnings decline (including those not working) associated with motherhood is large and persistent for MBA women with higher-earning spouses. The decline is quite modest for women with lower-earning spouses, and does not persist beyond the first four years after the first birth.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).


Corroborating evidence arguing for some type of choice can be gleaned from the reasons MBA women give for not working, leaving their previous job, and for choosing a new job. The probability that a woman is not working for career-related reasons (which include “layoff” and “suitable job not available”) does not change post-birth (Table 10, column 2). Instead, all of the reduction in labor force participation for MBA women following a first birth observed in Table 8 can be attributed to an increase in the likelihood of not working for family-related reasons (which include “do not need or want to work,” “home taking care of parents or other relatives,”and “home raising children”) as seen in Table 10, column 1.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



The presence of children is associated with less accumulated job experience, more career interruptions, shorter work hours, and substantial earnings declines for female but not for male MBAs. The one exception is that an adverse impact of children on employment and earnings is not found for female MBAs with lower-earning husbands.

M. Bertrand, C. Goldin & L. F. Katz, Am. Econ. J. Appl. Econ. 2, 228–255 (2010).



