
How to Become a Sleep and Earn SleeFi Beta Tester? And how to become an even higher OG

Hello everyone.
In the last issue, I reported on SleeFi's features and how to play with it in an article.
In the previous two articles, I also briefly introduced testers.
So this time, I would like to tell you how to become a beta tester, which is a qualification to participate in the closed beta test, and how to become an OG (Original Gangster), which is a higher level of qualification. This time, we will show you a few pictures (^^;
If you have not read our previous articles, please refer to the following links.

List of past articles: https://note.com/yuisansan/n/n58136d2ca505

To participate in the closed beta test

The closed beta test version of the SleeFi application will be distributed exclusively to the community in early August. This means that you will need to join Discord and also qualify as a beta tester to get started.

The Discord community is currently very active with a call for beta testers and a lottery.
There is a limit of 2500 beta testers.

Beta testers will not only be able to participate in the beta test, but will also receive bed NFT, gems, and items.
(This one is currently under consideration and is not finalized.)
NFT and others are under consideration, but in any case, there are advantages to just entering the market early.  o(^^)o
So we encourage you to join early.

However, just joining early does not make you a beta tester.
To become a beta tester, you must be selected in the lottery as mentioned above. We will introduce the specifics of how and what you need to do to be selected by lottery and become a beta tester.

How do I become a beta tester?

There are two main requirements to become a beta tester.
 (1) Apply and win a Giveaway on Twitter held by OG (name in orange in Discord).
 (2) You may be awarded by the management if you make positive comments and actions in the community (Discord), actively participate in events, and actively promote the project through SNS.

This is easy to understand when it comes to (1), but there is a caveat to this as well.
If you have joined the Discord, but have no comments or other activities in the Discord, you may not be recognized by the management due to various concerns.
Therefore, to prevent this from happening, please be proactive in making positive comments on the Discord.
 ※Please note that a ban may be imposed for a series of  meaningless comments or moral behavior(^^;

(2) Directly granted by the management
This is a somewhat vague image, but it is an image in which new activities, innovative ideas, and other comments catch the attention of the project management, and are granted.
In short, you will be recognized as a person who is beneficial to the project.

What if I'm selected as a beta tester in the clear?

Once you have been selected as a beta tester, the next step is to become an OG, which is the next step up from beta tester!
OGs have many advantages, but the number of OGs is small.
The total number of OGs is planned to be 350, and as of July 6, 140 OGs have been selected. However, the fact that there are advantages also means that the management expects a great deal from OGs.
Keep that in mind.

Role and benefits of OG

The OG has roles and benefits.
The role of the OG is to support and contribute to the project and community, to be a cog in the wheel that keeps the Discord running smoothly and peacefully, to provide support when there are problems in the community, to report and consult with management, and to do other things that the average user or beta tester would not do.
However, it is these roles that are of great benefit.

And the benefits of OG that we are interested in are as follows
 ・Confirmation of Beta Test Participation Ticket
 ・Distribution of beta test invitation tickets (5 tickets)
 ・WL distribution after distribution of beta test invitation tickets
 ・Participation in OG-only events
Future plans
 ・Additional events for OG
 ・Airdrops for OG (tokens and in-game items)
 ・Advance release of information, etc.

The beta tester invitation mentioned above is a beta tester qualification that you will receive if you apply for the beta tester Giveaway project on Twitter and win. You will receive 5 of them.
The OG will increase the number of beta testers through Giveaway projects and contribute to the community by increasing the population and excitement of the community.

So what is WL?
WL is an abbreviation of the English letters for (WhiteList).
When you receive a WL, you get mint priority for the BedNFT Genesis (initial). This BedNFT's Genesis is very valuable, and it is clearly stated that just by holding it, you will have various benefits such as event participation rights, airdrops, etc.
As mentioned above, OG has a significant role and benefits and is a qualification worth aiming for.


And finally, how to become an OG?

To be an OG, you need to contribute to the community.
The management emphasizes the following as contributions to the community
Active participation in discord
 ※Be gentle and considerate to beginners and make them   feel comfortable.
 ※Try to create a warm atmosphere where people help each   other in times of need = spirit of mutual assistance
・Post SleeFi related posts on Twitter
・Like, like, RT, and comment on other people's SleeFi  related posts on Twitter
・Follow, like, RT, and comment on official accounts
・Participate in regular Discord events
・Create articles and videos about SleeFi
・Promote on social networking sites other than Twitter

As mentioned above, posting on Twitter is not the only way to OG.
It is also very effective to promote through various media such as blogs and Youtube.
Especially nowadays, it is very important to appeal to people outside of Japan.
The reason is that the project will not be successful if it is promoted only in Japan. The reason is that it is necessary to actively communicate the project overseas to increase the number of SleeFi users and expand the economic sphere.

This is the reason why I am making articles and disseminating SlleFi information not only in Japanese, but also in English and Chinese.
You can find the English and Chinese versions here, and I would be very happy if you could spread the word.
・English version  ・Chinese version

This is a little off topic, but as mentioned above, even those with a small number of Twitter followers or tweets have a good chance of becoming an OG by practicing the above. Especially nowadays, people tend to be overshadowed if they use the same methods as others, so I think you will stand out if you transmit your message in a way that is full of originality.
Please give it a try.

How was it?
I hope I have explained in my own simple way how to become a beta tester and how to become an OG.
If you found this article helpful or liked it, please join our Discord and follow us on Twitter at the links below.

SleeFI has recently started an Instagram page, so I will include a link to the Instagram page as well.

SleeFi official websitehttps://sleefi.com/
SleeFI official Twitter→ https://twitter.com/SleeFi_official
SleeFi official instagram↓ https://www.instagram.com/sleefi.official/

Sign up for Discord here
Author's Twitter account
