
Sleep and Earn SleeFi, features and how to play

Hello everyone.
In the last issue, I introduced SleeFi as a rough introduction, "What is Sleep and Earn?" This time, I would like to go a little deeper and introduce SleeFi's concept, features, and how to play.
If you haven't read the previous article, please click here.

What is the concept of SleeFi?

This may seem to be a duplication of the previous article, but it is about "earning money by sleeping.
To explain a little more in depth, this is a wonderful project that allows people to earn money (SLFT in-game tokens) while getting a good night's sleep and getting healthy, centered on "sleep," which is essential for all people. Sleep is for everyone, so anyone can participate fairly, even those who are injured or sick.

However, SLFT cannot be obtained by simply sleeping

To obtain a SLFT, you must purchase or obtain a bed NFT to sleep in. There are various types of bed NFTs available, with four types available for those who sleep very little and for those who want to sleep a lot.

Type of bed NFT

The beds have sockets, and gems can be set in them to get more SLFT gained for the same amount of sleep, to improve the recovery of bed NFT, and to provide better item drop opportunities.

Jewelry NFT

Each gem NFT in the photo above is connected to the element shown in the photo below, and has a clear role as an NFT that enhances the effect of each. For example, when you raise the value of "Luck", you may get an item called "LuckBox", which contains items such as BedBox (a box containing bed NFTs), SLFT (in-game token), SLGT (governor's token), gems, etc. You can get them.

Each element

The item called "candy" also has the effect of applying a positive correction to each of them when used before going to bed.
There are five levels of candy, and the higher the level, the higher the correction applied. In addition, the value of Bonus, one of the elements of each bed, is greatly affected by the use of candies.
However, it is currently unknown whether this candy is a one-time (overnight) item or a permanent one.


Once the aforementioned BedNFT and other preparations have been made, it is time to sleep.
At present, however, it is not yet known whether to set the time of falling asleep and the time of waking up, or just the time of sleeping.
However, that would be difficult to imagine, so let us assume that we set only "sleep time" as an assumption.
It is better to set the number of hours of sleep according to the type of BedNFT mentioned above. You set a goal, sleep the targeted amount of time, and the app will measure that sleep.
The result of the measurement is that you will get a token or a LuckBox according to the value of each element of BedNFT, respectively.

How was it?
I think we have a better understanding of the SleeFi project this time than we did last time.
There is currently a great deal of excitement on Discord, one of the communities, and you can see how much anticipation there is for the project.

A beta version of the application will be released in August, available to beta testers. In my next article, I would like to write about how to become a beta tester who can use that beta version, and how to become an OG (Original Gangster), a higher level of beta tester with greater privileges.
We will be posting new information on a regular basis, so if you liked this article, please follow us on Twitter and subscribe to our Discord.

Official HP https://sleefi.com/
Official Twitter https://twitter.com/SleeFi_official

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