
it's been three months

Hi everyone. How's it going you all? I'm doing well so far. I will talk about three months since I've got in the US!


on campusでのようす

I’ve truly been living in a dream! These three months have gone so fast but at the same time it feels like a year has passed because of all the memories that have been made. I’ve been so happy because little by little I'm checking things off of my bucket list all the while thinking that my dream is coming TRUE like all American dramas and movies I’ve watched since I was little:) Also, the people around me have been making my days so much better! A big thank you to all the friends around me once again. I’m grateful for these amazing encounters I’ve been having, the opportunity to get to meet a special person just for me, the friends always being by my side, the people who are like a family to me, and the friends always saying hi to me etc…!!

正直このたった3ヶ月、夢のようです。あっという間だけど、1年のようにも感じます。留学前にやりたいことリストを作ってきたけど、それが少しずつ埋まっていくのを見て自分いま夢を叶えてるって思うとすごくいい気分になります。ずっとアメリカンドラマや洋画ばっかりを小さいころから観てきたので、本当にたまらなく幸せです!こうやって楽しめているのも、周りにいてくれる人のおかげ。自分にとって特別な人との出会い、いつも気持ちを上げてくれる友達、家族のようなあったかい人達、見かけると”Hi! How’s your life going?”と声かけてくれる友達、正直に予想をはるかに超える出会いができて胸がいっぱいです!!素敵な出会いができたことに感謝しなきゃなって思います。

it’s like the world in “gilmore girls”🥰

it reminds me “the little house on the prarie”

To be honest I’ve been struggling with my English. I don’t hesitate to ask questions at the shops at all, but I’m a little frustrated that I’ve not been able to speak English as well as I’ve wanted to. I don’t think I struggle with daily English, however I’ve been told I have a "Japanese accent.”(😭😭😭) and cannot fluently express what I want to say. I know it’ll take a long time to learn but these days have been a little hard. Another problem is my lack of academic skills. The words used are completely different from everyday English. I can have basic conversations with people but I feel like I don’t have enough academic vocabulary, especially for things like writing. I was told by my professor “I know what you want to say Yui, but it is not the correct vocab.” (That was my best though) I don’t want to speak too badly about KU classes because I’m still here for next semester, but then I will be in the class with native speakers. I believe in myself that in the end I will reach the level I want to in English and because of that I will keep working hard and doing my best.


keep going to the gym!!
love thrift shop!!!

I will say that I have truly been enjoying my life so far! It’s all so very exciting!! It’s so much fun being able to experience all that I had ever dreamt and create these everlasting memories. I can say with certainty that the life I’ve been living here has all been worth it. I’m making sure to live everyday to the fullest, even if the new environment helps with that sentiment. It’s not all easy, there are times I’ve felt down, but I think that’s just something that’s a part of life. There were days when I didn’t have any energy and stayed in my bed once every two weeks. I didn't have an appetite even though I love eating, but this is all part of the studying abroad experience. You have to experience the negatives to truly know what the good is all about. At least that’s only what I think.

変わらず日々刺激を受ける生活を送っています!!ずっと想像していた夢だと思っていたものが現実として叶えられていってる3ヶ月間、とてつもなく楽しいです。人生で今がいちばん楽しいって言えるし、ここに来れて本当に幸せだなって思いながら生活しています。毎日150%の力で生活しているって感じ。この環境が自動的にそうしちゃうんです。でもそのぶん正直なところ、定期的にダウンしてます。もちろん大変だなって感じることも多かったです。2週間に1回寝込むみたいな電池切れの状態になったり、食べることが大好きなのに食欲がなくなったり… でももうコントロールできないから仕方ないかと、疲れを感じたときは休んで元気なときは本気で楽しむっていうのがこっちの私のやり方です!とにかくチャレンジ!って周りから誘ってもらったものは参加して動きまくった3ヶ月でした。19年生きてきてこんなに知らないことがあったんだってインプット炸裂の期間だったかな。生きてる、自分の人生を歩んでるって強く感じることが多かったです。

my fav cafe:)

I already have too many memories that I cannot write down on notes. Studying abroad is such a good experience, and I didn’t know that it’s such valuable for me. I still have seven months in my life here, so I will have as much fun as I can the rest of it!! Thanks for reading this time as well!!  

noteに書ききれないことだらけで困っています。海外留学がこんなに価値があるものだとは思いませんでした!あと7か月もあるので、残りも自分のペースで存分に楽しんでいきたいなと思います:) 今回も読んでいただきありがとうございました!!

the dinner from one day自炊もがんばってます:)

my lunch:)
vege soup👩‍🍳
chiken toltilla
