
The Power of Tiny Brave Steps

Have you ever felt scared or nervous about trying something new? Maybe you wanted to join a club or team but were worried you wouldn't be good enough. Or perhaps you had a great idea but were too shy to share it. That's okay – feeling a little afraid is normal, especially when facing new challenges.

The good news is that you don't need to be fearless to be brave. Small acts of courage, like raising your hand in class or introducing yourself to someone new, can help build your bravery muscle. Each tiny brave step you take makes the next one a little easier.

Imagine you want to learn how to ride a bike but are afraid of falling. Instead of giving up, you could start by just sitting on the bike and getting used to how it feels. Then you could practice pushing yourself along with your feet. Before you know it, you'll be pedaling away!

Remember, it's okay if you feel nervous or make mistakes along the way. That's all part of the learning process. As long as you keep taking those small, brave steps forward, you'll gain confidence and courage.

So don't wait until you feel 100% ready or unafraid. Look for little opportunities to be brave every day, and watch as your courage grows stronger and stronger.