
Cherry Pie Scarf by Yucca [English]

Cherry Pie is a sweet short scarf with star stitch. The scarf has a keyhole. Photo tutorial for star stitch is included in the pattern. Easy and quick knit! Enjoy! :)

This pattern is for personal use only. Do not sell or reproduce, redistribute. 
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190 m / 208 yards of DK weight yarn
Mrs Moon Plump DK (115 m / 126 yards = 50 g)
shown in cherry pie


5.5 mm (US 9) needles, Tapestry needle


29 sts = 15 cm / 6" in Chart


15 cm / 6" wide, 91 cm / 36" long


CO / cast on
k / knit
k2tog / knit 2 sts together
p / purl
RS / right side
sl / slip st purlwise
st(s) / stitch(es)
tbl / through back loop
WS / wrong side
wyib / with yarn in back
wyif / with yarn in front
yo / yarn over


#CherryPieScarf #YuccaKnit




Row 1(RS): Sl2 wyib, *(k1, yo, k1) in next 3 sts, k1; repeat from * to last 4 sts, k to end.
Row 2 & 4(WS): Sl2 wyif, p to end.
Row 3: Sl2 wyib, k2, *(k1, yo, k1) in next 3 sts, k1; repeat from * to last 2 sts, k to end.

TUTORIAL: Star Stitch (3 into 3 gathered stitch)


1. Work the next 3 sts on left-hand needle.


2. Knit the next 3 sts together leaving sts on left-hand needle.


3. Yarn over.


4. Knit the next 3 sts together again and drop the sts of the left-hand needle.


5. Done!


1. I-Cord Cast On
CO 3 sts using Long-Tail CO, *slip 3 sts to left-hand needle wyib, k3; repeat from * 25 more times, for a total of 26 rows of I-Cord.

2. Begin Stitch Patterns
Pick up and knit 24 sts from the I-cord, while skip the first row, then pick up and knit 2 sts from CO edge. 29 sts on your needles

Row 1 (WS): Sl2 wyif, p to end.
Row 2 (RS): Work Stitch Patterns.
Work even until piece measures 18 cm / 7¼” from CO edge, ending with row 1 of Stitch Patterns.

3. Make Keyhole
Next row (WS): Sl2 wyif, p8, bind off next 9 sts, p to end.
Next row (RS): Sl2 wyib, k2, (k1, yo, k1) in next 3 sts, k3, turn work, CO 9 sts using Purl Cable CO, turn work, *k1, (k1, yo, k1) in next 3 sts; repeat from * once more, k to end.

Resume working Stitch Patterns from row 4 of Stitch Patterns, work even until piece measures 90 cm / 35½” from CO edge, ending with WS row.

4. I-Cord Bind Off
Bind off all sts in I-Cord Bind Off as follows: * k2, k2tog tbl, slip 3 sts back onto the left-hand needle wyib; repeat from * to last 6 sts. (3sts remain on each of the left-hand and right-hand needle.) Cut yarn and graft together these sts using Kitchener Stitch. Weave in ends and block. Done!

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