

In an upcoming theatre production by Stageplay Japan, British character actor Justin Davis, known by his stage name Brandon Francis, is preparing to step into the iconic role of Romeo in Shakespeare's timeless tragedy, "Romeo and Juliet." Despite normally playing eccentric character roles, Davis acknowledges the significance of portraying Romeo at the age of 43, admitting to grappling with moments of self-doubt while portraying a much younger character before embracing the opportunity. "It's both a challenge and perhaps my final chance to tackle this role," remarks the mild-mannered actor.

He reflects, "It doesn't matter how old you are. Every time you fall in love, you don't know what you're doing. Love can be funny, sweet, clumsy, romantic and rash. You see that with Romeo and Juliet. But unfortunately for them, it turned out tragically."

This play tells the story of two young lovers from feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet’s passionate love defies the social and familial boundaries that seek to keep them apart. Their ill-fated romance leads to a series of tragic events, culminating in the untimely deaths of the titular characters. Against the backdrop of intense familial strife, the play explores themes of love, fate, and the consequences of unchecked hatred.

The production is scheduled to tour before culminating in two performances at the Shibuya Cultural Centre Owada - Densho Hall on 6/3 (Monday) and 6/4 (Tuesday) at 19:30. Audiences are invited to immerse themselves in William Shakespeare's captivating romance and tragic fate of Romeo and Juliet. Ticket information can be found at https://www.stageplay.jp/, promising to provide all necessary details for this theatrical extravaganza.

ジャスティンがんばれ!! 主演おめでとう!!





が、シェイクスピアの不朽の悲劇『ロミオとジュリエット』の象徴的なロミオ役に挑戦する準備をしている。普段はエキセントリックなキャラクターの役を演じているにもかかわらず、デイヴィスは43歳のロミオを演じることの重要性を認めており、その機会を受け入れる前に、ずっと若いキャラクターを演じながら、自信喪失の瞬間と格闘していたことを認めた。 「これは挑戦でもあるし、おそらくこの役に取り組む最後のチャンスでもある」と温厚な俳優は語る。


この劇は、対立する家族、モンタギュー家とキャピュレット家に生まれた 2 人の若い恋人の物語を語ります。ロミオとジュリエットの情熱的な愛は、二人を引き離そうとする社会や家族の境界を無視します。彼らの不運なロマンスは一連の悲劇的な出来事を引き起こし、タイトルキャラクターの早すぎる死で最高潮に達します。激しい家族間の不和を背景に、この劇は愛、運命、そして抑えられない憎しみがもたらす結果のテーマを探求しています。


