
イギリスのロックダウン生活 その1・ Life under UK lockdown part 1








The coronavirus pandemic which spread rapidly across the world has lead to individual countries taking different actions to slow its spread. Currently living in the UK where the government has taken draconian measures, I wanted to share how life is like during the lockdown is right now in the UK. In the UK, some of the measures before lockdown included schools and non-essential shops behind ordered to close from March 20th, the government paying up to 80% of a worker's salary to prevent furlough, etc. All of these measures were a stark contrast to the government's controversial policy of herd immunity which was announced as part of the measures to combat the spread of coronavirus only a week prior.  Subsequently, the UK was put into lockdown on the 23rd of March to slow the spread of the coronavirus. 


Photo: Once a busy neighbourhood, looking more like a ghost town

Despite the lockdown has been implemented for around a month and the majority following the rules, the number of coronavirus cases as well as deaths seemed to be accelerating in the UK. This is likely due to the underfunding of the NHS under the tory leadership for a decade, which I will explore more in-depth in another piece. However, the daily number of deaths has been slowly falling, which has given people a glimpse of hope that we may have passed the peak. 


Source: BBC

As a student preparing for the university exams, the cancellation of exams was both devastating and relieving to hear. Being in lockdown and having nothing to do opens up endless possibilities to explore new things. Personally, in an effort to understand COVID-19 better, I have done some research into SARS and how individual countries have responded to it. But more importantly, the lockdown has given me the opportunity to spend quality time with my family as well as contacting old friends. 

So far from the pandemic, I have learned that every policy has consequences that come to haunt us in times like these. It is times like these where we can see what true leadership is and the importance of electing someone with it.

* All of photos in this piece have been taken by myself
