
Advice for foreign tourists coming to Fukuoka(よるごはんmeeting Season7)

交通について​/​About Public Transportation

1)ICカードに​ついて​ /About IC Cards

・How to buy, Where you can charge
 →Train station, Inside Buses, Inside convenience stores.


・사는 법, 쓰는 법, 어디에서 충전하는지
 →역, 버스 안에서 기사님에게 부탁드리거나, 편의점에서 충전가능

2)新幹線​について/​About Shinkansen

​・​ When you buy a ticket, 2 tickets will come out. Riding the Tokyu (limited express) requires a separate ticket)
・티켓을 살때, 특급권과 승차권의 2종류의 티켓이 나옵니다.

・To buy a Shinkansen ticket, internet reservation is the easiest way. No need to wait in lines, and you are able to translate the website into you mother language)
・신칸센의 티켓을 살때에는 인터넷에서 예약하는 것이 좋습니다. 만약에 예약이 되지 않을 경우에는 대인창구에서 구입하시길 바랍니다.

3)移動の仕方/How to get around

・When you  look up your destination and the train, using applications​(​Yahoo, Google Maps, NaviTime, etc.) is helpful.
​・​關於如何調查行程:使用雅虎,Navi time,谷歌地圖等軟體會更加便利。
・야후, 나비타이무(내비타임) 구글 맵을 사용하면 편리합니다.

4)日本の祝日・連休/Holiday seasons in Japan

・Depending on holidays, such as the New Year and Golden Week, train and bus times may change.
・신년과 공휴일(일본의 골든위크) 달력에 의해 스케줄이 달라질 경우가 있으니 주의바랍니다.

6)整理券を忘れないで!/Don’t forget to take  the number ticket!
・If you do not have an IC Card, when you first board the bus, please take a paper ticket from the entrance of the bus. When you get off the bus, match the number of the ticket to the number board at the front of the bus. Under that number is the fare you need to pay. Insert money and ticket in the fare box next to the driver (Note that you can change 1000 bills into coins in most bus at the fare box next to the driver).
・버스에 탈때에는 정리권을 뽑아주세요 (IC교통카드를 갖고 있지 않는 경우)

​7)​便利なWebサイト/ Useful websites

・You can look up tickets on websites like KLOOK for discounted tickets
・KLOOK이라는 사이트, 어플에서 티켓을 저렴하게 구입가능합니다.

8)空港でのバス/Buses at Fukuoka Airport

・Please note that the subway from the international terminal requires a transfer via the free shuttle bus to the domestic terminal.
・후쿠오카공항의 국제선은 버스뿐입니다. 지하철로 오는 경우에는 국내선 밖에 없으므로 주의바랍니다.

9) 安いチケットを買う方法/Discount tickets Advice
(prices as of February 2024)

1 day Fukuoka subway: Adult 640 JPY / children and handicapped person 320 (note that subway ticket machine do not accept new 500 JPY coins and 10000 JPY bills)
                       : 성인 640 JPY / 어린이와 장애인 320엔 (지하철 정산기계에는 신 500엔 동전과 10,000엔 의 지폐를 사용하지 못합니다.
1 day Fukuoka Nishitetsu bus: Adult 1200 JPY / Children 600 JPY
1 day Fukuoka Nishitetsu + Dazaifu bus: Adult 2100 JPY /  Children 1050 JPY
1 day Fukuoka Nishitetsu train and bus: adult 2800 JPY / Children 1400 JPY

SunQ pass:
11000 JPY (3 consecutive days) 14000 (4 consecutive days) all of Kyushu
6000 JPY (2 consecutive days) 9000 JPY (3 consecutive days) Northern Kyushu

How to board the bus with SunQ pass:

  1. Check the bus: check to see if you can see the SUNQ pass on the bus

  2. Board the bus: Make sure you take a board ticket near the entrance door when you board

  3. Signal where you want to get off: When the bus stop that you will be getting off at is announced. press the “Stop” button

  4. Get off the bus: place your boarding ticket in the fare box and then simply show your SUNQ Pass to the driver.

Unique way to explore the city: Chari Chari (downloadable from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store)

Classic Bike: 6 JPY/min
Electric Pedal Assist Bike: 15 JPY/min

Traveler’s note when using Google Maps
If you are traveling out to an international destination, please add 30 additional minutes for free shuttle bus transfer to the international terminal. On Google maps, use “Fukuoka Kuko (Airport) Station” as a destination (Fukuoka Airport as destination, sometimes Google Maps will route a destination to Higashi-Hie then the rest of the travel by walk, which can be inconvenient especially if you have luggages)

レストランについて/About restaurants

1)支払いについて/About payment

・There are restaurants that will only take cash payments so please be mindful to carry cash on hand.
・레스토랑이나 가게에서는 현금결제밖에 되지 않는 경우가 있으니 주의바랍니다.

・When going to most izakayas, please make sure to check the bill. Usually there is a seating charge in the form of an appetizer.
・포장마차에서 식사를 다 하신 뒤에 계산할 때에는 확실한 금액을 확인하는 것이 좋습니다.
이자카야등에서는 오토오시(테이블료)에 주의!


2)ビーガン・ベジタリアンの対応について/About Vegetarian and vegan

・vegetarian と vegan の人は日本に来るときに事前にレストランは確認しておいたほうがいいよ
・For vegetarian and vegan eaters, please check with the restaurant before going. For people who follow islamic religion, please be aware that ‘mirin’ contains alcohol so please be careful.
​・​채식주의자나 비건이신 분은 일본에 올때 미리 사전에 레스토랑에 확인해두시는 것을 추천드립니다.
무슬림이신 분 (종교로 인해 돼지고기, 알코올을 못 마시거나 못 먹는 사람) 은 미림은 알코올이 들어가 있으니 주의하세요.
3)レストランの予約について/About Reservation
・If possible, it is generally better to make a reservation, by internet or by telephone, with the restaurant before going.
・레스토랑은 예약해 두시는 것을 추천드립니다.


1)温泉/About Onsen

・For hot spring and spas, if you have a tattoo, please check
with the shop if you are permitted to enter the facilities (in many cases, it is possible to enter provided that you can cover the tattoo)
・온천에 들어갈 때에는 타투가 있으신 분은 못들어갈 가능성이 있기 때문에 가게에 확인해 주시길 바랍니다.

2)トイレについて/About toilets

・You can flush toilet paper inside the toilet but do not flush anything other than toilet paper.
・일본의 화장지는 물에 녹는 타입이므로 안심하고 변기에 넣은 후 물을 내려주세요. 막히지 않습니다!
