

(1) ものの見方や好みは人さまざまである。たとえば、駅前のハンバーガー店は、人々にとってどのような意味を持つだろうか。多くの人にとっては、ハンバーガーを味わう場であろう。しかし、肉が苦手な私にとっては、ハンバーガーを楽しむというよりは、仕事帰りにちょっと立ち寄り、コーヒー一杯で一日の疲れをいやす、くつろぎの場である。本を持ち込み、書斎代わりに使うことも少なくない。

(2) 子供の頃にわたしが毎週欠かさず観たあるテレビ番組があった。その主役はどこにでもいそうな犬で、そいつがある町にふらりと やってきては、そこで起こった事件の解決に協力し、人間からほめられる前に姿を消して、また次の町に向かって旅をつづけるのだ。わたしをとりこにしたのは、一つの場所に安住せずに、たえず動きつづける、その姿だったに違いない。                      

(1) People have different ways of looking at things and different tastes. For example, what does the hamburger store in front of the station mean to people? For many people, it is a place to taste hamburgers. For me, however, as I am not a fan of meat, it is more of a place to stop by on my way home from work and relax with a cup of coffee after a hard day's work. I often bring in a book and use it as a study.

(2) When I was a child, there was a TV program that I watched every week without fail. The main character was a dog that could be found anywhere. He would wander into a town, help solve a crime, disappear before he could be praised by the people, and then continue his journey to the next town. What fascinated me must have been the way it never settled down in one place, but kept moving.                      

(1) 冬のロンドンでは天気のよい日は数えるほどしかない。それも一日中快晴という日はまずないといってよいぐらいである。従ってどうしても家の中にこもりがちになる。イギリスで芝居が発達したのは、あるいはそんな所にも理由があるのかもしれない。ともかくロンドンの冬の夜長を過ごすには、芝居が最適である。           

(2) わからないことがあると、インターネットで検索すればなんでもすぐに答えが見つかるから、百科事典や辞典といった書物はもう必要がなくなった、という人がいるが、それは大きなまちがいだ。わたしたちは、そうした書物が実は巨大な知識と知恵の宝庫であることに、今ようやく気づくのである。そして、それを編集した人々の想像を絶する努力に、あらためて感謝するのだ。

(1) There are only a few good days in London in winter. There are only a few good days in London in the winter, and even then, it is rare to have clear skies all day long. Therefore, we tend to stay indoors. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why theatrical performances have developed in England. Anyway, a play is the best way to spend a long winter night in London.           
  (From "My Grand Tour" by Akira Ohta)                         

(2) Some people say that there is no need for encyclopedias and dictionaries anymore because they can find the answer to anything they don't understand on the Internet. However, this is a big mistake. We are only now realizing that such books are actually a huge treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom. And we are again grateful for the unimaginable efforts of the people who edited them.

(1) 女性が従来学問の世界で十分活躍できなかったのは、男性中心で作られてきた社会に原因があったことは疑う余地はありません。とくにわが国は従来年功序列の社会でありましたので、出産、育児のため女性が休むことは昇進の面で著しく不利でありました。今後は休んだ後の復職を容易にするとともに、復職後業績を上げれば速やかに昇進できる体制を作り上げて行かねばなりません。

(2) わたしたちの健康にとって歯は大切な役割を果たしています。歯の健康は治療だけでは守れません。その場限りの治療から、さらに前進して、病気を予防し、健康を管理していくように心がけましょう。そのためには毎食後の歯磨きの励行にとどまらず、野菜を含めバランスのとれた食事をとることや、さらには、過度のストレスに陥って病気に負けることのないよう精神的な安定を保つことも大切です。

(1) There is no doubt that the reason why women have not been able to play an active role in the academic world in the past is due to the male-centered society that has been created.In particular, since Japan has traditionally been a seniority-based society, women who take time off for childbirth or childcare are at a significant disadvantage in terms of promotion. In the future, we need to make it easier for women to return to work after a leave of absence, and at the same time, create a system where they can be promptly promoted if they perform well after returning to work.
(Hiroo Imura, "Morning at the Clock Tower")

(2) Teeth play an important role in our health. Dental health cannot be protected by treatment alone. We need to move forward from ad hoc treatments to prevent disease and manage our health. For this purpose, it is important not only to brush your teeth after every meal, but also to eat a well-balanced diet including vegetables, and also to maintain mental stability so that you don't fall victim to excessive stress.


(2) コンピュータの操作に際しては、まず、調整が可能で体をしっかり支える座り心地のよい椅子を選んでください。次に、足の裏全体が床につき、太ももと床が平行になるように、椅子の高さを調整してください。さらに、キーボードの前に座ったときには、画面の上端が目の位置よりも少し低くなるようにし、目から画面までの間隔は50cm以上の距離を保つようにしましょう。

People have been using fur as clothing for at least 60,000 years, and it is hard to imagine that a culture with such a long history of fur use would suddenly fall into disuse. Recently, however, there have been some noteworthy changes in the basic aspects of fur use. In particular, women, who had been the largest users of fur for decoration and fashion, have begun to refrain from wearing it.
        (Saburo Nishimura, "Fur and Human History," partially modified)  

(2) When operating a computer, first choose a comfortable chair that is adjustable and supports your body well. Next, adjust the height of the chair so that the soles of your feet touch the floor and your thighs are parallel to the floor. Furthermore, when you sit at the keyboard, the top of the screen should be slightly lower than your eyes, and the distance between your eyes and the screen should be at least 50 cm.

(1) わたしは、家具や道具はなるべく木の素材を選んでいます。木は命あるもの独特のやさしい雰囲気があるので、心地いいんです。 人工的な素材は新しい時が最高の状態だけれど、木は新品のときが出発点です。年月に磨かれて、味わいも美しさも増していく。そこが一番の魅力です。   
 (「木の道具木の器」、「ハミングタイム」所収 一部改変)


(1) I try to choose wooden materials for my furniture and tools. Wood has a unique and gentle atmosphere that makes it comfortable to use. Artificial materials are at their best when they are new, but with wood, the starting point is when it is new. As it is polished over the years, its taste and beauty increase. That is its greatest appeal.   
 (From "Wooden Tools, Wooden Vessels" and "Humming Time", partially modified)

(2) People generally have the impression that Italy is associated with tomatoes, but tomatoes do not originate in Italy, but in South America. In addition, the history of tomatoes as an edible food in Italy is very short. It has only been around for a couple of hundred years at the most. Considering that the origins of Italian cuisine date back to the ancient Roman era, it is as if we have known each other since "yesterday.
