

(1) 一昨年東欧を旅行した時、ある町の広場とそれを取り巻くもろもろの歴史的建造物が、第二次世界大戦で破壊されたのに、古い写真をもとに完全に復元されたと知って驚きました。私は市民の誇りと情熱に強く心を打たれ、言葉を失いました。この時ほど伝統を守ることの意義を痛切に感じたことはありません。

(1) When I traveled to Eastern Europe the year before last, I was surprised to learn that a town square and all the historical buildings surrounding it, which had been destroyed in World War II, had been completely restored based on old photographs. I was so struck by the pride and passion of the citizens that I was speechless. I have never felt the significance of preserving tradition as keenly as I did at that time.

(1) あるとき私は幼児期を過ごした町を通る機会に恵まれた。記憶のなかの光景をたぐりよせながら、なんとかそれらしい場所まで来たが、自信がない。周囲の町並は完全に変わってしまっていた。そこに建っていた家はいかにも新しく、30年前からそこにあったものとはとても思えなかった。


(1) One day I was blessed with an opportunity to pass through the town where I spent my childhood. As I traced the scene in my memory, I managed to come to a place that looked like it, but I was not sure. The surrounding townscape had completely changed. The houses that had been built there were so new that it was hard to believe that they had been there for 30 years.

(2) "Computers don't make mistakes. There is a cliché that "computers don't make mistakes," which means that the people who handle them often make mistakes. If the other party is a human, they may be able to guess, "Oh, you meant to do this, but you made a mistake. But with computers, it's not so easy. Before doubting the computer, you should first doubt yourself.

(1) 「コンビにに行ってもどうやってものを買ってよいのかわからない。」という子供が、テレビゲームの世界ではいろいろな町に寄って人と話し、驚くほど効率よく情報を集めながら目的地にらくらくとたどり着くさまを見ていると、たとえ同じ試行であっても、現実とゲームの世界ではそれをするのに必要とされる論理がまったく違うのではないか、と思えるほどです。


(1) "I don't know how to buy things at the convenience store. When I see a child who says, "I don't know how to buy things even if I go to the convenience store," in the world of video games, stop by various towns, talk with people, and easily reach his destination while gathering information with surprising efficiency, I wonder if the logic required to do so is completely different in the real world and the game world, even if they are trying the same thing.
(2) One time, on a magic stage, I made a mistake and the seed was revealed. A child who had come up on stage and said all kinds of things to me suddenly became silent and tried to pretend not to see me. The kid who had come up on stage and said all kinds of things to me, suddenly shut up and tried to pretend he didn't see it, and secretly tried to tell me about it. "It's just me, don't worry." Like that. Children are very interesting, aren't they?

(1) 外国に住んでみると、「人間、みな同じ。」との感想を持つ。イギリス人と付き合ってみても確かにそう思えてくる。彼らが悲しみや喜びに反応する様や相手の立場を考える点はいかにも日本人に似ている。恥ずかしがりやで、すぐには友人にはなれないが、いったん友人になれば驚くほど互いに心の琴線に触れ合うことができる。

(2) 早起きは苦手という人が多いようだ。私も夜ふかしは平気だが、早起きはとてもつらい。ただ、所用で早く起きる日は気分が一新する。ほほを打つ朝の大気は優しく快い。一日がことさら長く、充実した時間を過ごした実感がある。よし、明日からはと心に決めるのだが、翌朝になるとその決心はにぶってしまう。

(1) When you live in a foreign country, you feel that "all people are the same. When I live in a foreign country, I have the impression that "all people are the same. This is certainly true when I go out with British people. The way they react to sorrow and joy, and the way they think about the other person's position is very similar to the Japanese. They are shy, so it's hard to make friends with them right away, but once you do, you'll be surprised at how much you can touch each other's heartstrings.

(2) Many people seem to have a hard time getting up early. I don't mind staying up late either, but I have a hard time getting up early. However, on days when I get up early for business, I feel refreshed. The morning air that hits my cheeks is gentle and pleasant. The day is much longer, and I feel that I have spent a lot of quality time. I make up my mind that I will do it tomorrow, but the next morning my mind is not as strong as it was the day before.
(1) 次の文を英訳しなさい。


(2) 携帯電話(cellular phone)に関する次の文の続きを、50語程度の英語で自由に書きなさい。

The cellular phone is now widely used in Japan and it seems to be changing our daily lives.

(1) Translate the following sentences into English.

In the northern town where I live, winter came earlier than usual. As I recall, the first snowfall was in mid-November, which is not unusual. As usual, we thought that the snow would not accumulate until later in the year, but the cold weather became increasingly severe, and by December, the town was completely covered in white. It was the first time in about 20 years that I remember seeing a completely snowy landscape before Christmas.

(2) Write the rest of the following sentences about cellular phone freely in about 50 words in English.

The cellular phone is now widely used in Japan and it seems to be changing our daily lives.

(1) 「受賞おめでとうございます。どうして映画監督になりたいと思ったのか、少しお聞かせいただけますか。」


"Congratulations on your award. Can you tell us a little about why you wanted to become a film director?"
"Well, it's hard to answer. It's a little difficult to answer, but I was given a camera when I was seven years old, and I think that's when I started to realize how interesting film is. I think that's when I started to realize how interesting video is. I had an uncle who owned a movie theater, and I think that contributed to my familiarity with the cinematic environment.

(2) Baseball is one of America's national sports. Many Americans grow up playing baseball in the neighborhood fields as children. Many Americans grow up playing baseball in the neighborhood fields as children, getting covered in mud and learning how to live in community with others while talking about how the next-door neighbor may or may not be better than them. Or, they learn to accept the humiliation of being beaten by others. 

(1) 近くにあるものを長い間見つめることは、目を疲れさせる原因となります。およそ6メートル以内にあるものを見るときには、目の筋肉の緊張が高まるためです。コンピュータを使うときに限らず、読書や工作のように近くにあるものを見続けなければならないときは、ときどき遠くにあるものを見て目を休ませるようにしましょう。


(1) Staring at a nearby object for a long time can cause eye fatigue. This is because the muscles of the eyes become more tense when looking at something within approximately six meters. Not only when using a computer, but also when you have to stare at something close to you, such as reading or doing crafts, you should occasionally look at something far away to give your eyes a break.

(2) Greetings are the customary exchange of gestures and words that confirm each other's status and degree of familiarity. In many societies, people do not stop and suspend other activities when they see each other or are merely acquainted, but on the other hand, when they meet an acquaintance whom they have not seen for a while, they generally take the time to greet him or her.

(1) パリの空港で、トランクに腰掛けた一人の男が、ぼんやりと頬(ほお)づえをついていた。私が「どうかなさいましたか、どこかお加減でも悪いんですか。」と聞くと、「いや、いま遠くから着いたところなんですけどね。身体はついても、心がまだなので、ここで心の到着を待っているところです。」という答えがかえってきた。


(1) At the airport in Paris, a man sitting on his trunk was absentmindedly resting his cheek on his trunk. I asked him, "What's wrong, are you sick? He replied, "No, I've just arrived from a long way away. No, I just arrived from far away. I'm waiting for my mind to arrive.

(2) When inviting guests, it is customary in the West to first show them around all the rooms of the house. At a friend's house in Germany, I was shown around from the bedroom to the workroom and storage room in the basement, and I was overwhelmed by the cleanliness and neatness of every room. I was overwhelmed by the cleanliness and neatness of all the rooms. When I invited the couple to my house before, I confined them to the tatami room and didn't bother to show them the other rooms, which now makes me feel ashamed.

(1) インターネットは人々を、国籍、性別、年齢、職業などにいっさい関係なく、お互いの関心事を通じて結びつけます。例えば京都の大学生とニューヨークのおばあさんが知り合い、環境問題や物理学、編物や釣りについて語り合うこともできるわけです。人々を隔てていたさまざまな壁が取り除かれようとしているのです。


(1) The Internet brings people together through their mutual interests, regardless of nationality, gender, age, or occupation. For example, a university student in Kyoto and a grandmother in New York can meet and talk about environmental issues, physics, knitting, and fishing. The various barriers that have separated people are being broken down.

(2) When I heard that this was the only hot spring in the world where you could bathe with monkeys, I went there in the middle of winter. I went there in the middle of winter, and saw a monkey sitting in the hot spring with snow on his head, looking like a philosopher. I suddenly felt that the difference between humans and monkeys may not be as big as we think. ・・・・・

(1) ワープロやパソコンが普及したおかげで、「書く」という行為はすっかり様変わりして、たとえば「筆をとる」といった言葉も死語になりつつある。そうはいっても、ペンを紙の上でさらさらと走らせていくときのあの心地よさには、なかなか捨てがたいものがある。


(1) Thanks to the widespread use of word processors and personal computers, the act of "writing" has completely changed, and words like "writing" are becoming obsolete. Even so, there is something about the comfort of running a pen over a piece of paper that is hard to put down.

(2) In my childhood, when I came home from school, it was common to play outside with the neighborhood kids until dark. We were often punished for misbehaving with each other, and we even got into fights and hit each other. Looking at today's children who spend all their time at home playing video games, I can understand why there is bullying.

(1) 特に目的もなく百科事典の項目をあれこれと眺めるのは、ちょうど広大な図書館の書架の中をあてもなくうろつくことに似ている。おもしろそうな題の本が目にとまってふと手がのびるように、われわれは偶然に見つけた事典の記述につい読みふけってしまうものだ。


(1) Looking at encyclopedia entries this way and that without any particular purpose is similar to wandering aimlessly through the shelves of a vast library. Just as a book with an interesting title catches our eye, we are tempted to read the description in the encyclopedia we happen to find.

(2) Cooking is not only for filling the stomach and nourishing the body. It is also a medium for communication with others. By sharing a dish, a sense of unity is created, and unexpected friendships can help us in times of trouble.

(1) 茶室の窓はヨーロッパ的な意味の窓とは根本的に異なっている。それは外を見るためではなく、外の気配を感じとるためにある。我々はそこに映る樹木の影がゆれるのを見て外の風を感じとり、この影が薄くなるのを見て日没を感じとる。茶室の窓は外の光を抑制して内部にいれることを役割としているのである。 


(1) The window of a tea room is fundamentally different from a window in the European sense. They are not for looking out, but for sensing the presence of the outside world. We sense the wind outside when we see the shadows of the trees reflected in the windows shimmering, and we sense the sunset when we see these shadows fading. The role of the windows in a tea room is to suppress the light from outside and let it in. 

(2) Compared to television, books are more quiet, but this allows children to be more selfish. They can look at their favorite books at any time and turn the pages at will. In addition, they can even enjoy having their favorite person read to them. 
