

(91). As we grew older she always asked, when she put us comfortably into bed, whether we had said our prayers.

(92) When one of our maids became pregnant and we said that she was not to be expected to lift heavy weights, the instant result was that none of the others would lift heavy weights.

(93) The Titans answered Prometheus by a shower of great rocks and uprooted trees.

(94) A smile that was the beginning of laughter made her the most beautiful woman.

(95) Reading for the sake of distraction is probably the main way in which many people come to reading.

(96) They are not books in the sense in which I am using the word.

(97) In the ordinary traffic of living we can know few other human beings with anything like intimacy.

(98) They will be trying to find something in her appearance they can make fun of.

(99) Mother will find it embarrassing that I speak of her in print.

(100) I was left open to the full impression of everything
