

(81) The worst form of contamination can be undone, if at all, only at enormous expense.

(82) It was only after many hesitations that he told me the truth.

(83) Of natural time, as it is measured out by sun and moon, we are almost wholly unconscious.

(84) The wet mists clung to her hair as she ran towards the pasture.

(85) These are schools where the boys live during the term and do not go to their homes except for the half term holiday. Even then they are only generally allowed to stay away for the day.

(86) Shakespeare seemed to have thought it was his duty to show the world in the way it is, not as he thought it should be.

(87) I remind Mother that she should be getting to bed early.

(88) I wrote her to ask her whether there was anything she had dreamed of having and that she had not been able to have. (以下 (91)までshe,herは Motherを指す)

(89) I told her at last it was within my power to give her something that could only have been imagined long ago.

(90) Mother replied that it thrilled her to have such a letter, but she did not know what I could do for her.
