

(21) Prometheus knew that someday he should be set free, and the knowledge made him strong to endure.

(22) Their own experiences will have taught them how to deal with people who are really bad.

(23) I hoped these thoughts would prevent me from forgetting the value of what I had left behind.

(24) The first light of day found her lying in the road.

(25) Under the Hudson are tunnels through which auto mobiles run from one state to the other.

(26) They all go to a large dining hall where the meals are taken together by all the boys.

(27) It [certain food] is passed on to another boy who waits until the master is not looking and then puts it quickly on the plate of the boy next to him.

(28) This is where the computer comes in.

(29) Whenever you (Uncle) are away from me I shall be thinking of all the automobiles that can run over you.

(30) In this rush toward early domestic responsibility that seems to characterize American family life today, many valuable things have been sacrificed.
