

(61) In spite of being happier than I ever dreamed of I could be, I'm also be serious.

(62) They draw their chief supply of nourishment from their host, as the plant is called upon which they fasten themselves.

(63) By the time young men reach high school, they are expected to decide on their careers.

(64) She (the young wife] may also have to get a job later on as well, so that she and the husband can keep up the payments on the things they bought, or so that they can be replaced when they become old-fashioned.

(65) Both sexes have been brought up primarily by women, and boys had to learn how to be “not women” before they could learn to be men.

(66) Even after my father's death, when she [Mother] was grief-stricken and seriously troubled, she was not short with us.

(67) In later years, when the purchase of such things for her would have been easy and a privilege for me, she
[Mother] spoke not a word of her desires.

(68) I no longer reprove her when she let someone take unfair advantage of her, as I might have when I was younger.

(69) She (Mother] saw. to it that as little girls we said our prayers.

(70) He spent the years of the First World War studying chimpanzees, in their ability to communicate one another.
