

(41) The time of which we have knowledge is artificial time.

(42) Painting is a companion with whom one may hope to walk a great part of life's journey.

(43) We must face up to the waste and abuse of those resources on which the public happiness depends.

(44) I could plainly see by the way the sailors looked toward the side the wind came from, that we had bad weather to prepare for.

(45) Some of the greatest men in English history have been those who were the heroes of the boys with whom they went to school, and who were the leaders of those who took part in all the pranks of their schooldays.

(46) A brake is put on divorce by the meaning and value placed on this homelife shared equally by the husband and wife.

(47) Neither the home nor the things in it are fully paid for.

(48) Distributive justice must be observed by anyone who has children to deal with.

(49) Erect position is not natural to man, has only been painfully acquired, and is only with fatigue and difficulty maintained.

(50) The parts of machines can be figured out by scientists, without even bothering to go through the long drawn out tests that once were needed.
