

(51) We were allowed no light to find anything with.

(52) It is strange to think that we can look at their (primitive people] instruments in our museums without knowing what tunes came out of them.

(53) He tried to continue the conversation, but he couldn't think of the right things to say.

(54) Always before I could be carefree, because I had nothing precious to lose.

(55) The new generation has all the experiences of the past generation to benefit by.

(56) Merely to realize the causes of one's own envious feelings is to take a long step towards curing them.

(57) If anyone would make me the greatest king that ever lived, with palaces and gardens and fine dinners, on condition that I should not read books — I would not be a king.

(58) We cannot read a good and interesting book for an hour without being the better and happier for it.

(59) We cross the field, with the wet trickle of grass against our legs.

(60) As the curtain rises the lounge is empty, but Jack and Jill come in immediately, followed by Aunt Jane.
