

(1) ヨーロッパでは、夏ともなると人々は大挙して南の方に旅行に出かける。多忙をきわめる一国の首相も何とかやりくりして長期の休暇を取るし、かき入れ時の観光地のレストランやホテルでさえ、経営者や従業員のために、休業する所も少なくない。彼らにとって夏の休暇は、日本人には思いもよらない意味合いを持っているようだ。

(2) 自分の仕事に妥協するようだと誰もその道のプロにはなれないと思う。私は頑固者だとよく言われるが、仕事に対する姿勢がまじめだからそう言われるのだ、というように理解している。融通がきくタイプの人間は周囲には受けがいいかもしれないが、仕事の方は何か物足りないところがあるように思われる。

(1) In Europe, in the summer, people go to the south in large numbers. Even the prime minister of a country, who is extremely busy, manages to take a long vacation, and many restaurants and hotels in tourist spots close down for the sake of their managers and employees. It seems that summer vacation has a meaning to them that is unexpected to Japanese people.

(2) I don't think anyone can become a professional in their field if they compromise their own work. I am often told that I am stubborn, but I understand that people say that because I am serious about my work. A person who is flexible may be well received by those around him, but there seems to be something lacking in his work.

(1) 隣家の犬はふだんは愛想がいいが、飼い主が近くにいると、大きな声で必死にほえる。番犬の勤めを果たそうとしているのだろうか。しかし、そのしっぽはと見ると、いつも通り、ちぎれんばかりに振られている。どうやら、これは私の本心ではありませんよ、とさりげなく伝えようとしているようだ。けなげさに思わず頭をなでてやりたくなるときもあるが、やめておいたほうがよさそうだ。

(1) The neighbor's dog is usually very friendly, but when its owner is nearby, it barked loudly and desperately. Is he trying to fulfill his duty as a guard dog? However, when I looked at his tail, I saw that it was wagging like it was about to be torn off. It seems that he is trying to casually tell me that this is not my true intention. There are times when I feel like patting her on the head for being so brave, but I think I'd better not.

(1) 私たちは、周囲にあまりにもたくさんある文化財になれっこになって、その存在を当然のように思いがちである。しかしほんとうは、一つ一つの文化財は、それを維持するために尽くしてきた数多くの人々の多年の努力の結晶なのだ。文化財をおろそかにすることは、そうした人々の努力をないがしろにすることであるという事実を忘れてはならない。


(1) We have become so familiar with the many cultural assets that surround us that we tend to take their existence for granted. However, the truth is that each cultural asset is the fruit of many years of effort by many people who have worked to maintain it. We must not forget the fact that neglecting cultural properties means neglecting the efforts of those people.

(2) In the past, there were always a few scary adults in the same neighborhood, and when a child did something embarrassing as a human being, they would always get serious and lecture him or her. I believe that there was a strong sense that the entire community was there to raise the children. Thanks to this atmosphere, the children were able to develop an awareness that they were members of society.

(1) テレビが現れる前には、茶の間の中心はラジオだった。私たちは、小さな魔法の箱から飛び出してくる音を胸をわくわくさせて聞いた。テレビと共に育っている人たちは、ラジオは表現力の点で劣ると考えるに違いない。しかし、映像表現を欠くラジオはそれ故に、私たちの心をかえって想像力豊かなものにしてくれた。

Before the advent of television, the center of the tea room was the radio. We listened with excitement to the sounds that came out of the little magic box. People who have grown up with television must think that radio is inferior in terms of expressiveness. However, the lack of visual expression on the radio made our minds richer and more imaginative.

(1) 子供は好奇心のかたまりだ。それが、多くの動物の場合、成熟すると幼い時ほどには好奇心を示さなくなるらしい。ところが、人間は年をとっても、様々なことに対する興味を持ち続けることができる。してみると、人間はいつまでも子供でいられるという特権を享受する幸福な種族であるのかもしれない。

(2) 週末にキャンプを楽しむ人が増えてきました。確かに、都会生活でたまった疲れをいやすためには、自然の中でのんびりするのが一番でしょう。ただ残念なのは、木々の枝を折ったり、ゴミをそのままにして帰ったりする人がいることです。これでは、自分の疲れはとれても、自然の方はいい迷惑だと思います。

(1) Children are a mass of curiosity. However, in the case of many animals, when they mature, they do not show as much curiosity as when they were young. Humans, on the other hand, are able to maintain their interest in various things even as they grow old. So perhaps we are a happy species that enjoys the privilege of being able to remain a child forever.

(2) More and more people are enjoying camping on weekends. It is true that the best way to relieve the fatigue of city life is to relax in nature. However, it is a pity that some people break branches of trees or leave garbage as they are. This may relieve one's own fatigue, but I think it is a nuisance to the nature.
