

オンライン初級英会話レッスンをメインに提供し、ひらめくカード使いでもあり、筆ペンでコミュニケーションも! 3足のわらじ~なキッシーです。

昨日9月1日、初のLPを公開しました! ぜひ見てくださいませ~(*- -)(*_ _)ペコリ




今年の正月から、Fruitful Englishというオンラインの英作文専門のスクールに、お世話になっているのです。マイペースでやらせてもらえて、とてもありがたいです。そして、添削のお返事が早くて、マイペースのくせにせっかちな私には、ぴったりです!




・・・そうだ、私の生徒さん達! そして、未来の生徒さん達(再受講予定の方も含む)! 私の書いている作文の内容の主旨をつかまえられたら、イイモノをあげましょう~ Have funヾ(*´∀`*)ノ✨

I’ve just decided to write about my determinations because writing in English makes me think deeper inside of me, maybe into the level of my sub-consciousness. Today I’m going to write about my diet history, the determinations to change habits and my goal image in a year.

First, let me write about my diet history. I moved from Hokkaido to Chiba 11 months ago, I changed a lot of things, and I’ve gained 18 kilograms up until now, oops!!! Actually, I started a big loosing diet challenge under a hospital program and succeeded to lose about 30 kilograms once! But after a while, I lost that game and rebounded 18 kilograms during these 11 months, and now, I don’t believe that I can lose my weight any more.

Well, I’ve tried many things to succeed again; learning nutrition, having some counseling, some analyses, doing some exercises, taking phycology classes and so on. Nothing can dramatically stop me eating too much, but I’m getting to know that I need to find my own methods to suit me.

I must be matured enough to know myself and guide myself better than ever, so I’m going to pick up my good points to go on remaking good diet habits. I love custom-made items; clothes and accessories, so I’m energetic to make my own method/rules! I’ve released a lot of my anxieties by eating, so I’ll get other ways to release my uncomfortable feelings; talking with my husband more, hugging him more, and letting him hug me back more. I guess I can’t stop eating sweets soon, but I’ll cheat my brain and mind little by little, so that I’m going to decrease the amounts of sweets and change the types of them. How about buying sweets for under 300yen a day and decreasing the days or the amounts day by day? Doesn’t it sound exciting like playing games? Also, I need to listen to my body! That’s my biggest theme for now, but I have to master it as soon as I can! This can be a good chance!

A few years ago, I lost a lot of my weight and bought most of my clothes to replace. I love them a lot! I don’t want to lose them away. I want to enjoy them the rest of my life. I want to cherish them. I want to look beautiful in them and I want them to look beautiful.

And, oh, I’ve reached my own answer at last. I want to smile on my husband when I ask him to take pictures. I want to face my husband’s camera with a beautiful smile!!! Yes, I will, from now on, and in a year, in the best condition ever mentally and physically!!! I did so in this picture just a year ago when we moved to this apartment even in the messy kitchen! I’ve been losing my responsibility and confidence about my own body, but I will gain them back and lose my weight away!!! I want to show him how much I love him!

Phew, thank you very much for reading my self-counseling report!!! And my teacher, if you have the experiences to achieve your goals, please tell it to me and cheer me up!


Hello, teacher! I'm surprised today's essay has started leading myself to my hidden answer... I do self-counselling with cards, but English helps me the same or more! Today I'd like you to tell me about the better/reasonable paragraph/sentence orders to make my essay understand better. Thank you!


道具は、複数あった方がイイと思います。1つしか無いと、それを使えないときに困るでしょう? そして、自分で管理出来る範囲の種類がイイと思います。使おうと思ったときに、サビついてたら、困るでしょう?


・・・と、ココでまさかの添削結果仕上がりメール、着信!!! ありがたし!!! このnoteを更新したら、じっくり読んでみたいと思います・・・ドキドキ👀✨



次回の老若男女問わずの英語の無料体験レッスンは、9月30日(水)の10時・14時・20時~の各30分・定員3名、加えて9月26日(日)の14時~30分・定員3名もセッティングします。各回開始1時間前までに、 http://bit.do/form2kisshi へお申し込みください。シェア&ご参加、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします~(*- -)(*_ _)ペコリ

インスタ対応 四角形 ど~ぞ~写真

その他個別体験レッスンのお申し込み、オリジナル筆ペンカード制作や伝筆講座等のご紹介、ひらめくカードについてなど、何かご不明点ありましたら、お気軽にご連絡くださいませ。Feel free to contact me! いずれのお申し込み・お問い合わせも、こちらのフォームよりお願いいたします!

【キッシーの3足のわらじサービスお申し込み&お問い合わせフォーム】 http://bit.do/form2kisshi


ではでは、興味のある方に届きますように・・・はばぐったいむ!! しーゆーとぅもろー!! (←自分との約束☆)


いただいたお金は、自分の興味を深め、それを何らか社会に貢献出来る方法を模索するために使わせていただきます。よろしかったら、サポートをお願いいたします~(*- -)(*_ _)ペコリ