

What kinds of house rules about playing video games at home did you have when you were little? It seems that it is getting more common among parents to have rules about how long children can play video games. There are a lot of parents who believe that there is a significant correlation between a number of playing hours of video games and academic success, but how do we know about it? Does playing video games make children stupid or smart?

The question of whether children should be allowed to play any video games at home is a complex one that involves a number of different factors. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider.

Pros about playing video games

  1. Educational benefits: Many video games are designed to teach children specific skills such as math, reading, and science. These games can make learning fun and engaging for children.

  2. Cognitive development: Video games have been shown to improve attention, memory, and spatial awareness in children. They can also help children develop problem-solving and decision-making skills.

  3. Social benefits: Many video games are designed to be played with others, either online or in person. These games can help children develop social skills, such as teamwork and communication.

  4. Entertainment: Video games can be a fun and enjoyable way for children to spend their free time.

  5. Chat with other kids: Children often talk about their favorite video games, and ones cannot join the group if not familiar with video games. It is probably a big opportunity loss if children are like, "Oh, I don't really know about that video game."

Cons about playing video games

  1. Addiction: Children can become addicted to video games, which can negatively impact their school work, relationships, and overall wellbeing.

  2. Aggression: Some studies have found that children who play violent video games may be more likely to display aggressive behavior.

  3. Lack of physical activity: Children who spend a lot of time playing video games may be less active, which can lead to health problems such as obesity.

  4. Impact on sleep: Children who play video games close to bedtime may have a harder time falling asleep, which can affect their overall health and well-being.

  5. Exposure to inappropriate content: Some video games may contain content that is not suitable for children, such as violence, sex, and drug use.

And your opinions?

Now, I have illustrated a wider range of pros and cons this time. Which factors do you think are more important than the others? It is evident that some are more persuasive than others; however, how do we know? How can we logically highlight their significance?

I would recommend that you explain why they are important. For example, the second point from the cons is about aggression, which basically explains that playing violent video games makes children more violent. What else can you tell about it? How can you deepen this point? If you struggle, you might as well pick other points. 

In summary, the debate question goes: should children be allowed to play video games at home? 

Notes for the debate

Please see some notes for this debate.

  • "Children" means ones between at elementary and at high schools.

  • Video games include any games with any consoles (TV, PC, and phone, etc). 

Please let me know if you have any questions. 
