

Perseverance prevails.

This is "石の上にも3年" in English.

This saying means that we should be patient for a certain period of time because anything will eventually turn into something positive. This idea is true to a lot of things in our daily life.This time, we attempt to see if this idea is applicable to the process of career change.

Whether we should change a job or not is a crucial decision in life. Now that it has become much more common to see people change their job relatively in a short length of time, it remains questionable if "石の上にも3年" is worth considering in the process of career change.

In fact, we hear that some new employees quit their first job right after they get it. This trend is evident not only in Japan but also overseas. According to a LinkedIn article, 25% of graduates (new workers) left their first jobs within a year. Isn't it surprising to you?

One of the fundamental background information would be how loyal people are to their companies. In the past, companies are such an authority and thus had much respect from their workers regardless of working conditions. Yet, as terms like "ブラック企業" and "社畜" have become common today, some people started to realize that companies which do not provide an appropriate and legal working environment are eating their life for profit. In short, it is now much more widely accepted to leave any jobs if they are regarded not worth staying in.

On the other hand, it is quite possible that some people leave their jobs without noticing how fun and worth challenging they are. Many companies, including public organizations, are working hard to advertise how fun their jobs are, mainly to keep workers with them. The word "やりがい" is another common word for job hunting today.

Now, I need you to take a stance with two reasons on this debate question: should people stay at the job that they feel like quitting? Your argument will be strong and unique when you include your personal experience, if any.

The condition where people feel like quitting varies, so it is up to you which one(s) to include in your logic. It could be low wage, little promotion, little excitement, and so on. Remember to structure your logic in a way that lots of people will understand and agree with you!

If you have any questions, please let me know.

英語ディベートにもっと強くなりたい!という方は、Yoshiのメンバーシップ「ENGLISH BOOSTER」がおすすめです。英語ディベートのヒントや限定動画だけでなく、実際のディベートのお手本なども限定公開されます。この機会にぜひ登録を!

