

You should be able to be who you are and love whom you love free from discrimination and hate. Period, No ifs, and, or buts about it. Of course it's easy to say, it's harder to make sure it actually happens that way. That's what we've been focused on since 2015: Making sure Canada is a place where you can be open to be who you are and where you're safe to love whom you love. The first Pride month after we formed government, we raised the Pride flag on Parliament Hill. It was the first time the flag had ever flown on the Hill. A symbol of hope and solidarity, every year now, it's a deeply meaningful moment. And it was just us getting started. Our government introduced and passed legislation that explicitly protects Canadians from discrimination and hate crimes based on gender identity or expression. We promised to eliminate the blood donation ban for men who have sex with men, and we funded the research necessary that allowed Health Canada to authorize Canadian Blood Services and Hema-Quebec to lift that ban. We launched the Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan, the first of its kind in our history, which outlines the whole-of-government approach to strengthen rights and promote equality. We move forward on criminalizing conversion therapy, which eliminates this degrading and barbaric practice from everywhere in Canada forever. We welcomed in 2SLGBTQI+ refugees fleeing violence and persecution around the world, at the same time as we're strengthening our fight for human rights, particularly in developing countries. And we delivered an official apology in the House of Commons for the rejection, oppression, and criminalization of 2SLGBTQI+ workers whthin the federal government. We've all watched it in the news, read the headlines in the papers, seen the posts on social media, heard about it from friends, or for far too many Cnanadians --lived it in their everyday lives: Transphobia, biphobia, homophobia have not gone away. In fact, in Canada and in other countries, hate crimes are on the rise. And that's unacceptable. So let me make this very , very clear: 2SLGBTQI+ rights are human rights. It doesn't matter your sexual orientation, or your gender expression, or your gender identity: you are worthy of love. You are deserving of respect and dignity. You are valued. Your existence is not up for debate. Not now. Not ever. As a government, we will always have your back. We will continue to stand up for your rights, both at home and abroad. And we will continue to build a country where you can live openly, freely, and proudly.


(注1)6行目 ”The first Pride month after we formed government,”の部分が間違っていたので、日本語版を訂正しました。

