

I started to play baseball when I was eight. I was one of the best players in my team. Father often took me to watch professional baseball games.
When I was fifteen, I said to my parents, “I want to be a professional baseball player. So I want to go to Rocky High School.” The school was famous because its baseball team was very strong. Father said, “No! You can’t go to Rocky High School, John.” “Why?” I asked. But Father did not answer my question. He only said, “You just can’t! Your brother and sister went to Benjamin High School. You should go there, too.” I said again, “Why?” Father said nothing. “Are you worrying about money? If I become a professional, I’ll make a lot of money,” I said. Then Father said, “You know
nothing.” I could not understand him. I looked at Mother, but she said nothing. (a)I was sad. I went to my room without saying a word.
Some days later we were eating dinner when a coach at Rocky High School called Father. Father said to the coach, “Thank you for saying (b)so , but I don’t think it is easy.” I stopped eating an listened to him. Mother also did so. Father said, “I know he’s a good baseball player now, but there are a lot of people who can play baseball as well as John. I think they want to be professionals, too. They also practice hard for their dreams. But I know that many people among them will stop doing so because it’s hard to be a professional. If he is one of (c)them , he’ll be sad.”
I finished dinner and went to my room. When I talked about going to Rocky High School, Father said, “No.” It wasn’t a money problem. I understood him. I thought and thought, but I could never change my mind. Then Mother came into my room and said, “Some days ago, (d)Father said he didn、t want you to go to Rocky High School. Do you know why he said so?” I said, “Yes, but I still want to go...” She said, ‘Well, I really understand you. You should go to Rocky High School. Talk to your father again.”
Father also came into my room. I didn’t know what I should say. He said, “When I was a junior high school student, I was like you. I thought that I was a good baseball player. But later I knew a lot of people were better than I. I didn’t think that I could be a professional. So I gave up my dream. I felt very sad. If you don’t think you can be a professional, you’ll also have to say goodbye to your dream. If you really want to be a professional, think about the things you should do to be a better player and do them every day. Can you do that?” I looked at him and answered, “Yes, Father. I can
do (e)that !” Father said, I’m happy to hear that. Now I know your dream isn’t just a dream. Go to Rocky High School, John.”
Now I practice the hardest in my team at Rocky High School. And I always have two things in my mind ― “I can do it!” and “I’ll never give up.”

問1 下線部(a)について,ジョン(John)はなぜこのような気持ちになったのか,最も適当なものを次のア~エの中から一つ選んで,その記号を書け。
ア 父と母の言うとおりだと思い,何も言えなかったから。
イ 父と母が腹を立て,部屋から出ていくように言ったから。
ウ 父が自分の考えに反対し,母も何も言ってくれなかったから。
エ 父が母に意見を求めても,母が黙っていたから。
問2 下線部(b)の内容として考えられる最も適当なものを次のア~エの中から一つ選んで,その記号を書け。
ア Many baseball players at Rocky High School play baseball better than John.
イ John can play baseball very well, so the coach hopes John will be a professional.
ウ A lot of money is needed to play baseball at Rocky High School.
エ Rocky High School needs John, but the coach doesn’t think John will be a professional.
問3 下線部(c)はどのような人たちのことか,35 字以上 45 字以内の日本語で書け。なお,句読点も字数に含む。
問4 下線部(d)について,ジョンの父はなぜそう言ったのか,その理由として最も適当なものを次のア~エの中から一つ選んで,その記号を書け。
ア Because John’s father worried about John.
イ Because John’s father worried about money.
ウ Because John’s father didn’t like the coach.
エ Because John’s father didn’t like Rocky High School.
問5 下線部(e)の内容を,25 字以上 35 字以内の日本語で書け。なお,句読点も字数に含む。
問6 本文の内容と一致するものを次のア~カの中から二つ選んで,その記号を書け。
ア Benjamin High School was popular because its baseball team was very strong.
イ The coach at Rocky High School called John when John’s family were eating dinner.
ウ John’s father told the coach that John could not play baseball as well as the players at Rocky HighSchool.
エ When John’s father was a junior high school student, he wanted to be a professional baseball player.
オ When John’s parents talked with John in his room, they understood his mind.
カ John has given up his dream, but he practices baseball very hard at Rocky High School.


問1 ウ〇
問2 ア×
問3 他の野球選手たち×
問4 イ×
問5 I can do that!×
問6 オ〇、カ×



