

Ms. Kato said, “You are going to study about one foreign country and give a presentation again *in pairs, but this time I’ll make new pairs. Learning about a country is important, but it’s also important to work with many different students. I hope you will know more about your new *partners.” Her idea was interesting. When I heard about it, [ Ⅰ ]
Satoko became my partner, and we chose *Afghanistan. We sometimes talked, but we didn’t know very much about *each other. I was excited to work with her, but I worried about the presentation because we had to give it in front of the other students.
I said to Satoko, “I’m happy to work with you. There are many poor children in the world. They don’t have much food, can’t go to hospital, or can’t go to school. I want to work abroad for them. TV news sometimes showed us such children in Afghanistan, and I want to study more about the country.”Then Satoko said, “That’s a wonderful dream! My father is now working there as a *civil engineer.He teaches the people how to build *bridges, *roads and schools. I want to learn more about the
country and *surprise him.” I never knew about her father, so [ Ⅱ ]
We ( ① ) the next two weeks at the library after school. We found some books about Afghanistan,but they were not (A)sufficient for our study. So, we used the Internet to study more about the country. Satoko used computers very well and that really ( ② ) our work. We learned a lot about the country and found some problems. For example, there were many *wars in the country, and many houses, roads and buildings were *destroyed during the wars. Many schools were also destroyed, and many children had to help their families, so they couldn’t go to school. When I learned these things, [ Ⅲ ] We also talked about our families, school life and many other things. I asked Satoko about her father and his life in Afghanistan, and she asked me more about (B)my dream . We learned a lot about each other. Our presentation was a great *success. Satoko used a computer and showed some pictures on the *screen. I ( ③ ) many things about Afghanistan and its problems to the class. The other students said, “Your presentation with the pictures was very interesting, and it was easy to understand. It was really wonderful!” We were very happy to hear that, and we were also happy because we became good friends.

(1) ①~③にあてはまるものを,次のア~オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア spent イ called ウ answered エ explained オ helped
(2) 発表する国とパートナーが決まったときの香織の気持ちを次のように説明するとき,[ ]にあてはまる内容を日本語で書きなさい。
アフガニスタンについて聡子といっしょに学ぶことへの期待はあったが,[ ]もあった。
(3) 本文の内容から判断して,下線部(A)sufficient の意味に最も近いものはどれか,次のア~オから一つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア same イ enough ウ difficult エ small オ wrong
(4) 下線部(B)my dream とは具体的にどのようなことか,本文から読み取って 35 字以内の日本語で書きなさい。
(5) [ Ⅰ ][ Ⅱ ][ Ⅲ ] にあてはまる最も適切なものはどれか,次のア~オからそれぞれ一つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア I thought, “I don’t like the idea.”
イ I thought, “Who will be my partner?”
ウ I felt sad, and I really wanted to help them.
エ I wanted her to tell me more about him later.
オ I was happy because they wanted to know about Afghanistan.
(6) 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~オから二つ選んで記号を書きなさい。
ア The other students were impressed by the presentation of Kaori and Satoko.
イ Satoko chose Afghanistan because she wanted to work in the country like her father.
ウ Many children in Afghanistan didn’t have to go to school because they studied at home.
エ Ms. Kato’s idea was a success because Kaori and Satoko knew more about each other after their study.
オ Their hard work after school didn’t give Kaori and Satoko time to talk about their families and other things.


発表する国とパートナーが決まったときの香織の気持ちを次のように説明するとき,[ ]もあった。

下線部(A)sufficient の意味に最も近いものはどれか。
イ enough〇

下線部(B)my dream とは具体的にどのようなことか。

[ Ⅰ ][ Ⅱ ][ Ⅲ ] にあてはまる最も適切なものはどれか。
ア I thought, “I don’t like the idea.”×
イ I thought, “Who will be my partner?”×
エ I wanted her to tell me more about him later.×

ア The other students were impressed by the presentation of Kaori and Satoko.〇
エ Ms. Kato’s idea was a success because Kaori and Satoko knew more about each other after their study.〇


(1) ① spent〇 ② helped〇 ③ explained〇
(2) 発表する国とパートナーが決まったときの香織の気持ちは、アフガニスタンについて聡子といっしょに学ぶことへの期待はあったが、発表で失敗したらどうしようとの不安もあった。〇
(3) 本文の内容から判断して、下線部(A)sufficientの意味に最も近いものは「十分な」である。
(4) 下線部(B)my dreamとは、香織が世界中の貧しい子どもたちのために働くことである。〇
(5) [ Ⅰ ] イ〇 [ Ⅱ ] ウ× [ Ⅲ ] オ×
(6) 本文の内容と合っているものは、アとエである。〇


