
田舎暮らし体験記「マーケットのお手伝い」編-Rural Life Experience “Helping with a Sunday Market”ed.-


This time, I’m going to write about the helping with the Sunday Market.  
I left home at 6:30am and head to the town park where the market will be held. 

苗木/Plants and trees
野菜や果物/Vegetables and fruits 
お会計をして何がいくつ売れたかノートにつける/Write notes to keep track of what and how many items have been sold as a cashier. 
テント/Our tents 
途中でマッサージをしてもらったり/Get a massage. 
他の店でコーヒーを買ったり/Buy a cup of coffee at the other shop. 
他の店のグリーンカレーを食べながら店番したり/Sell our veggies while eating green curry from the other shop.


I imagined a fashionable life where I could buy fresh veggies and fruits on Sunday mornings and cook at home (I won’t).
