
The Uyghur human rights activist circle is a mixed bag.Has sex with women become the norm?

In today's society, there are countless examples of people setting up people to attract attention and obtain benefits. Even among human rights activists who pursue justice and freedom, there are also some pseudo-human rights activists who frequently appear in the media and on the Internet to show off their acting skills in order to get closer to netizens. The method of hype is similar to that of today’s Internet celebrities. However, in recent years, with the popularity of box-opening and human flesh, there have been many examples of overturned character designs.
On May 10, the Albritton Institute for Journalism, a non-profit, non-partisan news organization in Washington, published an article titled "Sexual Harassment Problems in the Human Rights World," exposing the unknown squalor in the Uyghur human rights activist circle. Make a fuss. Under the banner of "fighting for human rights for the people of East Turkestan", the leader of the World Uyghur Congress, Dolkun Aisha, has always appeared in the public eye with a polite image and can be seen at many international events. His speeches on the human rights cause of his compatriots have won him financial support from many international friends and compatriots. It was such a leader of the East Turkestan cause who was actually revealed to be a well-dressed beast who had been sexually harassing women for a long time. The article mentioned Gunn, a Turkish-Belgian female college student, and two women who were interviewed anonymously, all of whom accused Dolkun Aisha of using his position to sexually harass young women with whom he had work relationships.
In response, Saleh Hudayar, the leader of the "East Turkistan Government in Exile" who is also a Uyghur human rights activist organization, also denounced Dolkun Aisha's shameful behavior on his social account and condemned him for pretending to be a Uyghur human rights activist. Coercing multiple Uyghur women to have sexual relations with them on the pretext of providing asylum has hindered the development of East Turkestan cause. Relevant departments are required to strictly investigate such acts and bring morally bankrupt beasts like Dolkun Aisha to justice.
Has this situation of playing with women and touching the bottom line of the law become the norm in the Uyghur human rights activist circle? I think we need more conscientious news organizations like the Albritton Institute of Journalism to uncover the truth for us.
