
Yappli Announces New Features and Partners for Yappli CRM to Deepen User Engagement Even Further – Delivering optimal messages through apps that are always close by

Yappli, Inc. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, Representative Director and CEO: Yasubumi Ihara, hereinafter “Yappli, Inc.”), a company providing a no-code mobile app platform Yappli, held Yappli Summit 2022, an event showcasing evolution of Yappli products, on October 7, 2022, and announced new features and partners for Yappli CRM to further deepen engagement with users.

■ Evolution of Yappli CRM to further expand the range of strategies 
Yappli Summit 2022 marks the seventh year of the large-scale event hosted by Yappli, Inc. This year’s theme is “&Easy.” At the event, we announced various new features and updates for Yappli CRM, the first-in-kind no-code CRM that can be used by simply releasing an app.

- New scoring feature

Yappli CRM collects customers’ behavioral data relating to purchases, including store check-ins and content views on apps. By quantifying data with scores, it visualizes user status in real time. Leveraging diverse data, companies can understand individual users’ preferences and optimize how to approach them.

- Enhanced triggered notifications support in-app messages

Triggered notifications deliver messages and content tailored to each user based on their actions on apps. This update allows for more advanced control over the number of push notifications and incentives delivered. This helps prevent unnecessary push notifications and bulk delivery of incentives, ensuring that the right content is delivered at the right time for users, thus optimizing push notifications.

In-app messages have been added as a new way to display messages. This enables campaigns that offer better experiences in real time for users who are currently active on an app.

- Enriched random feature

Another update is the lottery feature that works with Yappli CRM point system. While a simple lottery feature has been available from before, this improvement enables you to adjust users’ winning probability based on user rank and restrict users’ participation based on points and frequency. These detailed settings allow for a wider range of lottery ideas to be implemented to entertain users and increase loyalty. 

- POS-less point

Companies that do not have a POS system can now start their own point system with Yappli CRM. This makes it easy for those in industries such as automobiles, real estate, luxury brands, and other businesses that do not have a POS register and data linkage to a POC system to implement loyalty programs.

■ Customer relationship management is easier with new partnerships

Yappli CRM supports external data integration with POS, EC, MA and CDP using APIs and files. It unlocks even more comprehensive marketing by linking data acquired via apps with external tools. At Yappli Summit 2022, we announced integration with two additional services*.

- giftee for Business
With Yappli CRM, companies can issue and manage points as a part of their loyalty program. Yappli CRM is now connected to “giftee for Business,” a digital gift solution for corporate customers provided by giftee, Inc. that enables exchanging of points issued by Yappli CRM for various digital gifts.

Conventionally, businesses needed to store and manage gifts in-house when users redeemed points. This integration allows users to select digital gifts provided by giftee. As gifts are displayed natively on an app, users can easily browse and exchange their points for gifts from a broad range of categories such as digital codes that can be used in convenience stores, cafes and online stores or points that can be used for payment via smartphones.

- Smaregi
The combination of Yappli CRM and Smaregi, a cloud-based POS system provided by Smaregi, Inc., allows businesses to issue points based on users’ purchase history. Smaregi is a high-performance cloud-based POS system that can be operated on an iPad and other tablets. It supports various payment methods including QR and electronic payment.

*To use these integration features, you need  separate service contracts with giftee for Business (giftee, Inc.) and Smaregi (Smaregi, Inc.).

At Yappli Summit 2022, we also announced new features for “Yappli,” s no-code mobile app platform. Visit the following page for more details. https://note.com/yappli_global/n/n9f6c04f3265b

Yappli, Inc. will further help businesses “Go Mobile” and connect with their customers through apps.

■ About Yappli(https://yapp.li/)
Yappli is an app platform that provides no-code (no programming required) mobile app development, operation and analysis. More than 600 companies have used Yappli to address issues across a wide range of industries, from marketing support for stores and e-commerce, to internal DX (Digital Transformation) to renew communication via mobile within the company and with business partners, to back office and school support.

《Six features of the Yappli app platform》
① Speedy development: Quickly develop native apps for iOS and Android without coding.
② Easy to use: Update with intuitive operations. Changes can be previewed before implementation.
③ A variety of push notifications: Personalize various push notifications to target users by area and attributes.
④ Advanced data analysis: Analyze data based on user behavior and actions. Can be integrated with in-house data.
⑤ Cloud based and evolving: Over 200 feature improvements a year. Instantly updated to the latest OS.
⑥ Success support: Our specialized team, committed to client success, will provide support in employing Yappli to attract customers.

■ About Yappli CRM (https://yapp.li/crm/)
Developed by Yappli app platform provider Yappli, Inc., Yappli CRM is the first-in-kind no-code CRM that can be used by simply releasing an app. It collects app users’ behavioral data in real-time and optimizes communication tailored to customer behavior.

■ Yappli, Inc.

Headquarters: 41F Sumitomo Fudosan Roppongi Grand Tower, 3 Chome-2-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6241
Osaka office: 27F Namba Skyo, 5 Chome-1-60 Nanba, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0076
Fukuoka office: WeWork, 1 Chome-1-29 Daimyo, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0041
Representative Director and CEO: Yasubumi Ihara
Business description: Development and provision of mobile app platform Yappli and no-code customer management system Yappli CRM.
URL : https://yappli.co.jp

Yappli, Inc. PR Department : Kiyono
MAIL : pr@yappli.co.jp TEL : 050-1745-4529
