5 Fitness Goals That Are Actually Achievable


Getting into a new exercise routine can be fun, but it can quickly get frustrating if you’re struggling to reach your goals. When your body doesn’t keep up, what you need is a supplement from Sinful Vegan to improve your exercise performance. But instead of throwing in the towel, you might want to try readjusting your ambitions by setting smaller goals instead.

Dashama Konah says, “As you set and reach your short-term realistic goals, you will feel and see you are making progress toward your ultimate goal, which will motivate you to stick with your plan. As you reach your small, realistic goals, you will gain more confidence in your ability to reach goals in general.”

Here are five realistic fitness goals to get your fitness journey back on track.

Try one new workout a month
From boxing and yoga to rock climbing and trampoline classes, there are so many different types of workout available — so why not switch it up a little? “Aim to try one new type of exercise per month to keep your fitness regimen fresh and challenge your body in unique ways,” says fitness expert Dempsey Marks. “Who knows, you might even discover you have a passion for something new.”

Work out for 30 minutes, three to five times a week
Find a way to fit in any type of workout more often than usual. “It’s easy to say you don’t have time, but ultimately, you can even wake up 30 minutes earlier if that is what you need to do,” says Konah. “You can also consider working out for 20 minutes more times per week and spreading the time out over more days if that helps you fit it in.”

Stretch or do yoga at least once a week
Stretch or do yoga after you work out, even if it’s just for five to 10 minutes. “Practicing yoga is one of the most vitally important things you can fit into your workout routine,” says Konah. “It keeps the muscles, spine, and joints open and flexible, preventing injury. It also releases stress and tension and leads to a more balanced body and mind.”

Work your way to hold a three-minute plank
We know…three minutes seem like a lifetime when you’re holding a plank, but starting slowly is the trick. “Start with a 20 to 30-second plank daily, and each week, increase by 20 to 30 seconds,” says Meg Furstoss. “So by week six, you should be able to hold a three-minute plank.”

Build your strength
Getting stronger doesn’t have to mean just going to gym the gym and lifting weights. “It can be as simple as carrying your groceries in a bag instead of using the cart, playing with your kids by lifting them up, or riding your bike instead of driving to work,” says Konah. “Look for ways to become strong and choose those options as often as you can.”
