Japan's annoying shutter sound on smart phones

The Shutter Sound Norm in Japan: A Voluntary Standard:

Japan, with its fascinating blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge technology, has a distinctive approach to smartphone camera functionalities, specifically the camera shutter sound. Unlike most parts of the world, in Japan, the camera shutter sound on smartphones is typically non-disablable. This means every time a photo is snapped, a clicking sound is emitted, and it cannot be muted.

Why the Non-Disable Feature?

This non-disablable shutter sound is not mandated by any law but is a voluntary standard adopted by smartphone manufacturers in Japan, aiming to curb clandestine photography and to protect individual privacy. This standard acts as a preventative measure against unsolicited and inappropriate pictures, making people aware when a photograph is being taken in their vicinity.
To delve deeper into this subject, please refer to: https://www.jluggage.com/blog/lifestyle/japan-shutter-sound-law/.

Public Opinion and User Experience

While the intention behind this standard is noble, it does come with its share of inconvenience and unpopularity. Users find it disruptive, especially when capturing moments in serene or quiet places or when they desire discretion. It has sparked discussions and debates, balancing privacy concerns against user convenience and preference.

For Visitors and Expatriates

Foreign visitors and residents in Japan might find this norm peculiar and inconvenient, as it contrasts with the customizable camera sounds in other countries. However, understanding and respecting this voluntary standard is crucial while experiencing the country’s vibrant culture and scenic beauty to maintain harmony and respect towards the local populace's values and concerns.

Adaptations and Variations

There are exceptions where some phones, especially older or non-Japanese models, allow the muting of the shutter sound. However, using such features for surreptitious and illicit photography is ethically wrong and goes against the purpose of the voluntarily adopted standard by the manufacturers.


The non-disablable shutter sound in Japan is a unique and thoughtful approach by smartphone manufacturers to address privacy concerns. Although not legally enforced, it is a reflection of the societal norms and values in Japan regarding respect for individual privacy. While this standard can be inconvenient for users wanting to photograph discreetly, adhering to it is essential to maintain a respectful and considerate atmosphere in Japan.
