
Story About Mahārāja's Mani

Once there was a country ruled by a Mahārāja. This Mahārāja was respected by people all over the world as wiseman and other nobles from every cardinal directions visited the country to exalt him. Despite of being positioned on such a high status, the Mahārāja was not only extremely wise, but also greatly compassionate as he treated every and each one of his citizens with great importance. Mahārāja also possessed vast amount of precious jewelries, but the one jewelry that he took great care the most was a breathtakingly beautiful Mani with an equally beautiful White Lotus flower embedded at the center. The excellence of this Mani outclassed the beauty of other jewelries as it shined way brighter than any of them.

One day, the Mahārāja summoned his servant who understood the excellence of his Mani very well and gave an order: 

"Go and present this Mani to the people. If you ever come across anyone who can recognize the absolute beauty and excellence of this Mani, inform me, so that I may summon them to my throne." Alas, the servant left. 

Along the way, the servant came across a group of people who didn't adorn themselves with jewelries and as they saw the Mani presented by the servant, they said: 

"This is nothing, but a mere piece of rock. It's valueless." And walked away. 

Next, the servant came across a group of people who adorned themselves with various jewelries and as they saw the Mani presented by the servant, they said:

"It's a splendid treasure, indeed. However, it's nothing special, for we have jewelries that are equally splendid." And walked away. 

Next, the servant came across a yet another group of people who adorned themselves with various jewelries. However, unlike the previous group, they knew deep down that a treasure which surpass any of their jewelries exited. When the servant presented the Mani to them, they all said with their eyes fixed to the treasure:

"What a gorgeous treasure! I never seen anything like it. Where did you find it?" 

After explaining the circumstances to the group, the servant quickly informed the Mahārāja. Upon hearing this report, the Mahārāja greatly rejoiced and immediately sent magnificent chariots pulled by elephants and horses to invite the ones who praised his Mani to his throne room. When they all arrived, the Mahārāja said: 

"You all have recognized the absolute beauty and excellence of this Mani. For that, I shall turn all your jewelries that you currently wear into great treasures." 

As the Mahārāja removed their jewelries and placed them on a table, they spontaneously began illuminating ever so brightly; as they all turned into great treasures far exceeding their previous splendor. Then Mahārāja told them as he returned the great treasures back to the members respectively: 

"No matter how magnificent or glittery the other jewelries/treasures may be, the absolute beauty and excellence of this Mani shall turn them into great treasures far exceeding their original splendor. And those great treasures shall be bestowed to those who acknowledge the absolute beauty and excellence of this Mani with all their heart, thus they shall appear far wealthier then before. Now, go out and tell the people about the beauty and excellence of this Mani. Turn the jewelries of those who can acknowledge the extraordinary qualities of this Mani into great treasures." 

This highly exalted Mahārāja is, in fact, Tathāgata and the country he rules is Sahā. The breathtakingly beautiful Mani with an equally beautiful White Lotus flower embedded at the center is, indeed, "Saddharma-puṇḍarīka-sūtra". This Sūtra never refute nor reject other existing sūtra/sutta that are also jewelries in their own rights. In contrary, this Sūtra of Saddharma aggrandizes them by making them whole, by turning them into great treasures. Such are the practitioner of Lotus Sūtra; the servants of Tathāgata who fully understands the supremacy of this Sūtra. Explainig/teaching this Sūtra with the Four Practice of Ease and Peace in our heart/mind, it's the practitioner's duty to call others on a different vehicle back onto Ekayāna through Saddharma. 
