
What Does It Mean To Oppose The Dharma?

The Dharma contained within the Lotus Sūtra as a whole encourages people to be wholesome and civil. When I mentioned to a good friend of mine about how anyone who opposes the Dharma are destined to go down the path of evil she asked me to elaborate on it and this was my explanation: 

The "Anrakugyō-hon (14th Chapter)" [安楽行品第一四] of Lotus Sūtra includes a set of "Bodhisattva mindset" called Shianraku-gyō [四安楽行] (or "Four Dharma/Practices") and these are what Buddha told to one of bodhisattva named Mañjuśrī when he asked what teachings he should carry out in a corrupt world. One of these "mindset" mentioned in this chapter is "Second Dharma/Practice of Speech" or "Kōanryaku-gyō" [口安楽行] which includes 「亦不称名。讃歎其美。」/ "praising the good aspects of an individual" and even「若口宣説。若読経時。不楽説人。及経典過。」/ "not to cast prejudice against other religions". As most people might already realize, these two are crucial moral pillars in a modern, civil society where the formal helps build healthy relationship while the latter is basic human rights. 

The Dharma of Lotus Sūtra is essentially the innate humanity stored within all of us just written down and anyone who opposes the Dharma oppose humanity whether intentionally or unintentionally like how Nazis persecuted Jews for their ethno-religion which again goes against the Second Dharma in "Anrakugyō-hon" that I mentioned previously. Though it's also important to remember that a well constructed criticism and skeptism of the Dharma is completely fine. Buddha's disciples did it all the time like Śāriputra (one of his top ten disciples) in "Hōben-hon (Chapter 2)" [方便品第二] when he kept on asking the same question regarding the nature of Upaya (i.e. aspect of guidance along the Buddhist paths) where Buddha finally gave in when he asked the third time.
This is where Buddha answered by saying every Upaya would return to the One Vessel (which is the Lotus Sūtra) and this is only accomplished by pursuing anuttara-samyaksambodhi or "One And Only Truth".

Though here's the catch, no mortal man could ever obtain anuttara-samyaksambodhi because the Lotus Sūtra never specified on what it is and none of the disciples even managed to figure it out, including our Śāriputra, but there are hints sprinkled all over the Lotus Sūtra. 

In "Darani-hon (Chapter 26)" [陀羅尼品第二十六], for example, when bodhisattva Bhaiṣajyarāja asked Buddha about the magnitude of benefit one can accumulate from embracing the Dharma in which he responded: 

「能於是経。乃至受持。一四句偈。読誦解義。如説修行。功徳甚多。」/"if one could embrace, read, recite, comprehend, and train according to the verses mentioned in the Lotus Sūtra, they would gain unmeasurable amounts of blessings" 

And similar narratives are repeatedly seen throughout the Lotus Sūtra. This is because, again, Lotus Sūtra is humanity. The One Vessel for us to live in harmony.

Namu-nichiren-daiseijin 📿🙏
Namu-myōhō-rengekyō 📿🙏
Sankai-banrei-shikkai-jōbutsu 📿🙏
