


引用元:『英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room』12/18/2021

Kevin: Hope you're going well with your studying English. My favorite cafe is Starbucks. If I want 作業I just 作業 there.
Yama: Starbucks.
Kevin: Yeah, if it's a cafe. Or I go to like, now I can't do it because it's no I'm in 都会 but like when I was in Kanagawa like I go to like a family restaurant that's not crowded at all. It's never 満席
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like, I stay there and just order like a ドリンクバー
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And then like, stay there for like, five hours, six hours and do whatever, do all my studies there. Yeah, 作業 there.
Yama: Yeah, I know there is some familyファミレス which is yeah, as you said never, never be crowded.
Kevin: Yeah, yeah.
Yama: But having you know, 電源コード 電源tap and free Wi-fi and, it's actually really comfortable to spend time in.
Kevin: Having, having the electricity tab is so important.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: the plug if it's there or not, it makes such a huge difference.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I wonder like, like, I feel like a lot of people value that so much. Like if you go to Starbucks, the 電源 seats are filled so quickly.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: To the point like, why don't they all make it 電源 adaptable. Like I don't know why anyone would now trying to make a new cafe that doesn't have a 電源seat.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Am I wrong?
Yama: Oh, I agree with you, of course.
Kevin: But,
Yama: Everyone wants that.
Kevin: Everyone wants the 電源seat.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Why don't they just offer like, make more, right? If there,
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Even if it's like, like you know, the coffee prices are get, get little higher than usual, I would, I would love to go there.
Kevin: Yeah, absolutely. People pay for it, yeah. If you have to focus, where would you go? Would you stay at home?
Yama: Yeah, home.
Kevin: You stay at home.
Yama: Or library.
Kevin: Library, wow. No 電源code, no 電源tap.
Yama: Sometimes they have.
Kevin: They do? Did they allow to use it?
Yama: Yeah, there's some like 自習スペースkind of like, there's a desk and you know, lights, partitions, there’s a 電源
Kevin: Oh, they got them? Wow, okay.
Yama: But not Wi-Fi though.
Kevin: Uh-huh. Right, right, right, right.
Yama: So sometimes I go to study or do something.
Kevin: It's good. Are you allowed to drink something?
Yama: No, I guess no. Only maybe only the,
Kevin: Bottle?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: If it's in a bottle.
Yama: Yeah, maybe.
Kevin: But you can't have like a takeout from Starbucks. You can't do that, right?
Yama: No, no eating, no like those drinking.
Kevin: I feel like the library seats. I've done that before, too. I feel like the library seats fill up fast too.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And they stay longer than people at the cafe.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So like, you have to get up early, can get a seat.
Yama: True.
Kevin: And then like, you have to reserve a seat, right?
Yama: There’s some you know, おじいちゃん おじいちゃんstudy people. They, they come like really early morning and stay there like whole day.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: Reading the newspapers you know, studying.
Kevin: You can't beat them. You can’t beat their earliness. Just can’t.
Yama: Where do you go?
Kevin: I go to um, recently I've made my own study room in the house.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: You know, I told you about that, right?
Yama: You built the new room.
Kevin: I did. I, in my closet. I emptied out my closet. I put like a chair and desk and I go in there.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And now I’m amount of oxygen if I stay there too long. That's a problem that I'm having right now. But recently that's my workplace.
Yama: Nice.
Kevin: Um, but other than that, I would go to like a, like a cafe. Any Cafe is good if it has enough space and then 電源and so like Starbucks, ファミレスand Burger King.
Yama: Really?
Kevin: Yeah, they got, they got 電源 some of them do. Actually, fast food restaurant is another option for me.
Yama: Yeah, like マクドナルド
Kevin: Yeah, モスバーガー
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Moss Burger is never full. So, like www So, I can go there.
Yama: Do they have like tabs?
Kevin: They do have tabs, they do, yeah. So I go on there and just 電源my ass so, like right. Instead of a cafe go to like a fast food restaurant, eat a meal, and then stay there.
Kevin: Yeah, that's nice. That's good. You know, merit.
Kevin: Right. I don't need a Frappuccino when I'm 作業ing.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: But I do need lunch, right?
Yama: True.
Kevin: So.
Yama: I, when I you know, back to my parent’s house sometimes stay like two nights, three nights and my father, he is a study guy actually and he returned from his work, like office work.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: And had dinner together, and go out for studying every day.
Kevin: Wow, Every day?

Yama: Yeah, and recently he's going to McDonald's. And sometimes I go with him to McDonald's together and you know, had both like one little ポテトフライor like hot coffee and じゃ
Kevin: That's nice.
Yama: Study together, yeah. That’s good memory. McDonald's is never like crowded in those deep night in my you know, those my parent’s house area. Makes me like really like, concentrated.
Kevin: So really like, that's really sweet memory.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: That's nice.
Yama: Yeah, it's not about money.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: It's just 100yen coffee, but
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: You can, you can have really nice and you know, concentrate times so.
Kevin: What is he studying right now, you know?
Yama: About not right now maybe, but like few months ago he was studying about 経営
Kevin: Uh-huh, like specifically like, you mean like 会計 or something or like,
Yama: Whole 会計 you know, there’s um, 資格for 経営 like you know, those MBA?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, those things.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I see.
Yama: And he's got a certain 資格
Kevin: Is it one of those 米国?
Yama: No, no that one.
Kevin: No those.
Yama: Yeah, in Japan. It’s 企業診断士資格 and he's got the one and, he, I guess he kind of work on that field too right now.
Kevin: Okay, that's related to job. It’s not only his like, interest of like pure interest. It's, it's more related to his job he has to learn it.
Yama: Yeah, like both.
Kevin: Okay. Are you learning something right now? Out of pure interest? If you, what would you want to learn?
Yama: I mean music maybe. I'm learning about how to master a track, how to mix a track. That's interesting how code progress.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: That's interesting now.
Kevin: If you don't have the knowledge, you don't, you just, if okay, so if you try to mix a song,
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Master a song without knowledge. What happens? You just
Yama: Will be like mess up.
Kevin: It just doesn't sound right?
Yama: Yeah, like it’s
Kevin: It’s sound, It's gonna sound weird? It's gonna sound like, like, dented? Slanted? Like, it's gonna sound like
Yama: Like, never be something that you want to be. You can, you don't, if you don't know about anything, you cannot control that. So, you can’t, you can’t control.
Kevin: You're not gonna know why it's causing this
Yama: Yeah, you can just you know, put something on it, you know, randomly. But that's you know, you never know the reason why this happened, and you never fix it, you never change it, yeah.
Kevin: Is it difficult? Is it hard?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Is it, wow.
Yama: And I'm, I'm now quitting of learning because it's really difficult and you need time. You need experiences. So, I've got certain knowledge now, so I stop learning in the further on this field, and try to hire some real professional so that we can make it much more better.
Kevin: Is it like, is it more like a technology knowledge or like more like the musical rhythmical knowledge?
Yama: Technology, knowledge.
Kevin: Technology.
Yama: Technology thing like, those machine knowledge.
Kevin: Uh-huh.
Yama: And also, not rhythmic music but ears are important.
Kevin: Got it.
Yama: Whether if you can hear or not, hear the difference or not you know.
Kevin: I see.
Yama: It's really tiny difference even I can sometimes “huh-, it's the same to me.” But if you have professional ears, you can hear the differences and you can adjust that difference, and later on that effect really huge thing.
Kevin: Got it. You know how like, currently like the music industry are like really getting popular with the streaming things? with streaming, I don't think it's that good quality.
Yama: But still.
Kevin: But still, versus like, there's, there's all these like high-res audios, right? Where you have like extremely expensive headphones with like, extremely high-quality audios. Like are the, are the, are the, the people in those professions pissed about it? That like, That's music streaming are like getting popularity, and the quality of the music is got kind of lowered, right? Versus when you had Walkman. You put the mp3 file in there. It's probably a little lower, right? Because yeah, are they pissed about it?
Yama: Yeah, they, or not pissed about it. But you know, even if they work really hard and make it like a perfect song. But when you listen through the streaming, you can hear like 60% of that. Then they will be like “oh, sad.” So, they want us, they want everybody to listen with great sound quality equipment like speaker’s headphones.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: So that they so that we can hear all details. Every detail that artist those engineer want to you know, express. You can, you can hear it so they want everybody to have that those but
Kevin: We're, we're running at a time we'll have one last question.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: If you get great speakers, and if you play your song from YouTube is that gonna ruin everything?
Yama: But, not perfect but certainly get better.
Kevin: Better.
Yama: Much better.
Kevin: Got it. If the speakers are good, it's so much better.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: All right. Thanks for listening guys.

