

引用元:「英語で雑談!Kevin's English Room」11-18-2021

Kevin: So what I was about to tell you was when I went to New York with my family um, I was um, so I did, I was, I was telling you that I didn't know nothing, right? I was following my parents just eating candy, my Nintendo DS playing Animal Crossing stuff like that. And I was at the subway and um,
Yama: New York.
Kevin: New York subway, right. And I, that's this was like one of the most frightening moments of my life I feel like. There was a, I don't know if I've ever told you this maybe I have. Uh, so the subway there were two lanes.
Yama: I've never heard about those stories in New York.
Kevin: Okay.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So there's two lanes, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And so I'm sitting down, so I can see the other train through the window, right? Like I'm sitting down on my train.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And there's a, there's a next train right there.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Next up, just
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Home over.
Yama: You both trains are moving.
Kevin: I yeah, my train stopped.
Yama: Okay, okay.
Kevin: My train just stopped and the door opened, right? And but the, the train in front of me was slowly moving.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: So it felt like I was still moving.
Yama: Ah,
Kevin: Right?
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: And um, family four me, sister, mom, dad, and the other three knew that the train stop and they were like “Okay, we gotta get off on this stop.”
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And got off.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And I was playing my DS.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Right? And I thought it was still moving.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So I didn't about to moving. The three then realize, right? that I was still sitting down. And but the moment that you know, they got off the train like they got really like they got, they passed the doors “Shit. Oh, where is my? Oh, shit! XXXX where you going?" And then I was I ran, I ran. I ran my little ass, right? to the door.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And before it closed, I just I, I flung myself to the closing door. But I didn't make it.
Yama: Oh, really?
Kevin: I didn't make it. But I had my hand.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: I was able to put my hand, hands in between the doors right before it's about to close.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Right? hands in there, right? I'm using all my muscle.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: To like, to open that door back, right? And the New Yorker was around me saw me “Oh, little Asian kid trying” wwww and then they came here and they helped me. They were so supportive. They were really nice. They were like, they helped me. They helped me try to get the door back open. And they were like they, they came close to me like “It's okay, it’s okay. I got this, I got you. I got you boy.” Like they, they were so helpful. And then by the time the whole family notice me like “Oh my God, my little Asian kid!” wwww not my little Asian “My son is in trouble!” and Dad came, he tried to open a door too and then finally the door open and I was my family.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: And thank God, right? Yeah, so that's what happened.
Yama: Wow.
Kevin: Yeah, it was frightening but also the, the New Yorkers around me were so supportive, you know? Like, like, I think three men just help me get the door back open.
Yama: So kind.
Kevin: They all so kind. But you know, I feel like a lot of the people in United States they have such a huge 正義感 Um, I, that's what me and my dad always said like they have so much 正義感 to the point then it’s annoying. Like it’s so annoying like it's okay. I always get that a lot, right? They do too much I feel like. I know they're being nice.
Yama: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: You know, and it’s kind you can say.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: But like it to the point where it's like, it's okay.
Yama: Yeah, it's a little
Kevin: It’s okay.
Yama: おせっかい
Kevin: Yeah, but yeah, that's what I think.
Yama: Yeah, yeah. Wow, that's a adventure story.
Kevin: Yeah.
Yama: From little Asian kid.
Kevin: Little Asian kid in New York. Must be tough.
Yama: Kevin in New York.
Kevin: Yeah, little Kevin in New York. I also had uh, it's a, this was also when I was in visiting New York.
Yama: Okay. Be careful when you're in New York.
Kevin: Yeah, you have to. So it was like this uh, It was in the middle of the road. And the view was good.
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: Right? You can see Manhattan. So the Manhattan was all the way over there and then the ocean or sea or whatever you call that shit and then the road like the like highway shit.
Yama: Nice.
Kevin: And then we stopped by the highway, got off and, and my family, our family was like “Oh, nice view like take a picture,” right? I, the dumb-ass boy that I am, I, I walked across the other side of the street, right? I don't know why I forgot. I probably have some sort of a reason, right? I don't know. Maybe a vending machine, I don't know. But I was at the other side of the road.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And uh, there wasn't any like crosswalk so like I walked, past out by myself with all the cars just watching all the cars just you know, go by and I just time, it was all timing, right? So it was a little dangerous. My family saw that I was all the way over there and they were like, “What are you doing? Come back! but like be careful!”
Yama: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: So like after I've been told to be like, “Hey, Kevin! Be careful!” I was like Oh, nervous, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: “Shit. I’ve got be careful, ok.” But I rush, right? I rush. I was timing, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: And I saw that there were no cars driving but only one car, one car. So I was like, okay, I do, I do, and I do Super Mario I know how this works.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Right? They're coming and I walk at the same time, right? And I well, timing I will time myself so that you know, I will fall(/follow) right behind the car. You know what I’m saying?
Yama: Okay.
Kevin: The car comes, right? The cars just trying to cross in front of me. I, I, I start walking.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: At the timing that you know, when we don't intersect like we don't hit each other. But just barely.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like I land behind the car, right? So that, that's the best timing, right?
Yama: I mean, yeah.
Kevin: So that doesn't you know, right? You know I'm talking about, right?
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: So I did I started walking and the car felt that I was asking for help.
Yama: Yeah, of course.
Kevin: Right? wwww Like so the car kind of stopped.
Yama: Yeah.
Kevin: Like the car was “Oh my God, this Asian kid. This little Asian kid is walking alone, I think he needs help.” and it was a family that was a car in a car with four family or something like that family four and they stop like, “Where are you ok? What do you need? What do you need son, you good?” And I was, I was so shocked. “No, no, I'm ok. I'm ok, I’m ok.” And the family was “You really ok?” and I ended to point out my family you know like, “Oh, just my son.” “Oh, ok.” just with my family back to my family again. So it was a little Asian kid, yeah, adventuring in New York part two.
Yama: It’s open in every Toho Cinemas on the 1st December.www
Kevin: 1st December 15 minute movie. Yep, so I was, I guess it was the first time I told you?
Yama: Yeah, I’ve never heard those experiences in New York.
Kevin: So be careful when you're in New York. Yeah, don't, just be careful. Make sure you're safe.
Yama: Was it your first time seeing metros like those?
Kevin: Yeah, yeah.
Yama: Two lines at the same time.
Kevin: No, two lanes at the same time was not the first time because no, but the subway in the New York itself is first time.
Yama: So you just thought you, yourself were moving.
Kevin: Moving yeah, that's exactly what I thought. Alright, thanks for listening, guys.
Yama: Thank you.

