
天の果てから(From the End of Heaven)


ウィリアム・ヘンリーの「クリストスの舟(Ark of the Christos)」の第一章を翻訳しました。

According to Sumerian and Babylonian myth, our reality arises from the aftermath of an incredible cosmic nightmare. Their detailed narrative tells of the conquest and
slaughter of a great Mother Goddess planet by Planet X, a mysterious roaming planet that swings to the far side of our solar system, and is expected to return to our part of the solar system soon. Enormous uncertainity accompanies its advent.


The Sumerians (pronounced ‘Shoomerians’) are a virtually unknown people to most. Their origins are uncertain to scholars. If Planet X is headed this way, however, their stories of their gods and recollections of humanity’s beginnings contain essential guidance for our times.


Five thousand years ago Sumerian astronomers made baked clay tablets and crystal cylinder seals researchers say depict our solar system. They show eleven globes encircling a large rayed star, assumed to represent the Sun.


Modern astronomy only recognizes nine planets in the solar system – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. It was not until 1781
that modern astronomy discovered Uranus, 1846 Neptune, and 1930 Pluto. If we include the Moon as a planet, as the Sumerians appear to have done, then we have a total of ten planets orbiting the Sun today. This leaves one planet; a planet much larger than Earth, but smaller than Jupiter and Saturn that the Sumerians depicted between Mars and Jupiter.


Whoever inspired the Sumerians to craft these seals appears also to have inspired the priestly poets, who, Sumerian scholar Zecharia Sitchin maintains, numbered the
planets in our solar system from the outside in, as if they approached Earth from outside our solar system.1 No names are given on the Sumerian cylinder-seals for the bodies depicted on them. This left it to the poets, or their muses, to fill in the blanks.


Sitchin, who began publishing his poetic interpretations of these tales in 1976 in his Earth Chronicles series of five books, revolutionized the study of the Enuma Elisha, the ‘Babylonian Genesis’, and the Hebrew Genesis by bringing forth a creation tale whose implications literally could transform the human race. His controversial work constitutes a potential major breakthrough in our understanding of fundamental questions that have always perplexed humankind: Who are we? How did we get here? What are we doing here? How do we return home?


In these olden texts we learn the extra planet located between Mars and Jupiter is called TIAMAT, a goddess who has two faces. In the patriarchal tradition she is called “the monster,” and the “serpent dragon of chaos.” While in the older matriarchal tradition she is called the “maiden of life,” and is described in glowing terms as a scintillating prize to behold: the primordial sea-goddess that would face an incredible Atlantis-like fate.


The Enuma Elisha tells how Armageddon struck this Goddess. She was violently split into pieces. One half of Tiamat was demolished and became the asteroid belt, “the hammered bracelet” or planetary debris field circling Mars and Jupiter. The other half became Earth. In other words, as Sitchin says, Earth is Tiamat reincarnated.


The Torah also refers to this destruction, alluding to Planet X as the Sumerians did as ‘the Lord’:


The Heavens bespeak the glory of the Lord, The Hammered Bracelet proclaims his Handiwork…2


Very alluringly the Torah adds: “From the end of heaven he emanates. 3


The hammering of this goddess is attributed to the first blacksmith or alchemist who ‘hammered out’ or rather ‘cast’ the world. His name was E.A. (pronounced Aya), the lord of wisdom and of mining or metallurgy.4
In the Babylonian retelling of the story E.A.’s son, Marduk, another name for Planet X, usurped his father’s authority and took credit for the slaying of this dragon, the original war in heaven later described in the Book of Revelation. After the confrontation, says Sitchin, Planet X remained in our solar system on a vast elliptical orbit of 3,600 years,5 making it too dim to see. It is a twelfth planet in our solar system, the tenth from the Sun. Hence it is called Planet X, the Roman numeral for ten.


E.A. is a central figure in our investigation.
Interestingly, E.A. was actually a name for the Goddess before it was used as a name for the male god. E.A.’s original association with the Goddess is reflected in its presence in East, Easter, and Earth, all words associated with the Divine Feminine.


The baked clay tablets left by the Sumerians, and interpreted by Sitchin, tell us that after the cataclysm that formed the Earth E.A. led a group of interplanetary beings from Planet X who descended on the wounded dragon to
seed new civilization. Sitchin estimates this occurred some 450,000 years ago.6


The Sumerians called E.A., and the first representatives of Planet X who descended on Earth, the An-nun-aki, or the Sons of Anu or Ana, meaning the ‘People of the God of Light’. The Ana race was known by various names. In Greece, the Annodoti. In the Celtic lore, the Tuatha de Danaan. In the Semetic scriptures (Torah, Talmud, Old Testament, and the Apocryphal texts like the Book of
Enoch), they are called the Nephilim, Giants, the Sons of God, or the Watchers. They are described as coming and going from the stars in fiery flying vehicles. They have weapons of mass destruction, which they used on one another. They wear high-tech clothing with attachments symbolized as wings, horns, and even fish scales. Each of these symbols indicated divine power and royal blood.

シュメール人はE.A.と呼び、地球に降り立った最初の惑星Xの代表者を、「光の神の民」を意味するアヌの息子たち、またはアナと呼んだ。アナ族はさまざまな名で知られていた。ギリシャでは「アンノドッティ」。ケルトの伝承では、トゥアタ・デ・ダナーン(Tuatha de Danaan)。セム語の聖典(トーラー、タルムード、旧約聖書、エノク書などのアポクリファル)では、ネフィリム、巨人、神の子、あるいは監視者と呼ばれている。彼らは星々から火のような空飛ぶ乗り物で行き来していると描写されている。彼らは大量破壊兵器を持っており、それを互いに使用した。彼らは、翼、角、さらには魚の鱗に象徴されるアタッチメントの付いたハイテクな服を着ている。これらのシンボルは、いずれも神の力と王家の血を表している。

The Bible also calls them the ELs, an ancient word that is found in many other languages including: the Sumerian EL, “brightness,” “shining,” Akkadian ILU, “radiant one,” Babylonian ELLU, “the shining one,” Old Welsh ELLU, “a shining being,” and the English ELF, “shining being.”7 I will refer to them as the Shining Ones.


Sitchin maintains the Shining Ones came to Earth in search of gold to mend an atmospheric crisis on Planet X. At first, he says, E.A. attempted to mine the gold out of the waters of the Earth.8 When the result was not satisfactory, his half brother Enlil came to Earth, assumed command, and moved the operations to Africa, where the gold was plentiful (and still is). When the labor became too intense for these ancient astronauts, E.A. genetically altered the proto-humans then inhabiting the planet, creating humanity as a slave race.

シッチンは、シャイニング・ワンが惑星Xの大気危機を修復するために金を求めて地球に来たと主張している。彼によると、当初、E.A.は地球の水から金を採掘しようとした。8 満足のいく結果が得られないと、彼の異母兄エンリルが地球にやって来て指揮権を握り、金の豊富な(そして今も)アフリカに事業を移動させた。古代の宇宙飛行士にとって労働があまりにも過酷になったため、E.A.は当時地球に生息していた原人を遺伝子操作し、奴隷民族としての人類を作り出したのである。

The interchange of the biblical term El and the Sumerian Shining Ones illuminates much of previously muddled myth and scripture, particularly the four quintessential quotations from the book of Genesis:


1:1 In the beginning, the Shining Ones created the heavens and the Earth.
1:26 The Shining Ones said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in the likeness of ourselves.
2:8 Yahweh (the leader of the Shining Ones) planted a Garden in the east…
5:24 Enoch walked with the Shining Ones. Then he disappeared because the Shining Ones took him away.

1:1 初めに、輝く者たちが天と地を創造した。
1:26 輝く者たちは言った、「私たちに似せて、人を造ろう」
2:8 ヤハウェ(輝く者たちのリーダー)は東に園を造った...
5:24 エノクは輝く者たちと共に歩んだ。その後、彼はシャイニング・ワンに連れ去られ、姿を消した。

From Sumerian records, Sitchin surmises that sometime after their arrival, E.A. and his partner, the goddess, Ninharsag, began to experiment with the wild Homo erectus they found inhabiting the delta regions of Africa. These experiments led to the cultivation of a lulu or “mixed one,” a hybrid who became a primitive worker and culminated sometime around 300,000 BC with the prototype the Sumerians called Adapa, the “model man,” and the Hebrews called Adam.9


There is little doubt E.A. and Ninharsag intended their initial creation, called lulu (meaning ‘mixed one’),10 to perform the hard labor required to benefit their home planet. However, at some point they appear to have changed their mind about using spiritual enslavement as a means to solve X’s ‘atmospheric’ problem. In a drastic change of heart, they abruptly went to the other extreme.


Sitchin recounts that E.A. and Ninharsag were not content to allow their creation to remain slaves. They set a course to dig their creation out of spiritual bondage by creating an advanced being through genetics research, forming them in a closer likeness that more closely resembled the Shining Ones.


Using their own genetic material, E.A. and Ninharsag came up with a new “perfect model” of earthling called Adapa. In time, Adapa was ordained as a high priest of
Eridu. He was known to have acquired wisdom equal to his father, for E.A. had “perfected for him wide understanding, disclosing all the designs of the Earth;
Wisdom he had given to him.” We are told Adapa, “daily did attend the sanctuary of Eridu.” He further was given the mission to spread his knowledge among mankind.


According to Sumerian legend, it was at this Temple at Eridu that E.A., the master of the secrets of all scientific knowledge, stored the ME’s (pronounced may) -- crystal-like objects, sometimes worn as ornaments on the body of the gods, on which knowledge including medicine, astronomy, astrology and temple building were contained.11 Adapa was nicknamed NUN.ME, or “He who can decipher the ME’s.”


Enlil, called the “prince of Earth” whose command made the heavens tremble,12 is militaristic, managerial, hands on, and totally opposite of E.A., the dreamer. He was furious at E.A. for creating this slave race (which he turned into sex objects). He was threatened by the appearance of Adapa.


There is the interesting statement in the Mayan Popol Vuh which reflects Enlil’s thoughts on the matter of ‘his’ slaves who became perfect: “It is not well that our creatures should know all. Must they perchance be the equals of ourselves, their makers, who can see far, who know all and see all? … Must they also be gods?”


One ancient name for these beings is the Irish sidhe (pronounced ‘she’) people. They are considered to be direct descendents or reincarnations of the Shining Ones.13 Evans -Wentz notes that these sidhe people are described as a race of majestic appearance and marvelous beauty, in form human, yet in nature divine.14 They are divided into two classes: those which are shining, and those which are opalescent and seem lit up by a light within themselves.15


The word sidh informs us of the nature of the
forbidden teachings that E.A. desired to teach. Sidh appears to be related to the Latin sedes and the Sanskrit siddha, both words meaning power.


The Sanskrit term siddhi carries the meanings “attainment,” “accomplishment,” or “perfection.” In the Hindu literature, this term is used to denote the abilities which self-realized or spiritually perfected individuals
possess and use unselfishly.


Scholars who have followed the ‘missing years’ of Jesus have shown that he received training in India from Hindu and Buddhist masters. They taught him yogic abilities called the ashta-siddhi. These eight powers are:


Animan, the ability to make oneself infinitely small in an instant; Mahiman, the power to grow infinitely large at will; Laghiman, or levitation, defying the law of gravity; Prapti, the power to touch any object at any distant,
such as scooping up a handful of dust on Mars; Prakamya, the ability to dive into the solid ground and move about as if it were air or water; Vashitva, total control over the elements; Ishitritva, the ability to create or destroy matter; Kamavasayitva, instant materialization of wishes.



Because of E.A.’s genetic and his ‘gift’ of the secrets of the stars, Earth humanity could be raised to the level of intellectual development of the ‘gods.’ The possibility that his creation could have even exceeded his otherterrestrial overseers is evidenced by the statement of Jesus, “…he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father.”16


Because of his desire to teach these powerful abilities to humanity E.A. was labeled as ‘the Serpent’. This knowledge, and the abilities it represents, is the true reason Enlil, who became Yahweh in the Hebrew tradition, was so enraged and threatened.


By this interpretation, E.A. was creating or activating a super race, remembered by the Essenes as ‘Children of Light’, and by other traditions in similar terms.


The magic wand-like elegance of this hypothesis has been used to explain the lack of skeletal evidence between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens, a creature that in the twinkling of an eye, or the wave of a wand, developed a huge brain and vastly improved faculties.


There is no missing link(s). Evolution was speeded up by our friendly neighborhood bioengineers. There was a quantum leap orchestrated by colonizers from Planet X who became the gods and goddesses of ancient myth and scripture. (It is unknown if they performed this alteration with the blessings of the Greater God.)


Throughout my more than ten years of study of what may be regarded as the Sitchin Hypothesis I have pondered several questions concerning the Shining One’s quest for gold and their creation of humanity as a slave race in order to acquire this element.


First, why travel all the way to Earth for an element that is reputed to be plentiful in the asteroids of space?


Secondly, why travel all this way only for gold? Why not many of the Earth’s other abundant resources? Water, for example.


Thirdly, instead of doing some risky genetic
engineering and combining their own DNA with that of the proto-humans already inhabiting the Earth, why did the Shining Ones not simply build machines or robots to do the work? If they were technologically able to build space ships, why not robots too?


Economically speaking a self-generating clone, such as the first humans, is a cheaper and more efficient solution than mechanical robots. However, this cost is offset by the
risk involved in creating a creature with powers equal to or even surpassing their own, which Sitchin asserts, was one of Enlil’s objections to his half-brother’s genetic tinkering.


The key to this story, as far as this investigation is concerned, is E.A.’s ability as an alchemist. Accepting the theory that E.A. and the other Shining Ones of Planet X were real life intelligences or beings from a technologically, though not necessarily morally advanced civilization, I have questioned why a metallurgist and ‘gene smith’ of E.A.’s reputed mastery would need to mine gold at all. As the father of alchemy he surely had the ability to manufacture gold from base metals. In fact, so attached is he to the art of alchemy, that this art may be thought of as the Mystery religion of E.A.


My approach to this story lies in the realization that, like the Egyptians, the Sumerians were accomplished exponents of the ‘pun’, a literary technique that gave several meanings by the use of one economical phrase or symbol. They probably learned this from E.A.

この話への私のアプローチは、シュメール人はエジプト人と同じように 「pun」 の達人であったという認識にある。それは一つの経済的なフレーズや記号を使うことでいくつかの意味を与える文学技術である。おそらくE.A.から学んだのでしょう。

Gold, for example, symbolized by the symbol , is an alchemical pun or symbol for soul, and for Sol, the Sun. Sol is an alchemical term for the essence of life hidden in gold.17 This essence is called the tinc-tura rubea (red tincture), red like the alchemical sun (and Planet X).18


This sun-substance drips from the Sun and produces lemons, oranges, wine, and, in the mineral kingdom, gold. In humans it is the “shining” or “lucent body,” and is akin to the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, it is the prima material, the gold, of which we are made, and the gold E.A. was likely in search of.


This may explain why some peoples believed that the gods’ flesh was made of gold, as did the ancient Egyptians who believed their Pharaoh’s bodies were made of gold.19


Another key to deciphering the alchemical meaning of E.A.’s mining activity is provided when we remember that water, the element from which E.A. first attempted to mine
gold, is often used as a metaphor for “mother” and “souls.” The ancients, particularly the Hermetic magicians, claimed that the maternal waters in combination with the maternal Earth created souls.20


Tiamat’s oceans were described as a womb full of the fluid of creation. If, symbolically, water represents souls as the fluid of creation, and gold represents soul, Tiamat’s,
and Earth’s, seas were full of souls.


Another candidate for the fluid of creation is
blood/DNA. A third possibility is Sol, the essence of life.

創造の液体のもう一つの候補は、血液/DNAです。第三の可能性は 生命の本質であるソルです。

In this light, when Planet X split or divided the stone of Tiamat in two she released an ocean of souls, blood or cosmic essence into the cosmos.


This is verified in the Greek version of Tiamat’s name -- Diameter or Demeter -- the cutting or dividing of a circle in two, or Dia (split) mater (mother/matter).


In addition to An, the Sumerians called Planet X Nibiru (‘Planet of the Crossing’).21 The modern appellation for this planet, X, is therefore quite synchronistic. The diagonal
cross with arms of equal length X is a very old sign. Compare its association with division with its use as a sign of multiplication from the beginning of the seventeenth century (the Enlightenment) and the law of the polarity of meanings of elementary glyphs becomes evident. As an
Egyptian hieroglyph it meant divide and break into parts, and was seen on the chest of Osiris, the savior god who was cut into fourteen pieces. This sign has a wide spectrum of meanings from confrontation, annulment and opposing powers to unknown and unfamiliar. 22


Here are a number of examples of the ways in which X is used: a crossbreed between different species or races (in botany and biology), takes (chess), cannot continue
(ground to air emergency code), unknown (mathematics) and unknown person (Mr. or Mrs. X).23


As we will see, the diagonal cross is also used as a symbol for Christ, whose body is symbolized by bread in the Eucharist ceremony and is broken in half.


Each of these meanings, particularly the last, is relevant to the story of Tiamat and Planet X, which was associated with the coming or advent of ‘the Lord’.24


My premise is that the beings from Planet X are interested in saving souls. One of E.A.’s original titles was “House-Waters”.25 Allowing for the interchange of water and souls renders E.A. as “Lord of the Souls.” Substituting soul for gold, as do alchemists, it is conceivable that the alleged planetary crisis Planet X was facing was not material but spiritual. Gold making or acquisition aside, the quest of the alchemist is the quest to transmute their soul into a higher form, apotheosis, or God making.


Simply, I ask, what if the decaying “atmosphere” of Planet X that E.A. was attempting to repair with gold was actually a soul atmosphere in decay? Suppose Planet X was experiencing a soul crisis and E.A. came to Earth in search of souls to replenish his homeworld.


Further suppose that the souls he intended to retrieve were once resident on Tiamat and were now embedded in the Earth.


E.A.’s partner Ninharsag’s title Nin-ti-nugga, ‘lady-life’ or ‘She Who Gives Life to the Dead’,26 may in an eerie sense, simultaneously reinforce my thesis and point to her special role as a representative of Planet X.


The mythology of Tiamat leads to the conclusion that it was a planet that was once one of the Pleiades, a star cluster that was also called the daughters of Atlas, Atlantides or Atlantis. 27


In the story of Tiamat we learn of a planet and a group of souls that sank in the night, of which there were survivors, who engaged in a long march to regroup, and reclaim a collection of power tools to assist in rebuilding their civilization so that the souls might return home.


The story of Tiamat, the former Pleiadean homeworld, is the Atlantis story in the stars.


The Pleiades are located in the constellation Taurus the Bull. They were believed by the earliest peoples to be composed of six visible stars, plus an invisible or hidden seventh. We now know there are actually hundreds of stars in this beautiful cluster which may explains why the ancients also called it the “Beehive”.


The thirteenth-century occultist Michael Scot once proclaimed that honey falls from the air into flowers, and then is collected by bees. To us, this sounds poetic. However, Scot was writing in the Language of the Birds or Bards (the language of the poets). This is the language of the alchemists, according to Fulcanelli.28

13世紀のオカルティスト、マイケル・スコットは、「蜂蜜は空気中から花に降り注ぎ、ミツバチによって集められる」と宣言したことがある。私たちには、詩的な響きに聞こえる。しかし、スコットが書いていたのは「鳥の言語」あるいは「吟遊詩人の言語」(Language of the Bards)である。フルカネリによれば、これは錬金術師の言語である28。

In this language the bee is an ancient symbol for the human soul, the flowers are the human body, and honey is the food that feeds the souls. Many occult groups, including the Merovingians and the Rosicrucians, incorporated the symbol of the bee, especially the bee hovering around the rose, as the symbol of the human soul. It is an emblem of Demeter or Tiamat.29 The beehive is a related symbol. The hive represents not only the bee’s industrious nature, but also the “collective soul.”

この言葉では、蜂は人間の魂の古代のシンボルであり、花は人間の体、蜂蜜は魂を養う食べ物である。メロビンジアンや薔薇十字団など多くのオカルト集団は、蜂のシンボル、特に薔薇の周囲を飛び回る蜂を人間の魂のシンボルとして取り入れた。これはデメテルやティアマトの紋章である29 。蜂の巣も関連したシンボルである。蜂の巣は、蜂の勤勉さだけでなく、"集合的な魂 "をも表している。

Most ancient words for soul are feminine: psyche, pneuma, anima, alma. 30 This is because the ancients believed every man had a female soul derived from the Mother Goddess (Tiamat) through Mother Earth. This makes perfect sense if Earth is Tiamat reincarnated. (This also gives further substance to the early Goddess worship religions.)

古代の魂を表す言葉の多くは、psyche、pneuma、anima、alma といった女性的なものである30 。これは、古代人がすべての人間は母なる大地を通して母なる女神(ティアマト)に由来する女性の魂を持っていると考えたからである。地球がティアマトの生まれ変わりであるなら、これは完全に理にかなっている。(これはまた、初期の女神崇拝宗教をさらに具体化するものである)。

Later, when the patriarchal (Enlilite) religions came upon the scene to write their version of “God” as a controlling and judgmental-old-bearded-white-man-on-a-throne, they imagined the soul as “breath,” pneuma that this male god could give birth to by speaking.


The Sumerians understood the soul to be the true source of awareness, personality and intelligence. Sumerian tablets in fact mention a soul in connection with the creation of Homo sapiens:


You have slaughtered a god together
with his personality (spiritual being)
I have removed your heavy work,
I have imposed your toil on man.31


A perplexing moral facet of this problem, argues attorney William Bramley in his book The Gods of Eden, 32 was how to grant these slaves enough intelligence to allow them to function without giving them awareness of their true spiritual potential. After all, Bramley asks, what self-aware spiritual entity would agree to a life of slavery?


Based upon how things are done in human society, Bramley proposes that the souls used to give life to these slaves were criminals, deviates, prisoners of war, detested social and racial groups, nonconformists, or other undesirables.


Bramley’s proposition, while entirely conceivable, simply does not ring quite true with me: particularly when the myth of Tiamat is factored in. Intuitively, it also does not feel like something E.A. or Ninharsag would do.


Instead of deviates, I suggest the souls E.A. and Ninharsag tended and implanted into the first human bodies were earth bounds from the destruction of Tiamat.


The accompanying Sumerian illustration shows E.A. and Ninharsag standing together in front of a pillar. Hanging from Ninharsag’s wrist is her omega symbol, “the cutter,” a tool used by midwives in antiquity to cut the umbilical cord.


As Sitchin points out in The Twelfth Planet,
33 she appears to be standing in front of some laboratory test-tube flasks or jars. It is useful to know that to represent the idea
of ‘love’ the Sumerians drew a simple container or jar with a burning torch inside to indicate the fermenting heat of gestation in the womb.

シッチンが『第十二惑星』で指摘しているように33 、彼女は実験用の試験管や瓶の前に立っているように見える。「愛」という観念を表現するために、シュメール人が簡単な容器や壺を描き、その中に胎内での妊娠の発酵熱を示すために燃える松明を入れたことを知ることは有用である。


In this scene are we seeing the gestation process of a fertile egg taking place in this jar? Is this in fact a jar? Or, is it possibly some form of advanced medical device? Is this, perhaps, a Holy Grail, or vessel of life, some form of soul storage technology?


This possibility allows us to entertain the idea that the rod E.A. is waving also is some form of advanced technology. In fact, in this scene we are told by the Sumerians, E.A. is waving his “Exalted Scepter and Staff.” This is the alchemical caduceus, the rod with entwined serpents. Among other things, legends tell us the caduceus can be used to infuse lifeless matter with life force and to conduct souls between dimensions!



Like her Egyptian counterparts Hathor and Isis, Ninharsag was portrayed as the Great Cow, the symbol for the Pleiadian creator goddess. She has been revered as the creator. Her actions and titles even suggest she is the true power behind E.A. She was called: the builder of that which has Breath (a code word for soul), the Carpenter of Mankind, the Carpenter of the Heart, the Coppersmith of the Gods, the Coppersmith of the Land, and the Lady Potter.


Ninharsag was later renamed the archangel Gabri-El (“God’s Hero”) in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Now, this is fascinating. Gabri-El appeared to the ‘Virgin Mary’, alerting her that she would soon conceive the Christ
child, Jesus.


In c. 600 AD, she visited the Prophet Muhammad, dictating the Koran to him. When Gabri-El escorted Muhammad to Heaven from atop Mount Moriah (Meru) in Jerusalem, a magnificent ladder/pillar appeared. He then flew to heaven on a female-faced Pegasus.


Gabri-El’s cosmic resume states she is one of four special angels called Seraphim (from ser, meaning “serpent” or “higher being,” and rapha, or “healer”), popularly known as the “divine fiery serpents of lightning.” This wise goddess was identified as the Serpent herself. Originally, says Barbara Walker in her
Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, 34 the word “seraph” was believed to mean earth-fertilizing lightning-snake, and later was interpreted as angel. In The Annunciation by Bartel Bruyn reproduced on the next page, Gabri-El waves the caduceus wand of the Seraphim and translates the soul of Christ along with the Holy Spirit, symbolized by the dove, into the body of Mary.


This episode may be interpreted an as example of ancient artificial insemination or genetic manipulation.



In this scenario, E.A. and Ninharsag did not design the human body merely as a tool to mine gold. Instead, they modified the human body as an ark or vessel for the soul. Alchemically, it is a resurrection machine or ‘soul flow-er’ designed to lift the souls of Tiamat out of the Earth and return them home.


It is an age-old mythological idea, notes the famed Swiss psychiatrist Dr. Carl Jung, that the hero, when the light of life is extinguished, goes on living as a snake and is worshipped as a snake. Another widespread primitive idea is the snake-form of the spirits of the dead.35 This idea may have given rise to the pun in the Hebrew words nahash (serpent) and nashamah (soul). It also illuminates the ‘lifting of the serpent’ found in so many contexts.


Ancient teachings reveal that a serpent (or soul) cannot stand erect of its own accord. By analogy, a serpent needs a tree to wind or lift its way up toward the world of spirit. Thus, the human spine represents a tree or flow-er on which the spiritual life force or soul can ascend. And thus comes the association with the serpent and the Tree of Life and the soul and the rose. Unless it has a vehicle in which it can ascend, a serpent (soul) is doomed to isolation in the lower worlds. Likewise, a body without spiritual animation is a meaningless heap of chemical compounds.


In a way, the human body, as a container of life force spun from DNA, is a receptacle and a flow-er of love. The blossoming of the human flower represents the manifestation and spreading of love in the universe. This
possibly explains why E.A. and Ninharsag were described as ‘gardeners’.

ある意味で、DNAから紡ぎ出された生命力の入れ物である人間の身体は、愛の受け皿であり、流れ手でもあるのです。人間の花が咲くということは、宇宙における愛の顕現と拡散を意味する。E.A.とニンハルサグが "庭師 "と表現されたのは、このためかもしれない。

In this scenario when we are told E.A. came to Earth to mine gold it points to his true purpose: to mine or ‘save’ souls. I am proposing that E.A. and the Shining Ones from Planet X who accompanied him came to Earth to rescue the souls of Tiamat.



This creates a clear picture of E.A. as the creator of a race of beings at the very beginning of human history whose purpose is to advance the human race. He was Earth’s first savior, or Christos in Greek. His purpose in genetically smithing the human body into its present form was not to create a slave race; it was to create a rescue vehicle or ark for the soul to return home. During its periodic return visits to this part of the solar system Planet X rendezvous with additional souls.


Is the human body the Ark of the Christos? Or is the Ark something else that the human body was designed to interact with?


Sitchin contends that Planet X was home to an enormously advanced civilization; we will go further to postulate that Tiamat was as well. To get to the core of this investigation we must consider the calamity on Tiamat as being more than a physical planetary cataclysm. We must consider that there were souls belonging to or resident on Tiamat.


Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson, authors of Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race present evidence for a human presence on Earth going back 600 million years.36 Is it possible that this evidence, such as shoe prints and metallic vases embedded in seams of coal or gold mines miles deep in the Earth, represents remnants of the cataclysm of Tiamat?

『禁断の考古学』の著者であるマイケル・クレモとリチャード・トンプソンは、6億年前に人類が地球上に存在したことを示す証拠を提示している。36 地球の何マイルも奥深くにある石炭や金鉱の層に埋め込まれた靴跡や金属製の壺などの証拠は、ティアマトの大災害の名残りなのだろうか?

Only from this perspective does the inner meaning and interconnections between the story of Tiamat/Earth and Planet X gain relevance in our world.


We are the survivors of the cataclysm of Tiamat. We are the souls that Planet X is preparing to rendezvous with.


How are we to prepare for this meeting? Interestingly, the same root elements of serpent and soul appear in the
Arabic word nashr, which refers to a Sufi tradition of depositing pockets of knowledge in a scattered (nashr) technique. The Arabic root NSHR, from which the word derives, also means ‘to expand, spread, display, propagate, revivify, disperse, and to become green after rain (or initiation).37 Green is the color of copper. In Hebrew scripture the serpent that is uplifted may be a reference to DNA. This suggests that green was the color of the healing “brazen” serpent lifted by Moses. This connection will have enormous importance momentarily.


In addition to designing the human body as a soul flow-er, or an Ark of the Christos, I propose that E.A. and Ninharsag implanted specific knowledge within our DNA for activating this flower or ark, and transforming the average human into a Shining One. The means to prepare oneself for encountering the Shining Ones is also embedded within. It is activated in dreams.


My basis for this proposition has to do with the repeated appearance in alchemical stories of a ‘copper-bound’ book. One of the most impressive examples of an apparently genuine transmutation of base metals into gold is also among the most fully documented -- that of Nicholas Flamel of Paris.38 Flamel was born about 1330. In his own words, he describes quite candidly how not only was he drawn to alchemy, but how, after ‘only’ twenty-four years of searching, encouraged by his wife, Perronelle, he finally discovered the secret of making gold.


Flamel was a manuscript copier and book trader. One night, he had a dream in which an angel appeared to him and showed him a large, copper-bound book with pages of thin bark, and engraved with strange hieroglyphic characters. The angel told him that one day he would discern the pages of the book. When he reached out to touch it, the book vanished into an aura of light along with the angelic figure.


For years, Flamel was haunted by the dream until one day the book appeared in his bookshop. It was the commencement of Flamel’s life work and the beginning of his attainment of the Philosopher’s Stone.


Another key figure in alchemical history that encountered the “copper book” is Dr. Carl G. Jung, who proposed the idea of the “collective unconscious,” the global brain, or what I refer to as the Thought Sphere.


In my book The A~tomic Christ: F.D.R.’s Search for the Secret Temple of the Christ Light, 39 I explored Jung’s interest in the alchemical dreams of Wolfgang Pauli, a patient of Jung, and a physicist who laid considerable groundwork in atomic theory. In this book I noted that many of the key
symbols of the Manhattan Project are
identical with symbolism that is found in ancient mystery religions, mythology,
folklore, fairytales – and especially
Holy Grail symbolism, and alchemy.


Dr. Jung personally experienced this symbolism and the “copper book” in his dreams. In his autobiographical Memories, Dreams, Reflections, he wrote:


“Before I discovered alchemy, I had a series of dreams which repeatedly dealt with the same theme. Beside my house stood another, that is to say, another wing or annex
which was strange to me. Each time I would wonder in my dream why I did not know this house, although it had apparently always been there. Finally came a dream in which I reached the other wing. I discovered there a wonderful library, dating largely from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Large, fat folio volumes, bound in pigskin, stood along the walls. Among them were a number
of books embellished with copper engravings of a strange character, and illustrations containing curious symbols
such as I had never seen before.
At that time I did not know to what they referred; only much later did I recognize them as alchemical symbols. In the dream I was conscious only of the fascination exerted by them and by the entire library…”


The experiences of Flamel and Jung are virtually identical -- the book, the copper engravings, strange symbols, illustrations and lettering. In both cases the men were motivated to begin an intensive study of alchemy. Jung actually recreated the library he had seen in his dream. His works on alchemy are considered to be classics in the field.


An important mythological key to Flamel and Jung’s stories revolves around Ninharsag. In the Indian tradition, this Serpent Goddess was known to have had helpers called Nagas who were depicted as mermaids. These Nagas (the reverse of ‘sagan’ or wise person) preserved collections of precious stones and sacred books in underwater palaces that contained the means to return to her womb. One of these serpents guarded the Book of Thoth, the Egyptian god of alchemy, consisting of the keys to heaven written in hieroglyphic figures and symbols that gave the initiate control over their destiny by expanding his consciousness.40 In the Greek tradition Thoth became Hermes, the guardian of Crossroads, symbolized by the X. The Sumerians called him Ningishzidda, “the Lord of the Key or Artifact of Life.” He was E.A.’s son.


Freemasons say that Thoth/Hermes possessed all secret knowledge on 36,535 scrolls that were hidden under the heavenly vault (the sky).41 He projected this knowledge into what I term a Thought Sphere and Jung calls the collective unconscious. It is a form of cosmic Internet.
Interestingly, the Egyptians called Thoth ‘the lord of the Net’. His ‘book’ was attributed to Ninharsag, the coppersmith of the gods.

フリーメイソンによれば、トト/ヘルメスはすべての秘密の知識を天の丸天井(空)の下に隠された 36,535 の巻物に持っていた41 。興味深いことに、エジプト人はトトを「ネットの支配者」と呼んでいた。彼の「本」は、神々の銅細工師であるニンフルサグによるとされた。

Piecing together these clues suggests to me that Ninharsag implanted the copper book within our DNA, or that our DNA is a tuner of the knowledge contained in the Thought Sphere. After initiation we turn ‘green’.


Assuredly, this ‘book’ contains information about Planet X and Tiamat.


The concurrent opening of the Thought Sphere via the Internet and decipherment of the Book of Life DNA, via the Human Genome Project, corresponds with the
prophecy given by the Old Testament prophet Daniel who had numerous visions for “the time of the end”.42 Daniel was instructed to “shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end.... and knowledge shall increase”.43


This is one of the most important and popular lines in all of prophecy. Presumably, this knowledge concerns a form of advanced sacred soul science. Today, our knowledge is increasing. It is doubling quicker than we realize. Most historians agree that the total amount of human knowledge doubled once between 4,000 B.C. and the time of Jesus. Then from the birth of Jesus to 1750, it
doubled again. From 1750 to 1900, it doubled again. From 1900 to 1950, it doubled again. We can see the time span it
takes for the world's knowledge to double is next to nothing anymore. In fact, it is now accepted that it takes less than two years for the doubling to occur.


Jesus appears to refer to Daniel quite often. One particularly favorite subject of both is judgment.


“Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out. And I, when I am lifted up from the Earth, will draw all people to myself”.44


In the book of Daniel we read:


“The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.”45

「裁判所は判決を下し、帳簿は開かれた 」45。

Jesus echoes this by saying that when the books are opened, “Now is the judgment of this world”.46


Judgment clearly refers to the lifting up of (or understanding) the serpent (DNA? Our soul?), and possibly lifting or opening of the books of the Thought Sphere. The opening of the green or copper Book of Life, our DNA, has changed our relationship with the universe. We hold the codes of creation in the palm of our hands. Is this what is meant by Judgmen Day?

審判は明らかに、蛇(DNA? 私たちの魂?)を持ち上げる(あるいは理解する)ことを意味し、おそらく思考球の本を持ち上げる、あるいは開くことを意味します。緑色または銅色の「生命の書」、つまり私たちのDNAが開かれたことで、私たちと宇宙との関係は大きく変わりました。私たちは創造のコードを手のひらに載せているのです。これが「審判の日」の意味するところなのだろうか。

In addition, another most remarkable effect of enlightening the Thought Sphere becomes possible. Jesus declares:


“I stand at the door, and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with Me”.47


In Revelation 4:1 it says “after this I looked, and, behold a door was opened in heaven,” and Jesus was there waiting.


Is there a relation between the one who is lifted up and the one at the door? More fantastically, are they one and the same thing? Is it E.A.? Is knowledge of how to open a ‘door in Heaven’ implanted within our DNA?


Is this what John meant when he said:


“No one has ascended to heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man”.48

「天から下ってきた者、人の子のほかには天に昇った者はいない 」48。

Immediately after this we read:


“And just as Moses lifted up the serpent (soul?) in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life”.49


“When you have lifted up the Son of Man (the
Christos), then you will realize that I am he”.50


“And I, when I am lifted up from the Earth, will draw all people to myself”.51

「そして、私は、地上から引き上げられると、すべての人々を自分に引き寄せる 」51。

As we approach the mysteries of the Ark of the Christos we shall find that Planet X is the likely subject of these and other prophecies, although many who subscribe to these prophecies are probably unaware that Planet X and the Shining Ones, particularly E.A. are their true subjects.


An example of how the mythology of Planet X is concealed comes from the Gnostic Christians, including the followers of John the Baptist, the Mandaeans, who called E.A. the Eye of Light52 or ‘King of Light’ and performed religious rites dedicated to him.53 The trail of the Mandaeans origins leads to Sumeria, present day Iraq. The trail of their destiny leads to America. They are the white skinned, blue-eyed Indians known as Mandans who brought ancient secrets with them to the new Promised Land or New Atlantis.


Their name is Aramaic for ‘knowledge’, i.e. a
translation from the Greek ‘gnosis’. It is highly important to acknowledge that an alternative name for the Mandaeans was the Saba. “Sabian” is a word derived from the Aramaic-Mandic verb “Saba” which means “baptized” or “dyed”, “immersed in water”. Thus, “Mandaean Sabians” means those who are baptized in the knowledge of God and who know the religion of God.

彼らの名前はアラム語で「知識」を意味し、ギリシャ語の「グノーシス」からの翻訳である。マンダイの別称が「サバ」であったことは非常に重要である。「サビアン」はアラム語とマンディック語の動詞 「サバ」から派生した言葉で、「洗礼を受ける」、「染める」、「水に浸す」という意味である。したがって、「マンデーのサビア人」とは、神を知るために洗礼を受けた者、神の宗教を知る者ということになる。

John the Baptist, of course, was the forerunner and baptizer of Jesus. Logically, this leads to a highly significant question: when John baptized Jesus did he also initiate him into the religion of E.A.? If so, what are the fundamentals of this extraterrestrial religion and what became of this Mystery teaching when ‘Chrisitianity’ was organized and its tenets formulated?



We shall answer that question as we continue. As a matter of fact, we will find that the mythology, symbolism and prophecy of all three patriarchal religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, can be traced to the Enuma Elisha, which reduced the cosmic epic of Tiamat and Planet X to an earthly tale of priestly politics. Though its popularity was not as great as other epics such as Gilgamesh, the tale of the god-king who sought the secrets of immortality, which was carried to far parts of the world, observers note that its appearance set the tone for the Iron Age as one of conflict between the older mythology of the Mother Goddess and the new age of the Aryan and Semitic father gods.54 The upstart father gods, and their priesthood, battled for supremacy in Sumer (Iraq), Iran, India, Anatolia, Canaan and Greece. The epic offered the first complete evidence of the changing of the gods. It represents the final end of a long cultural phase in which the Mother Goddess, whose image was both the sea and the great serpent-dragon, was transformed over many centuries into the demoness-mother to be avoided at all costs. The first assault was by Planet X. It was upon the last assaults by
the Hebrews and eventually the Pauline Christians of the fourth and fifth centuries AD that the story of Tiamat (along with the Mystery religion of E.A.) was finally suppressed and nearly forgotten.55


Unfortunately, along with this suppression came the containment of tremendous esoteric knowledge of human pre-history and human potential. Slaying the great red dragon as Tiamat is described in the Book of Revelation,56 therefore, also depicts the conflict between light and darkness within the DNA of each of us. We are challenged to overcome the dark nature and attain self-mastery through the release of the inner or esoteric knowledge contained within our individual ‘copper books’.


In mythology an object (usually a stone or a cluster of grapes, symbolized by the sign for the Word ) represented the serpent or dragon Tiamat’s secrets, sometimes near a tree. This object and tree often symbolize the gateway to Heaven, the point where connection (an ark, arch or bow) is
established between Heaven and Earth and immortality is achieved. (To make the bow
connection, think of Buddha who was enlightened beneath the bo or bow tree of enlightenment.)

神話では、蛇や竜のティアマトの秘密を表す物体(通常は石やブドウの房で、「言葉」の記号で象徴される)が、時には木の近くに置かれている。この物体と木はしばしば天国への入り口を象徴し、天と地の間に接続(箱舟、アーチ、弓)が確立され、不死が達成される場所である。(弓で結ぶには、悟りの木(bo or bow)の下で悟りを開いた釈迦を思い浮かべるとよい)

The search for this ark, arch or bow is among
our primary quests in the pages that follow, which begins with acquainting ourselves with Tiamat.

