The 13-year period between 1999 and 2012 is considered a season of prophecy which Maya prophets claimed leads to a moment of new creation resulting in the transformation of our world.


When the Tula-Tura-Terror interchange is applied, we find that another way of saying our Sun will be in direct alignment with Tula is that it will be in alignment with Tara, Tura, or …Terror.


It is therefore quite intriguing, to say the least, that the global consciousness of humanity initiated its sudden ‘War on Terror’ at the same time that, mythologically speaking, we have entered the Age of Terror.


One who appears to have synchronized with the global mind, and is most closely associated with the War on Terror, is President George W. Bush. The alignment of his consciousness with terror can be traced to his inauguration on January 20, 2001.

グローバル・マインドとシンクロし、「テロとの戦い」と最も密接に関連していると思われるのが、ジョージ・W・ブッシュ大統領である。 彼の意識とテロとの一致は、2001年1月20日の就任式までさかのぼることができる。

When Bush stood before the Washington Monument, or “faced the obelisk” as the Masons say, on that dark and stormy day his address was short, direct. Missing from the inauguration of our 43rd president was the magic dust of a poet like Robert Frost or Maya Angelou who lent to Bush’s predecessors the blessings of the muse. There was nothing here of JFK’s soaring “ask not what this country can do for you” or even his father’s high-toned “thousand points of light.” Instead, at the end of his inaugural address Bush borrowed a surprising image from the past:

あの暗黒の嵐の日、ブッシュがワシントン記念塔の前に立ったとき、あるいはメイソンの言うように「オベリスクに向かい」たとき、彼の演説は短く、直接的だった。 第43代大統領の就任式には、ロバート・フロストやマヤ・アンジェロウのような、ブッシュの前任者たちにミューズの祝福を与えた詩人の魔法の粉が欠けていたのだ。JFKの「この国があなたのために何ができるかを問うてはならない」という高らかな言葉も、父親の「千の光点」という高らかな言葉も、ここにはなかった。 その代わりに、ブッシュは就任演説の最後に、過去から驚くべきイメージを借用した:

“After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: ‘We know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?” Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nation’s grand story of courage, and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this story’s author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. ... And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.”


“And an Angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm”.


Excuse me?


As one who has investigated ancient mythology, the ‘whirlwind’ is a classic term for what today is described as a UFO.


These words make Sitchin’s interpretation of the Shining One’s earthly activities mandatory reading. As he documents, the Shining Ones are the prototypes for the angels of the Old Testament who fly around in whirlwinds.


The Hebrews called them Terrors.


Surely, Bush couldn’t have been referencing space aliens or speaking in code to the illumined.


Or could he?


As it turned out, this statement produced some discussion. Former presidential speechwriter Peggy Noonan, in a Wall Street Journal column, wrote that the phrase was “opaque.”1 She had to read the “Angel on the Whirlwind” twice before she took its obscure meaning, but most of those listening at home and in the Capitol did not have a text. Presumably, it sailed right on past them, leaving the nation to sigh a collective “huh?”

結果的に、この発言は議論を呼ぶことになった。元大統領スピーチライターのペギー・ヌーナンは、ウォールストリート・ジャーナルのコラムで、このフレーズを「不透明だ」と書いている1。彼女は「旋風の天使」を2回読まないと、その不明瞭な意味を理解できなかったが、自宅や議事堂で聞いていた人々のほとんどはテキストを持っていなかったのだ。おそらく、この言葉は彼らの前を素通りし、国民は "はぁ? "とため息をつくことになったのだろう。

To what does the president’s opacity refer? The question of the whirlwind was never put to Bush by the national media. This left it open to interpretation.


Some Christians on Internet discussion groups were nervous about the statement. It sounded biblical, they opined. The “race to the swift” phrase is a quote from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. The origin and meaning of the “angel in the whirlwind” phrase, however, is less clear.

インターネットの討論会では、この発言に神経質になっているクリスチャンもいました。 聖書的な響きがある、と彼らは意見を述べた。徒競走」という言葉は、旧約聖書の「伝道の書」からの引用である。しかし、「つむじ風の中の天使」という言葉の由来と意味は、あまり明確ではない。

While there are plenty of references to angels and whirlwinds in the Bible, one cannot find the exact phrase. In almost all the biblical quotes the “whirlwind” image is used to describe action, usually judgment, direct from God. Nahum 1-4 clearly states this:


“The LORD is a jealous and avenging God; the LORD takes vengeance and is filled with wrath. The LORD takes vengeance on his foes and maintains his wrath against his enemies. The LORD is slow to anger and great in power; the LORD will not leave the guilty unpunished. His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.”


Isaiah 40:23-25 affirms this perspective.


He brings the princes to nothing; He makes the judges of the earth useless.


Scarcely shall they be planted, Scarcely shall they be sown, Scarcely shall their stock take root in the earth, When He will also blow on them, And they will wither, And the whirlwind will take them away like stubble. “To whom then will you liken Me, Or to whom shall I be equal?” says the Holy One.


Bush’s use of this reference sounded presumptuous to the ears of some believers. How can a politician liken his decisions to intervention from God? Clearly God is in control. And, the Old Testament God is wrathful.


Looking deeper into this term, we find that the Old Testament authors frequently employed the opaque term ‘whirlwind’ and applied to it the meaning of flying vehicle.


Isaiah 66:14-16 says, “See, the Lord is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.”


In Job 38:1-2 the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind.


2 Kings 2:1-2 notes that when the Lord took Elijah up to Heaven he did so in a whirlwind.


Elijah is a pivotal figure in the world of millennial prophecy. Elijah did not die, but rather, was translated to Heaven in a whirlwind from atop Mount Moriah in c. 800 BC after a chariot of fire came out of the sky.


In fact, he was one of only three Old Testament mortals to ride the whirl to Heaven. The first was Enoch. The second was Elijah. The third was the King of Tyre, who built Solomon’s Temple. Chapter 28 of the Book of Ezekiel tells us that this king was molded (genetically engineered?) to be perfect and wise (as Adapa), and therefore was allowed to take the ride to Heaven;


Though art molded by plan, Full of wisdom, perfect in beauty. Tho hast been in Eden, the garden of God; Every precious stone was thy thicket… Thou art an anointed Cherub, protected; And I have placed thee in the sacred mountain; As a god werest thou, Moving within the Fiery Stones.


After achieving the Grail, the King of Tyre’s’ heart “grew haughty,” a term which means “defile the Temple.” We will encounter this king again momentarily.

聖杯を手に入れた後、タイアの王の心は 「高慢になった」、「神殿を汚す 」という意味である。この王とは、またしばらくして出会うことになる。

The Jews believed Jesus to be Elijah.23 Jesus declared John the Baptist came in the Spirit and power of Elijah.24 This man from Tura Maddai or Tula with the Holy Wisdom incarnate in him will return again, say the prophets, along with Moses, as one of the two witnesses to the Christos during the ‘End Time’.2 This time is prophesied to be one of horrifying and cataclysmic Earth changes.

ユダヤ人たちはイエスをエリヤと信じていた23。イエスは、洗礼者ヨハネがエリヤの霊と力によって来たと宣言した。24 このトゥラ・マダイまたはトゥラ出身の、聖なる知恵の化身である男は、モーセとともに、「終わりの時」にクリストスの二人の証人の一人として再び戻ってくると預言者たちは言う。

In short, the witnesses will return during an era of terror, which incidentally, Nostradamus said would see the return of the King of Terror (or Tyre).


Instead of the Old Testament prophets, the media turned to a book titled Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution written by Benson Bobrick for insight into Bush’s enigmatic phrase. Bobrick, interviewed by phone from his Vermont home, said he did not understand the connection between the “angel in the whirlwind” and Bush’s inaugural address, since there is no national crisis taking place today to compare with the creation of a new nation in 1776.


Of course, that was in January 2001. On revelation day 9:11 a net of terror would be thrown over the land, and the great goddess America would be ensnared in her gravest national crisis since Pearl Harbor.


The Thought Sphere was next. During the following several days, while the skies went silent, the consciousness of the planet shifted to the all-terror channel. All eyes focused on America. The days of terror turned to weeks. On October 7 the War on Terror officially began.


Before 9:11 there was something direly prophetic, and potentially disturbing in Bush’s choice of poetic fare.


After 9:11, as one reads and examines the accompanying lines of the poem from which the phrase derives, one pauses in poetic bewilderment at their content. The “angel in the whirlwind” phrase is traced to “The Campaign” by English poet Joseph Addison. In 1704 Addison wrote:


So when an angel, by divine command, Hurls death and terror over a guilty land; He, pleased the Almighty’s order to perform, Rides in the whirlwind, and directs the storm.”


At every inauguration the words of the president are weighed heavily. History is happening and we search for inner meaning. Presidential speeches are thoroughly edited and rewritten numerous times. Over thirty governmental departments dissect and crosscheck presidential speeches for impact on policy.


It is beyond belief to me that a president, presidential speechwriters or presidential advisors would include the keynote statement about the “angel in the whirlwind” without first checking its full context and its reference to the angel ‘hurling terror on the guilty land by divine command’. Was the source of this phrase checked? If so, how could this image of the terrorist angel who directs America from a whirlwind evade detection?


Is this statement a gaffe? If it is, it is a mighty large one. In Washington circles a gaffe is when the truth accidentally slips out.


This is not a Bush-bashing platform. Nor is it a suggestion that Bush consciously knew that terror was about to engulf human consciousness. My investigation into the angel in the whirlwind is intended as an illustration of the all-knowing, prescient and synchronistic global mind at work. It is a search for understanding of the symbolism and words of our times, particularly the words of our presidents who, from time to time, sound more like prophets who know a lot more than they are letting on.


For instance, in retaliation for the terror attacks on 9:11, George W. Bush vowed to strike at the shadowy network of international terrorists called Al-Qaida. This name is dangerously close to Al Qidr or A Khidr, the Islamic name for John the Baptist. Maktab Al-Khidamar (MAK), the covert CIA operation which supplied arms to accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden is an even closer match to Al Khidr.

例えば、9:11のテロ事件への報復として、ジョージ・W・ブッシュはアルカイダと呼ばれる国際テロリストの影のネットワークを攻撃することを誓った。この名前は、洗礼者ヨハネのイスラム名であるAl QidrまたはA Khidrに危険なほど似ている。テロリストの首謀者とされるオサマ・ビンラディンに武器を供給していたCIAの秘密作戦「マクタブ・アル・キダマル(MAK)」は、A Khidrにさらに近い名前である。

Bush called the War on Terror a “crusade,” and led his friends to believe that he viewed his new duty as a mission from God. “I think, in (Bush’s) frame, this is what God has asked him to do,” a close acquaintance told the New York Times. “It offers him enormous clarity.”4 According to this acquaintance, Bush, who at his inauguration dedicated his administration to Jesus Christ (to the surprise of millions of Jews, Muslims, Shiites, Buddhists, Hindus, and other excluded religions), believes “he has encountered his reason for being, a conviction informed and shaped by the president’s own strain of Christianity,” the Times reported.


Bush’s use of the word “crusade,” which has a European connotation of chivalrous knights in shining armor driving the infidels out of the Holy Lands, conjured up very different memories in the Islamic world, where a “crusade” refers to a bloody Christian holy war against Arabs. In 1099 the Christian Crusaders massacred tens of thousands of Muslims sheltering in the Mosque at Al Aqsa in Jerusalem.


Osama bin Laden seized on Bush’s proclamation of his strain of Christianity to rally Islamic fundamentalists. A typed statement attributed to bin Laden called the coming war “the new Christian-Jewish crusade led by the big crusader Bush under the flag of the cross.”


Bush further irritated old Middle Eastern wounds in promising retaliation through “Infinite Justice,” a sacred act reserved only for Allah.


His reference to Iran, Iraq and North Korea as an “Axis of Evil” at his State of Union Address in January 2002 was so ill received it caused a massive worldwide exodus of support for the War on Terror. It made Europeans feel like America was the aggressor to be feared.


Bush’s announcement of the “Shadow government” in February 2002 sent alarm bells ringing for many. It reminded me of seeing Bush during the 2000 presidential campaign. He was repeatedly shown speaking before a stylized flag with only a handful of stars and stripes instead of the official fifty stars and thirteen stripes. It clearly was not the flag of the United States of America. It puzzled me that the Bush campaign would not use the American flag.


I had the opportunity to ask Gore campaign officials and speechwriters about this strange flag. Their response varied from “What flag?” to “Oh, it’s simply a stylized flag or a portrayal of the flag flying in the wind.”

私は、この奇妙な旗について、ゴア陣営の関係者やスピーチライターに尋ねる機会があった。彼らの反応は、「何の旗?」というものから、「ああ、単に様式化された旗か、風になびく旗の描写だ 」というものまでさまざまだった。

In hindsight, was it the flag of the “Shadow government”?


Symbols and words, especially the words we speak say the Hopi, count exceptionally heavily during this era of history. The most powerful word of all is terror.


It is indisputable that 9:11 marks a key turning point in history. After this day of revelation the word ‘terror’ was indelibly stamped in the global mind. The massive, in fact unprecedented, media imprinting of this word that followed 9:11 activated a line in our consciousness. Terror became the motivating battle cry of our government just as the ‘war on sin’ once motivated the early Church. Before September 11 we were in reach of the Grail, afterward we found ourselves in enmeshed in the darkness of no man’s land. Suddenly, we live in a world of terror.

9:11が歴史の重要な転換点であることは、議論の余地がない。この日の啓示の後、「テロ」という言葉が世界中の人々の心に深く刻み込まれたのである。9:11に続いて行われた大規模な、それどころか前例のないこの言葉のメディアへの刷り込みは、私たちの意識に一線を画すものでした。テロは、かつて「罪との戦い(war on sin)」がそうであったように、私たちの政府の原動力となる叫びとなった。

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was repeatedly quoted as saying the War on Terror could last generations. The inference here is that not just a war on terror has begun, but an Age of Terror has commenced.


Whether this Age will be short or extremely long remains to be seen.


In its initial phases this is clearly a consciousness war far more than it is a marshal one. The primary weapon in this war is propaganda.


n seeking a deeper understanding and perception of the Age of Terror and the propaganda of the War on Terror readers will be well served to make more than a passive acquaintance with the meaning of the word terror in the collective mind and, along with it, the words ‘angel’ and ‘whirlwind’. Behind these words is their association with the Terrors or the Shining Ones from Planet X. Appreciation of this fact ups the ante in Bush’s inaugural statement.


Some claim that Planet X is headed this way for a rematch with Tiamat/Earth, and soon. Regardless of whether this is an actual event or a consciousness event we are in the neural net of it. Like the red light of the whore, warning of Planet X’s arrival will appear in the form of a Red Cross or red light in the sky or in human consciousness. There is plenty of objective scientific evidence pointing in the direction of the return of Planet X, though “officially” it is undetected.


As was widely reported, in October 2001 two teams of scientists — one in England, one at University of Louisiana at Lafayette — independently reported hints of a massive, distant, still unseen object at the edge of the solar system. This conclusion is based on the highly elliptical orbits of so-called “long-period comets” that originate from an icy cloud of debris far, far beyond Pluto. The way Planet X disturbs these orbits is reminiscent of the way the approaching footsteps of T-Rex caused the rippling of water in a glass in Jurassic Park. Physicists put the planet in an orbit about 3 trillion miles — or half a light-year — from the sun. The nearest star is four light-years away.


This is the only the latest rumbling in the “official” search for Planet X. The ripples began in 1982 when NASA themselves officially recognized the possibility of Planet X, with an announcement that ‘some kind of mystery object is really there -- far beyond the outermost planets’. One year later, the newly launched IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite) spotted a large mysterious object in the depths of space. The Washington Post summarized an interview with the chief IRAS scientist from JPL, California, as follows:


“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope... ‘All I can tell you is that we don’t know what it is’, said Gerry Neugebauer, chief IRAS scientist.5


This discovery is cited as the motivation behind President Ronald Reagan’s unexplained statement to reporters after the Summit talks with Gorbachev in 1985. He said he reminded the General Secretary that we “are all God’s children.” Said Reagan (ragen, to reach up), “ I couldn’t help but say to him:


Just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if suddenly there were a threat from some other species from another planet outside in the Universe. We would forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries, and we would find out once and for all that we really are human beings here on this Earth together.”


He stressed to Mr. Gorbachev how “America’s commitment to the Strategic Defense Initiative – our research and development of a non-nuclear, high-tech shield that would protect us against ballistic missiles.”6


Reagan would repeat this New Age message:


• in his address before the United Nations in 1987,
• at the Summit at Washington DC in 1987,
• in 1988 at the National Strategic Forum,
• and again in 1988 at the Moscow Summit.

  • 1987年に国連で行った演説の中で、

  • 1987年にワシントンDCで開催されたサミットにて、

  • 1988年、国家戦略フォーラムにて、

  • 1988年のモスクワ・サミットで再び。

Reagan historians dismiss this statement, citing it as an example of ‘the Great Communicator’s’ sense of humor. It supposedly left Gorbachev bewildered and amused.


This explanation, proffered by a Reagan biographer on the G. Gordon Liddy radio show, is neither academic nor scientific. In fact it is laughable, as it does not explain why Reagan would beat the same dead horse at so many important meetings.


Nor does it explain why Gorbachev repeated Reagan’s ‘joke’ in a major address at the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow in February 1987. After ruminating about the destiny of the world and the future of humanity he recalled his meeting with Reagan in Geneva.


At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the Earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion.


I shall not dispute this hypothesis, though I think it’s early yet to worry about such an intrusion.”7


The Reagan-Gorbachev “let’s cooperate in space” exchange is hauntingly similar to the vision of the abrupt end of the Cold War proposed by president John F. Kennedy. Speaking before the commencement exercises at the American University in June 1963, Kennedy said:


“In short, both the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its allies, have a mutually deep interest in a just and genuine peace and in halting the arms race. Agreements to this end are in the interests of the Soviet Union as well as ours -- and even the most hostile nations can be relied upon to accept and keep those treaty obligations, and only those treaty obligations, which are in their own interest.


So, let us not be blind to our differences -- but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.”


It was Kennedy (Irish for “ugly head”), the so-called king of Camelot, who sent us to the Moon as a symbol of our salvation.


As Kennedy assassination researcher Jim Marrs points out, just ten days before his military-style murder/execution in Dallas on November 22, 1963 Kennedy issued National Security Action Memorandum No. 271, titled “Cooperation with the USSR in Outer Space Matters, addressed to the Administrator of NASA, at that time James Webb.8


In this remarkable memo Kennedy instructs Webb to “assume personally the initiative and central responsibility within the Government for the development of a program of substantive cooperation with the Soviet Union in the field of outer space, including the development of specific technical proposals.” Kennedy added that this plan was a direct result of “my September 20 proposal for broader cooperation between the United States and the USSR in outer space, including cooperation in lunar landing programs.”


In this memo lies a plan for peace. If the United States and the Soviet Union cooperated in joint space operations the Cold War would have ended immediately. The “Moon Race” would have become a “Moon Dance”. Twenty-five cold years of arms build-ups and mistrust between the two most powerful nations on Earth would have been avoided. Thousands of billions of dollars could have been diverted from development of weapons of mass destruction to the development of civilization. This hopeful scenario was snuffed with the assassin(s) bullets.


On through the administration of Ronald Reagan, we were still warned against the “evil empire” and the costly Cold War continued.


Why did Reagan suddenly seek to end this War? Why not continue it, and allow the military-industrialpropaganda complex to enjoy its obscene profit? WW I, WW II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the Gulf War. War was BIG business in the 20th century. The 21st century is starting out no differently. Forecasters say the United States Defense budget will surpass one trillion dollars between 2002 and 2012.


To those in the UFO field Reagan’s “ET message” answers the question of the end of the Cold War. This statement is no joke. Instead, it may be the most important message he ever delivered. It points to outer space as the next great battlefield. Reagan’s offer to share secret Stars Wars technology and cooperate with the Soviets in space was a defensive measure. The war after the War on Terror, it appears, will be fought in space against an extraterrestrial foe.


In my opinion, a message comparable in importance to Reagan’s ET message was delivered by George W. Bush in Washington DC on January 20, 2001. Was George (‘the dragon slayer’) W. (‘the serpent’) Bush’s statement motivated by knowledge of Planet X and the Shining Ones, the angel(s) in the whirlwind who direct this storm? Is the War on Terror a preamble to an impending confrontation in space?


Or, was his choice of this phrase simply an amazing synchronicity and a poorly timed choice of words?


Ark of the christosの第四章を翻訳。
