
ラクスル体制変更のご報告 - Announcement of Personnel Change of Representative Director in RAKSUL

English follows Japanese.






社内新規事業とM&Aを両立した拡大と、事業領域の選択と集中による ”Quality Growth” を同時に実現する経営がこれからのラクスルの成長を支えます。これまでの0→1/1→10を重視した経営から、10→100を実現していく経営への進化を牽引する新たなリーダーとして、現CFOの永見さんにCEOをバトンタッチすることを発表します。(プレスリリース



最後に、私がCEOを退任することに驚かれるかもしれませんが、ぜひ新たな挑戦を歓迎していただけますと幸いです。ジョーシスもビジョンは同じ "BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD" です。私たちが共有するこのビジョンはこれまで以上に強く生き続け、世の中に価値を生み出し続けていくでしょう。



To our business partners, shareholders, and alumni of RAKSUL

Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported RAKSUL's journey so far. Since the foundation of RAKSUL in 2009, we have together overcome many challenges and achieved incredible growth. This is all thanks to the tireless efforts and commitment of all RAKSUL members and partners, a result of doing business with our valued partners and the faith our shareholders invested in our future. I am deeply proud of our journey together and the results we have achieved along the way.

It has been an entire decade since we launched Raksul in 2013. Over the past 10 years, we have established a sharing platform in the Japanese printing industry and significantly transformed the industry. We have built new systems in various industries, such as Hacobell, Novasell, and Josys. We welcomed new members such as Danball One, Peraichi and Netsquare, and grew together.

As a result, we went public in 2018 and are now a company with the revenue of 40 billion yen, EBITDA of 3 billion yen, and a staff of over 500. These are achievements we have all made together, and words cannot express my gratitude for having built this business with you.

As we approach the 10-year milestone, I have spent the past year considering the optimal leadership to realize RAKSUL's vision of “BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD” for the next decade. And I have come to a conclusion.

What will anchor the future growth of RAKSUL is the management that concurrently achieves expansions balancing the internal new business development and M&A, and “Quality Growth” through selection and concentration of business domains. I am pleased to announce that I am passing the baton of CEO to Mr. Nagami, our current CFO, as a new leader who will lead the evolution of management from valuing 0→1/1→10 to realizing 10→100. (Details here.)

Since Mr. Nagami joined RAKSUL in 2014, we have together been leading the growth of RAKSUL. I have always trusted the future that Mr. Nagami envisions, his calm and bold decision-making, and his deep love for the team. I believe that under Mr. Nagami's strong leadership, RAKSUL will continue to protect its culture and create a new future.

My commitment to RAKSUL will remain, and I will continue to protect its vision and culture as a Chairman and Founder. I will be spending most of my time on Josys, a new business of RAKSUL group. This is because I am confident that the success of Josys will bring new values and growth to RAKSUL group.

Lastly, you may be surprised by the changes due to my stepping down as CEO, however, I will be grateful if you could welcome the new challenges. Josys also shares the same vision "BETTER SYSTEMS, BETTER WORLD." The vision that we share will continue to live stronger than ever and continue to create values in the world.

I would greatly appreciate it if you continue to warmly watch over the growth of RAKSUL.

Founder & CEO
Yasukane Matsumoto
