
Ellenの部屋1 『Jacob Tremblay Joins Ellen for the First Time』

2016年に当時9歳のJacob Tremblayが出演した時のトークの様子です。9歳とは思えない受け答えに驚きましたが、彼が大好きなスターウォーズに関連する贈り物を見た時の驚きの表情や嬉しそうなところを見ると、年相応だなあと感じました。



0:00~ 緊張についての話
1:00~ デカプリオに会った時の話
1:55~ hot dadの話
2:26~ 好きな科目の話
3:18~ スターウォーズの話


■she DVRs it all the time.(0:40)
・DVR→Digital Video Recorderの略で動詞化されている。

they had to bring a box out for you to be on stage there.(0:55)   
・bring something out → 手で持ち出す、取り出す

I like recess(2:26) 
・recess → 休み時間

cuz I don't want some Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, JJ Abrams to come and make millions of dollars off of my ideas.(2:45)
・make money off~ → ~で金儲けする

it's formal because it has a bow tie.(3:40 )
・bow tie → ちょうネクタイ



■ And I noticed Leonardo DiCaprio right in the chair behind us
このright in the chair behind us ってどこのこと指すんでしょうか?「私たちの後ろの席の右側」であってるでしょうか?わかる方がいれば、ぜひ教えてほしいです。



Ellen: First of all, you're just as handsome as you can be, and you're so good in this movie.When I saw the movie, I don't know if anyone's seen Room yet, but you were so good in this movie. I mean you're nine years old, nine years old, and that's quite a performance. Cuz it's you know, you have to, there's some heavy acting in there.
Jacob: Yeah.
Ellen: And obviously you've been,you won the Critic's Choice Award,congratulations to winning the Critic's Choice Award.
Jacob: Thank you.
Ellen: And you were nominated for a SAG award. Now does it make you nervous to be in front of all these people?
Jacob: Actually, it is very nervous because this is first time on the show and also this is like, one of my favorite shows. Like, my sister really likes it, she DVRs it all the time.
Ellen: Thanks so much. Tell your sister thank you and thank you for that. But I mean when you're like at an award show, and you're looking out, and you see all these famous actors that you.
Jacob: Yeah. 
Ellen: Does that make you nervous?
Jacob: Yes.
Ellen: Yes?Yeah they had to bring a box out for you to be on stage there. And look at you meeting Leonardo DiCaprio, look at that.
Jacob: Yeah.
Ellen: How did you meet him? Did you go up to him? Or did he go to you?
Jacob: Well I went up to him and kind of a funny story because everyone was standing up to cheer for someone so I stood up and I checked to see how many people were standing up. And I noticed Leonardo DiCaprio right in the chair behind us, so then I just walked straight up to him and I noticed a huge line of people trying to meet him.
Ellen: Sure.
Jacob: And I'm just like, I'm a kid, I can just skip it. So I skipped it and I said hi.
Ellen: And he knew who you were I bet.
Jacob: Yeah.
Ellen: I'm sure he saw your performance.
Jacob: And I said, I, and then I said good luck to him. And then he said good luck to me.And he won, right
Ellen: Yeah.
Jacob: But I didn't win. So if you wanna win, you just have to come up to me.
Ellen: I see. So you know your dad is in the audience, he's getting a whole lot of attention.
Jacob: Yeah. 
Ellen:  He's been called the hot dad because I guess he was photographed with you And there's your hot mom next to your hot dad.
Ellen:  So, how is that having a hot dad?
Jacob: It's funny. They're just laughing at it and my mom calls my dad now hot dad.
Ellen:  Well, they're both hot parents just so you know you have a hot dad and a hot mom.So what is your favorite subject in school?
Jacob: I like recess.
Ellen:  Uh-huh. Yep.
Jacob: And then I like writing stuffs because when I grow up I'm gonna be a script writer.
Ellen:  Good.
Jacob: And the director.
Ellen:  That's fantastic. You have ideas that already and you start writing them down
Jacob: Yes. But I don't think I should tell you them cuz I don't want some Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, JJ Abrams to come and make millions of dollars off of my ideas.
Ellen: You're a very smart fellow. Those guys will steal anything. Well good, you should write down, especially with your life is very exciting right now, you should keep a dairy and kind of write down everything that's happening to you.So you're a Star Wars fan, I know that right?
Jacob: Yes.
Ellen: Who's your favorite character? In this new one.
Jacob: My favorite character is Oscar Isaac because I met him.
Ellen: Yeah, he's very nice, isn't he?
Jacob: Yeah he's super nice.
Ellen: Yeah. So you're going to present at the Oscars and Yeah. So you're going to present at the Oscars and because he's your favorite character I got you something to wear to the Oscars, okay?
Jacob: Okay.
Ellen: So it's formal because it has a bow tie.
Jacob: It has a bow tie?
Ellen: And then you have that.
Jacob: Yeah.
Ellen: Isn't that great?
Jacob: Yeah.
Ellen: Nobody else will be wearing it when you're on the red carpet and they say, who are you wearing?
Jacob: And I say rebel clothes.
Ellen: That's right. I wanna see this at the Oscars.Okay.
Ellen: Promise, you'll wear it at the Oscars?
Jacob: Yes.
Ellen: Alright. You're so good, Room is in select theaters.Alright. You're so good, Room is in select theaters.
We'll be right back.
