
Ellenの部屋5『Ellen Helps Reunite a Family for Million Dollar May』




0:00~ Achiengについて
2:43~ Achiengの家族について
3:30~ サプライズ
5:30~ 賞金獲得ゲーム


■ I was like, OK (1:44)

■ we partnered with Walmart for the entire month of May to give away a total of $1 million to deserving people. (5:32)



■ I actually know a little bit more about you than I'm pretending to know.(1:10)


Ellen: As I said, before the show starts, I'm backstage in my dressing room, and I watch the audience dance before I come out here. And I saw this one audience member dancing before the show. Take a look at her. She-- look at this. Look at that. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep, that's right. So I wanted to meet her. Where are you? Come on down? Hi.
Achieng: Oh my God, hi.
I just love this entire look.
Ellen: Thank you. I love it. And you just look so happy. What is your name?
Achieng: My name is Achieng Agutu.
Ellen: That's right. Gesundheit. Achieng
Achieng: Achieng, yes.
Ellen: Achieng. OK, and where are you from?
Achieng: I'm from Kisumu, Kenya.
Ellen: Oh, wow. That's amazing. I actually know a little bit more about you than I'm pretending to know. I do know that you're from Kenya. And I do know that you used to watch the show in Kenya.
Achieng: Yes.
Ellen: And that you learned some English from watching my show.
Achieng: Yes.
Ellen: How did you do that?
Achieng: People told me the best way to learn a language is through watching music or listening to music.
Ellen: Right.
Achieng: And so when I used to see artists on your show, I used to take down notes on the songs that they wrote and then I'd go to a cyber cafe and look up the lyrics and then learned the lyrics and then, therefore, learned English.
Ellen: Wow.
Achieng: Because I was watching you. You know a lot of lyrics of just about every song that we played on here.
Ellen: I was like, OK. And so what made you move to the United States?
Achieng: So I moved here about five years ago with the Graces, my host family, and I moved here for higher education. And-- sorry. I'm just so excited that I'm here. But it's been amazing, and it's also been really hard for my family back in Kenya, because they've honestly done every single thing that they have from selling land to taking loans, borrowing money, to be able to pay my school fees, but also just make sure that I'm comfortable.
Ellen: Yeah.
Achieng: They're still in Kenya.
Ellen: Yes they are. And you work-- how many jobs do you work here?
Achieng: OK. So I work one full time job. My 9 to 5, I'm an admissions counselor at Holy Cross College.
Achieng: But then I babysit for two families. Uh huh. I wash people's houses--wash people's cars, I clean their houses, I'm an Uber driver, and then I also teach English to international students. And some of the darker students in the South Bend area.
Ellen: But that's all? That's all you do? That's incredible. All right. And your family members-- so it's your-- who's there?
Achieng: OK, so it's me, my older brother, Churchill, and then my dad and my mom.
Ellen: Yeah. And they're all three in Kenya.
Achieng: My brother is in South Africa.
Ellen: OK.
Achieng: But my parents are in Kenya.
Ellen: I see. OK.
Achieng: Yes.
Ellen: Well, I kind of-- they help a lot of families there too, right?
Achieng: Yes. So my parents really want to give back to the community because they feel like they've been really blessed. And so my parents are helping about 10 plus kids from our family, but also from the village that they live in. So they're paying for their school fees like uniforms, books, all that fun stuff.
Ellen: That is incredible. Yes. All right, well. We sent-- I can't believe that we were able to do this. We sent a camera crew to Kenya.
Achieng: No.
Ellen: And South Africa. And so, let's see if we can-- Look! Hi, everybody.
Achieng's family: Hi!
Ellen: This is so exciting. This is the clearest picture we've ever had. This is crazy. All right, so it's been a while, right? How long has it been since you've seen Achieng?
Achieng's brother: It's been two years. I miss you so much, Achieng.
Ellen: And you two, you're--oh. See, that's what I mean. All right, well we still have your brother. What's your brother's name?
Ellen: My brother's-- my brother's name is Churchill.
Ellen: I'm getting-- I'm getting-- it's back here, right? I need to get the controls. Open the door, because we have to fix this. Open the doors. with Achieng and her family, and they have not seen each other in two years. How does it feel to be together?
Achieng: Thank you so much, Ellen. Just thankful. This is amazing. And you inspire us so much. And the fact that you're able to do this is just amazing.
Ellen: Well--
Achieng's father: I think we feel grateful. It's immense for us. It's so huge.
Ellen: Well, we're grateful for all of you. It's just-- it's amazing. So I know you want to help her out in getting an education, and we partnered with Walmart for the entire month of May to give away a total of $1 million to deserving people. I want to play a game so you guys have a chance to go home with some money. It's time for Million Dollar May. Oh my God. Y'all were-- we didn't even rehearse that. Here's what's going to happen. We're going to play Three Card Monte. But since it's Million Dollar May, behind each of those cards is a certain amount of money. OK? Behind one is $10,000, behind another one, $25,000, and behind another one, is $50,000. OK? We're hoping you pick the $50,000, because obviously.
Achieng: Obviously.
Ellen: That's what we want you to go home with. So you have to remember where it is when we shuffle them around.
Achieng's father: Come on.
Ellen: Well.
Achieng: I lost it.
Ellen: Yeah. I know where it is, for sure.
Achieng's father: Umm.
Ellen: All right. What do you think? Do you all-- Should we speak--
Achieng: We're going to go with two.
Ellen: All right. Let's hope, it's $50,000. Let's go with two! We have a lot more money to give away this May, so if you know someone doing something amazing, I want to hear about them. Use the hashtag #sparkkindness . We'll be right back.

